Mom and Dad are conspiring to keep me apart from my beloved antler. They leave it in the living room so I am forced to play with other toys in the kitchen. It is so unfair. I chewed up my canvas fish so that the squeaky part and the tennis ball fell out. I have decided to be a bad dog until they let me have my antler. I bark and don't listen at all until the antler appears!
The daily ponderings of a smallish dog with a big bark and a propensity for belly rubs!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Antlers-the opium of small dogs
Mom says that I am obsessed with my antler. I don't think that is true at all. I've already destroyed my bear, my snoopy and ate part of my squeaky fish! I wouldn't do that if I was obsessed. Although I did all that when Mom took my antler away. I just LOVE my antler. It smells great, tastes great and I just like being near it. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I don't understand why I can't chew a hole in it though. And after a while my teeth get tired so then I just lie next to it and gaze adoringly at it.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Lord of the Manor never has his tongue hanging out in photos!
My friend Grace sent Mom a photo of my bff Rigby in his new christmas coat. Mom said that I should start emulating Rigby. She said his tongue isn't always hanging out in photos. He does look very sophisticated and regal though. And he is doing a good job of ignoring the gnome that is spying on him in the background! I would have run over and nibbled on the gnome.I think it's the long legs that make you look regal. It's hard to look really regal with short ones, although I have tried upon occasion. I also bet that Grace doesn't dress Rigby up in a Santa suit and walk him around. The neighbors were very amused by my Santa suit and I got a lot of belly rubs.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
New and improved Dad
Mom told me that when she first talked with Dad about getting a dog, Dad was adamant about "NO DOGS IN THE BED!" I guess that was before they came to live with me and before Dad knew how much he would love me. Last night I was downstairs with Dad while Mom and AT went up to bed. When Dad and I came up to bed, he snuck me in the bed with him and Mom. Mom woke up and said why is there a dog in the bed? I was all snuggled up under the blankets and almost asleep, but Mom said no and Dad put me in my crate. Maybe I can convince Mom to let me sleep in the bed another night.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Fun with Mollie
Today Mom, Dad, AT and I took a very long ride in the car. At first I thought we were going to the dog park but it was very early and still dark out. Instead we went to see Grandma Andrea! She has a dog named Mollie and I got to run around and play with her! It was a lot of fun but we were both really tired after playing. Dad took a video of us having fun but it was too long for my blog so she's trying to put it on facebook. Mom took a picture of AT hanging out with Mollie.Mom also forgot to put up the Santa photos, so here are some good ones!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
It's Christmas ! Like a birthday only with more toys!
Today is Christmas! I got a lot of toys. I got a squeaky toy from Faye, and Mom and Dad and AT got me a lot of toys. I already ripped a hole in my Snoopy. The best toy of all was an Antler! It smells and tastes so good! Mom said that was an idea from my bff Grace. It was a great idea! Mom and I took a walk and I got to see my friend Chief and wish him a Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Santa Dog!
Today Mom put me in my Santa suit-I look very good! She took me for a walk and the neighbors gave me a bunch of belly rubs. Then I got to play in the backyard with my soccer ball, my bottle and my squeaky toy. Mom took some videos of me.
Unfortunately, then Dad gave me a bath which I did not appreciate cause he combs and brushes me and I DON'T like that at all!
A Tunnel built for 2!
Last night Mom and Dad brought a tree in the house. I'm not sure why. I incorporated it into my laps around the living room. I run around the tree, leap over the ottoman and run around the couch-I do this 3 or 4 times to warm up. Dad put out my tunnel. I was barking at it and then AT climbed in it! Mom said that she should have bought him the tunnel. I climbed in the tunnel over AT and ran out the other side. Mom thought that was very funny.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Breaking out
Last night I waited until Mom and Dad were asleep. I pretended to go to sleep too. When I could hear them snoring, I opened my crate door and got ready to make a run for it. Unfortunately the door made a loud noise and woke Mom up. She rolled over in time to grab my back leg. She made me go back in my crate and shut the door again. I decided to wait for another night to break free.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wake up call
It is so exciting now that AT is here! This morning Dad let me out of my crate and I ran full speed into AT's room and jumped on his bed! He was all snuggled under the covers but I woke him up by sitting on his head and licking him. AT and Mom sewed up all my toys and then I chewed them all open again and ripped out all the tasty stuffing. Then they took them all away. I got to eat breakfast this morning with Mom and AT and there was a surprise under my yucky food-apple slices!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The BIG biscuit of tastiness
Mom gave my biscuits to my bff Rigby. He liked them! Maybe cause I rolled on them so they would smell like me. Mom came home with a present from Rigby. It was a HUGE doggie biscuit! Mom never buys anything that big and tasty for me. She thought I would play with it but instead I got right down to business and started eating it. It was so yummy. I had eaten half of it in 2 minutes but then she took the rest away.
This morning when I had breakfast she put rest of the biscuit in with my boring yucky food. It made breakfast so much better! Mom said that Rigby got a coat for christmas. I'll bet he looks as handsome in his as I do in my pea coat. We are very stylish!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Another leash bites the dust
I am 4-0 for leashes now! When Dad wasn't looking, I jumped up and pulled my leash of the hook and chewed it in half. I was mad cause my surprise was here but I was banished to the kitchen. Last night AT and Grandpa were here.
