Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Rigby!

Today is my bff Rigby's birthday! Mom let me pick out a present for him. I think he'll like it. It looks just like me! (And when Mom wasn't looking, I rolled all over it so that it smells just like me too!) It's the little added touches that make for an awesome present. Mom picked something out too, something that looked very good and that she has never bought for me. I offered to test it out, just to make sure it was ok-I don't want to give my bff a bad present, but Mom said NO! So Happy Birthday! Have a great day and watch out for Stumpy!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Playing hide (but not seek) with Dad

I think that Dad might be home. But I also think that he is hiding from me. I can't go and look for him because a) Mom locked me in the kitchen and b) I think he is upstairs and I can't climb up those stairs. I'm lying by the gate so that I get a good view of the living room for when he comes downstairs. I love spending the day with Dad! He is my number one most favorite person (even though he squirts smelly stuff in my ears and pulls out all my fur with the comb).
    Yesterday Mom came home to walk me and I wasn't very excited to see her. But then all of a sudden, Dad came home at lunch too! He must have missed me so much that he wanted to come home and see me. I don't think Mom misses me at all. But then she might still be mad at the fact that I didn't appreciate her pushing my head down to force me into my crate-I gave her a warning air snap (never even came close to biting her) but she was mad anyway.

In protest of my bff's forced bathing

Mom read me my bff's blog about how he was forcibly bathed! I felt really bad for him so I decided to start my own protest against  bathing. I think that I can get Dad and AT to join in with me, probably not Mom though, she always smells way too clean. I let Mom brush me so that all the useless loose fur would go away and I could get a good layer of stinkiness going on permanent fur. There is no point in rolling in something stinky if all that fur is coming out anyway. This morning Mom let me out in the backyard and I ran around sniffing so that I could find the stinkiest place to roll and I found a good one. I rolled around so that it got all over me. Mom came over to see what I was doing and to see what I was rolling on, but she couldn't cause she was using her eyes, not her nose! Ha! Here's to you, Rigby! May you get properly stinky again quickly! Now I just have to hide from Mom and Dad so they can't give me a bath.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Still too hot

It's still way too hot out, but my Dad brought me frosty paws! It is the tastiest food in the world-even better than cheese or liverwurst! Dad tried to trick me into eating my kibble by putting the frosty paws in my bowl, but I knocked all the kibble out!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Too hot to move

This weather is crazy-it went from rain all the time (and who wants to go out in the rain!) to incredible hot yucky weather. It is too hot to do anything but lie on the kitchen floor and eat ice cubes! Mom went out to try to garden but came back in. She put on all the ceiling fans. I am too hot to even be naughty!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Lazy day

Today was my favorite kind of day-a lazy lying around the house day.  Mom was lying on my futon in the guest room so I ran in there to snooze a while with her. Then she moved to the couch in the living room so I was forced to relocate too. I took a long nap on the couch in my favorite position-on my back with my paws in the air and my head hanging off the edge of the couch. It does wonders for your spine.Plus you get the full benefit of the breeze from the ceiling fan. Then Mom and I took a really long walk and I practiced being a therapy dog! Everyone knows that rubbing a dog's belly makes you feel better, and I like to give everyone I see the chance to feel better! First we met a boy and his little brother. I yodeled at them to get their attention. Then I flopped down on my back so they could pet me. The one boy rubbed my belly but the little one just waved at me. Next time I thought! We walked some more and a lady said that I was a cute pup. That is very true! Then we saw some Grandma and Grandpa looking people on a bench (Mom said that's the polite way of saying they were old) and I ran over to say hi! I put my paws up on the bench so they could pet me. The Grandpa man scratched me under my chin and rubbed my ears. I think they both felt better after that so Mom and I left. We went home and sat on the front steps and I grazed on some grass. Now we're just waiting for my favorite person to come home-DAD!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Anything is better than kibble!

This morning, even though I was so tired, I still managed to muster up energy when Mom sat on the couch with food. When Mom has food, you have to use the element of surprise to get it from her. You can't let her sit down and have time to move the food out of reach. So as soon as she sat down, I lept up on her lap and stuck my snout in her bowl. She was quite surprised as was I because there were blueberries in the bowl. I was hoping for cheese! Mom pushed me, quite rudely, off her lap but then gave me a blueberry. She wasn't even disturbed by my noseprints on her blueberries cause she ate them all!

Still recuperating

I am still working on catching up on all the sleep I lost during yesterdays double death march! My poor little feet need to soak in some cool water but Mom hasn't offered me a chance to do so. Instead, she opened my crate this morning and grabbed me while I was stretching and greeting Dad. We went downstairs, where , in her current insanity (probably due to her sunburn) she actually made me go outside and WALK! My dogs were definitely barking! In fact, I kinda understand that phrase now! Every step was agony.Mom thinks I am faking it, pointing to the fact that last night after a walk, I had crazy time and did laps around the living room and into the guest room where I was going too fast and bonked my head on Dad's elbow. That was purely do to the extreme hapiness that the walk was over!  Finally we got to go inside where I had some water and flopped down on the kitchen floor.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The longest walk EVER!

This morning Mom got up super early. This is suspicious I thought to myself. Then Dad got up! Maybe we are going somewhere I thought as Mom let me out of my crate. I ran over to see if Dad would tell me. Dad brought me downstairs and Mom put my harness on. A ride in the car! That's what the harness means! We all got in the car and took a very long ride to Brooklyn. When we got out of the car, I could smell the ocean and I saw a big bridge. Mom and Dad were watching ships but I couldn't see them until I jumped up on the wall and stuck my head through the railing. Those ships are very far away I thought, and that jinxed me! Mom and Dad made me walk all the way to the bridge! It was the longest walk ever. I was very thirsty and drank a whole bottle of water. We sat there for a while. A lot of people walked by but no one came to say hello to me. I was mad cause Mom made me walk so far. Then to my horror they made me walk all the way back to the car! My little feet were so tired that I just flopped down on the grass by the car and had some more water. How mean Mom is I thought, but then I noticed that she had a sunburn, so she got punished for making me walk 500 miles! Now we are home and I am passed out on the carpet.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Call me Shredder!

The evil composter came in a big box which is in the house! Mom and Dad are ripping it into tiny little pieces to feed the composter.They were taking forever to shred it, so I decided to help. It only took me 5 minutes to completely break down the box. They were amazed!


Last night I did NOT WANT to go on a WALK!!! Mom made me leave the house anyway. I was really really mad so I flopped on the ground three times before we reached the end of the block. Each time she picked me up and made me walk again. That made me ferocious!!!  I kept jumping up and biting her pants and she kept  stopping and telling me NO BITE. But I was mad and I will bite the pants! Mom was getting mad too. It's a good thing that squirrel decided to run past us. I pulled Mom after it and then we both forgot we were mad. We finished our walk and Mom gave me a piece of chicken in my kong.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lack of communication

You would think that since I AM a member of this family, that Mom and Dad would talk to me before bringing new and potentially dangerous things home. But no. They just do it and I have to deal with the consequences. Yesterday Mom let me out into MY backyard to play and there was something new and scary in it. It was big and brown and I did not like it! It smelled like plastic. Mom said it was a composter and that I would probably like it once it started to have smelly stuff inside it. I checked it out from all sides and barked at it. Plus they put it right in the spot where I do my turns for my laps. Very inconsiderate!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dad looks different

Yesterday Mom and Grandpa went on a walk with me. When we got home Dad was there-only he looked different. I couldn't quite put my paw on it until he leaned down to pet me. When I jumped up to lick his head, there was LOT more head to lick-Dad had no hair! His head is all pink and smooth like my belly! I like it cause I can lick his whole head without hair getting in my mouth.

Friday, May 18, 2012

In the bed

This morning Mom caught me as I was running around the room. She picked me up and put me on the bed so I could say hello to Dad. I jumped all over Dad and the wiggled under the sheets. Then I climbed up on the pillow next to Dad's head and lay down.It was all nice and soft and comfortable until Mom grabbed me again and took me downstairs.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The big hole

Outside on my lawn there is a little tree that used to have to big trees next to it, Mom said they held the little tree up. Well Dad removed the two big trees and now there are two holes in the ground. I like to sniff around that little tree but I've already stepped in that hole twice! It is very annoying. There I am sniffing away, minding my own business and all of a sudden there is no ground under my foot and my foot falls into the hole!  I think Mom should get some dirt and put it in those holes.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Showing off my manners

I am a very well behaved dog, just not to MOM! She is always amazed at the compliments I get. Once we were walking and Mom told me to sit at the CVS driveway cause a car was coming. I decided to humor her so I sat. The woman in the car rolled down her window and said "What a well behaved dog!" Mom looked at me and laughed-very rude of her! Last night we went for a walk and Mom met the german neighbor that she had met before (only didn't realize she lived so close). They were talking and the conversation was boring and partially in german (which sounds more interesting-like people barking at each other). So I sat my Mom's feet and didn't make a peep. The woman said "What a well behaved dog!" and I saw Mom roll her eyes-yet again with the rudeness! When we went home I made up for it by being very very naughty, only Mom couldn't be mad at me cause I had been sick.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The worst ,most horrible, yucky night EVER

Last night was the worst night ever. I ate dinner with Mom and Dad and I got 3 pieces of liverwurst. Little did I know that would be my downfall. I think Mom stuck something in the liverwurst cause parts of it tasted yucky. I played in the living room with Mom and Dad and then went to bed. But then around 11:30, I started feeling very bad. I cried for Mom and she woke up and put on her robe to take me out. It was too late. I threw up in my crate. Mom opened the door but I didn't want to move or come out. I just lay there sadly. Dad came up and took me out of my crate and brought me outside, but not fast enough. I was sick again. He brought me in the kitchen and sat on the floor with me while I was sick again and again. That's cause Dad loves me. Mom was running around cleaning up after me, but Dad sat there and petted me. I stayed downstairs with Dad for a while and then he brought me back up to my crate. Mom had cleaned it out which was nice of her. I lay down and tried to sleep.
     When I woke up in the morning I felt a little better. When Mom opened the door I came right out to say hi. She took me downstairs and we went for a small walk. Then she gave me  food which I ate some of, cause I was a little hungry. Then I saw a spider walking across MY kitchen floor! I ran over to paw at it, but it ran into the corner under the cabinets. I could see it, but I couldn't quite reach it. I sniffed at it and it bit my nose so I jumped back. Then I pawed at it and barked. Mom came running with a broom and got it out. I tried to help her by jumping on the broom and biting it but that spider kept moving! Finally it stopped and Mom brought the broom outside and knocked the spider off.
    I heard Mom talking to Dad and I heard the word vet so I don't know what might happen today.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mom's socks did not agree with me

I had a very bad morning. I blame Mom. She let me sneak her socks away and hide behind the couch eating them. They were very tasty going down, but this morning they came back up and that was NOT fun. I lay in the kitchen with Mom this morning not feeling well. Mom felt bad for me or so she said.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Grumpy dog

Mom was listening to phone messages and there was one from the vet. It said that I had internal parasites! That sounds very unpleasant, so Mom is going to ask Dad to pick up my medicine tomorrow. Mom said that is maybe why I have been so grumpy lately. Maybe I haven't been feeling well. I think Mom is just looking for excuses.
     I got 2 great new toys! They are Mom's favorite Sponge Bob socks! When she took them off last night they had a hole in the heel, so she stuck them in her shoe to throw away. When she wasn't looking, I grabbed one! They are very light and tasty! I can throw them up in the air and toss them all over the place.Mom said that today is Mother's Day and I should be nice to her. But I was naughty. I keep flopping down on the ground when I don't want to walk or go inside. It makes her crazy. She let me hang out in the living room with her but then I attacked her pants so she got mad and put me in kitchen. Mother's Day is not very fun in my opinion!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Colddog

Yesterday Mom and I went outside and there was a grey dog sitting on my property! He was sitting on some rocks in the corner garden. I'm not allowed to sit there! I pulled Mom over there. Then I sat and looked at him. He was very quiet and didn't move. I have to investigate I thought. So I pulled Mom closer so that I could climb in the garden and check this dog out. I carefully got closer but then jumped back cause I thought I saw him move. I gathered all my big dog courage and went up and sniffed him. He was cold and didn't move at all. I sniffed him but he didn't smell like dog-he smelled like the sidewalk.  I licked his ear and snout but nothing. That is a very strange dog I thought as Mom and I continued our walk. I guess he is good for guarding the house while I am out.

Friday, May 11, 2012

A ride in the car

Mom put my harness on this morning so I knew that it would be a good day. Harness means a ride in the car and visiting people! We went to 3 places! First we went to the vet. Usually going to the vet it fine and sometimes they give me a treat. Well today there were horrible things done to me and there was no treat! First the Dr. shaved the fur off my bottom! Then they squeezed my bottom and it hurt! Finally we got to leave. Then we went to visit my friends Pascale and Lori. Pascale had treats for me! That was a good visit. Then we went to visit Dad! That was the best visit! Now we are home and I am taking a nap. Visiting is exhausting as is having your bottom attacked!

Finally some fun exercise!

Mom is always taking me for walks but that is not fun exercise. Fun exercise is just running around all over the place. Yesterday Dad took me to the dog park. It was a lot of fun and I ran around a lot. Last night Dad helped me break out of my crate and then I hung out on the bed for a while and then made Dad chase me around to get me back in the crate. Now that is fun exercise!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Checking Mom for food

Last night I ate dinner in the kitchen with Dad, only he wasn't eating! I thought that was kinda weird. Then we went out into the living room and I tried to find my missing antler. Mom wasn't home but then all of a sudden she appeared in the living room! I never even heard  her come in! Mom said that I was shirking my guarding duties, so I barked at her. She sat down on the couch next to Dad and I heard her say one of my favorite words-FOOD! I'll bet she has food, I thought and she's probably going to give some to Dad. I jumped up on Mom and put my front feet on  her shoulders so that I could sniff and lick her face.There's got to be food somewhere around here I thought, but I couldn't find any.
       This morning I had to spend all by myself in the kitchen. No Mom or Dad to eat with, so I didn't eat! Then Mom came and we went for a long walk. I didn't want to walk so I kept flopping down on the grass. I misjudged though, cause I flopped down too near the edge and rolled right off the grass onto the road. Mom laughed (which was RUDE) so I glared at her from the road. We went home and I flopped down right inside the gate to the backyard, so Mom let me off my leash. I found her gardening gloves on the grass and grabbed one. I ran around growling and throwing the glove around. Mom shook my package of beggin strips at me but I wasn't coming in. Finally I got bored, so the next time she offered a beggin strip, I ran inside. By then I was hungry and ate my breakfast.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My toy came back!

Last night Dad brought me upstairs and told me to go into my crate. I ran to my crate but then I saw my toy! My black kong was right next to my crate! I hadn't seen that toy in a while and I was so excited to see it again. I wanted to go grab it but Mom was there and made me go in my crate. I remembered where it was though and all night I dreamed about it. When Mom let me out this morning, the first thing I did was go grab it. Then I ran around the bedroom and the hall and made Mom and Dad chase me. It was a great morning until Mom took me outside and I saw it was raining!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

All casual like..

Last night Mom and I had a disagreement about my supposed naughty behavior. We were out on a walk, scouting for bunnies and squirrels when the call of the wild hit me! I had a burst of energy and ran like a crazy dog to the end of my leash in every direction possible. When done properly, the momentum created by hitting the end of the leash (due to Mom refusing to move) turns you around and gives you a head start in the opposite direction! It is a LOT of fun-at least for me. Mom says it is just me being naughty and trying to pull her arm out of the socket. That is not true although it would be an interesting side effect. Then I could run around with Mom's arm dragging behind me! Because I was "naughty", Mom put me on my metal leash-the one I can't chew through. It is very heavy-like dragging a prison ball and chain behind me all the time! But I can still manage to grab my antler and jump on the couch. I was lying there, next to Mom when I heard a noise by the basement door. I jumped off the couch and ran to investigate. It was DAD! He came upstairs with a basket of laundry and put it by the stairs going up to bed. There is nothing quite like freshly cleaned laundry-all neat and tidy and bundled up for your convenience. I have to play this cool, I thought to myself. Usually I just grab something and run behind the couch-that just announces to everyone that I have something. I looked around. Dad was in the kitchen and Mom was reading something. Now's my chance I thought. I casually strolled over to the laundry basket as if I didn't have a care in the world. I eased around the side and found a nice sized rolled of pair of socks-Dad's are tasty! This pair fit nicely in my mouth. Now to go lie down under Mom's feet so she can't see what I'm chewing! I casually sauntered back into the living room but unfortunately Mom looked up. She thought I had my antler so she went back to reading but then did a double take. She looked again and saw socks and started laughing. Dad came out of the kitchen to see what was up. He was not amused. He told Mom to get the socks away from me. Mom sighed and came after me. I had forgetten about the ball and chain and ran to get away but she grabbed the leash and did sock removal.
    I was so tired after all that , that I jumped up on the couch (Dad had stolen my spot-I usually lie between them for double the belly rubs) and took a nap.

Monday, May 7, 2012


This was a very sleepy weekend. Saturday we all took a nap. First I napped on Dad's lap and then I went to nap with Mom, but she snores so I went back to Dad. Sunday, Grandpa came over and I got to snooze on the couch with my head on his lap. He likes me as long as I don't lick him-but it's so hard! This morning, Mom let me out of my crate and went to sit by the stairs. I ran over to sit with her and she brought me downstairs for a walk. I sniffed all the flowers and watched the sprinklers across the street. Then all of a sudden, I saw a small brown animal go bouncing across the lawn. Hmmm, that animal is as bouncy as me, I thought. But then I got mad, why was he allowed to bounce wherever he pleased! So I barked at him and tried to run across the road to get him. But Mom wouldn't let me. So I sat there and barked. We walked back to the house and I saw my friend Chief! I like to play with him, but Mom finds him a little nippy.Finally Mom made me go back inside.I'll get that rude little animal I thought to myself. Maybe he'll bounce into the backyard and I can chase him around! Mom gave me some carrots and a small piece of cheese. Mostly cause I sat on her feet and watched her make Dad's cheese sandwich. She said we might have to go to the vet cause I have a rash on my tummy. She's trying the spray but she's worried that it isn't working. My tummy is just itchy and I've been scratching it, but I feel ok.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Out and About

This morning Mom put my harness on so I knew something was going on! Dad, Mom and I went for a long ride into New York City. I was anxious to get where we were going so I whined. Dad made Mom ride in the back to keep me company. I rested my head on her and whined quietly.
    We got out of the car and walked to a big green area. Mom said it was Central Park. I thought it was paradise! There were dogs and people everywhere! Then Dad saw 2 people with a small version of me coming. He told me we were going to meet Jasper. Jasper was smaller than me and I was excited to see him. I think I might have scared him with my bounciness as I sniffed him. Mom and Dad said hello to him too. A man came by with 2 dogs and petted me. That was fun! I tried to play with Jasper but he was hiding. Mom said that I have to learn to be less like Tigger. Eventually we said good-bye to Jasper and went on a little walk. Then we came home and stopped at the vet! I went inside and smelled all smells but I didn't have to go into a room and be grabbed by a doctor so it was a good visit! Now I am lying on Dad's legs on the couch and we're resting,

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hanging out with Mom

     Yesterday morning I got a big surprise! My bff Grace and Rita came to the house to visit me! Uusally I only get to see them at the library. I jumped all over them. The only thing that would have made it better is if my bff Rigby had come too! (That's a hint to my bff Grace!).
     Usually I like to hang out with Dad. We lie down on the couch together. But yesterday Dad wasn't home but Mom was. She came home and we went for a walk and then we went into the living room. She put my blanket on the couch and I jumped up with my antler and started chewing. After a while I got tired so I lay down next to her and she rubbed my belly while I napped. It was a pretty good day.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Prehistoric Me?

Mom is SO rude! She said that I look like a prehistoric shark/monster. She drew a picture of what she thinks I look like, first thing in the morning, after exiting my crate! After a good nights sleep a long stretch is definitely in order-to get all the kinks out. And yes, sometimes I do yawn while stretching. And yes, sometimes my fur is all squished up from sleeping, but you should see what Mom's hair looks like in the morning! Being polite, I would never usually comment on Mom's appearance, but this is war. I may have to draw a picture and get Dad to post it for me! Hmm, but that might make her cut back on the cookies I get when I go into my crate. I'll have to think about it.