This morning Dad took me for a walk and then stuck me in AT's bed so that I could wake him up. I jumped all over him. It was so much fun!
This morning Dad took me for a walk and then stuck me in AT's bed so that I could wake him up. I jumped all over him. It was so much fun!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
no more garbage for me
Mom has gotten very smart lately. She turned the garbage can around so that I can't step on the part that opens the lid. Pretty sneaky Mom! Today she made dog biscuits and let me taste them. They have mint and carrots in them and taste pretty good. I asked if we could give my bff Rigby some and Mom said yes. Mom said that if I am good today, there might be a big surprise for me later in the afternoon.I think that means Mr. B is coming over. She said I would have to wait and see. Waiting is very hard and tedious for a small pup like me. I am in the kitchen mostly cause Mom is cooking and it is warm in there, but also because when Mom was carrying me downstairs she slipped and fell. I didn't get hurt at all cause Mom made sure that I was on top while she fell. I jumped on Mom and licked her to see if she was ok. She got up so she must be ok. She didn't want to climb back up the stairs though. She was more worried that I had gotten hurt but I was fine. I'm a tough pup!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Garbage me
Dad thought he could trick me. I was busy pulling stuff out of the garbage can (cause Mom always throws tasty stuff away!) Dad caught me and put tabasco sauce on the garbage can to stop me. But I am a strong willed pup! I went into the garbage can and pulled out the tabascoey paper towel. I threw it on the floor and barked at it. Then I grabbed it and ran around the kitchen! Take that tabasco!
Mom put me in my santa suit and took pictures of me with Dad as Santa. She said she would put them up tomorrow so everyone can see. Then we went to the dog park. I did NOT want to go in, cause last time there was a very mean husky who kept attacking and biting me. Mom made me go in. There was a nice Bernese mountain dog and brindle boxer puppy who I played with. It was much better than last time!
Mom put me in my santa suit and took pictures of me with Dad as Santa. She said she would put them up tomorrow so everyone can see. Then we went to the dog park. I did NOT want to go in, cause last time there was a very mean husky who kept attacking and biting me. Mom made me go in. There was a nice Bernese mountain dog and brindle boxer puppy who I played with. It was much better than last time!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Taking care of everyone
Taking care of Mom and Dad is a very hard job for a young pup like me. I do my best but they have a hard time learning things. Last night they made me watch a very scary movie with them. I did not think we should watch that movie so I barked and ran around to get them to stop. They didn't. They just picked me up and held me hostage on the couch. It was also getting very late and I thought we should all be in bed. But they ignored me and made me stay up until midnight!
This morning I helped Mom with her exercise by grabbing Dad's sock and running around. Mom chased me until she cornered me. Dad did the sock removal and fell back asleep. I don't think they appreciate how much work it is to run this household!
This morning I helped Mom with her exercise by grabbing Dad's sock and running around. Mom chased me until she cornered me. Dad did the sock removal and fell back asleep. I don't think they appreciate how much work it is to run this household!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Mom is the meanest
Last night Mom was the meanest she has ever been! She came home and did stuff in the kitchen. Then Grandpa came over! Mom wouldn't let me out to say hello. She and Grandpa went to eat and I could see them in the dining room but they totally ignored me! I ignored my food because it is no fun to eat alone. Finally Mom brought me into the living room with my food and I got to sit next to Grandpa and eat. When Grandpa left, Mom and I went for a walk. When we got home, she put me in the kitchen and went to hide in another room! I could hear and smell her. I was very unhappy cause I wanted to play with her and thought it was very mean of her to hide from me. So I barked and howled and whined all night long. Finally she came and took me out and then up to bed.
This morning I was still mad at her. When she left the kitchen I went into the garbage can and pulled stuff out and made a mess. Then I jumped up and grabbed her shirt and wouldn't let go. She tried to be nice by giving me some apple, but I haven't forgiven her yet!
This morning I was still mad at her. When she left the kitchen I went into the garbage can and pulled stuff out and made a mess. Then I jumped up and grabbed her shirt and wouldn't let go. She tried to be nice by giving me some apple, but I haven't forgiven her yet!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Adorable me
Mom says that I am vain but I can't help the fact that I am naturally adorable and cute! Grandma took some photos of me during the brief time that I wasn't jumping all over her. Of course they came out great-I am very photogenic. Here I am gazing shyly at the camera. I think the second one capture my good side.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Today my Grandma from the Poconos was here! I was in the kitchen and I heard some noise and there she was! I was excited to see her and when she sat on the couch I ran over and jumped up. Then I jumped all over her. We went for a walk and I got to snuggle with her. Then she left. Later I heard noise again and it was Grandpa! I got to eat dinner in the living room next to him and Dad. It turned out to be a pretty good day!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Mean dog
The dog park was NOT fun. There was a very mean husky who attacked me before I even had a chance to go in the dog park. Dad had to pick me up and carry me in. The husky kept bothering me so I stayed by Dad and didn't run around. Then the mean dog snuck up behind us and nipped at me some more. No one came to say they were the owner, so Dad picked me up and we left. I hope that dog isn't there next time. Dad gave me a treat for having to deal with a mean dog.
Awesome day
Yesterday was one of the best days ever! Mom took me for a ride in the car. I wasn't sure where we were going so I whined and whimpered the whole time in anticipation. We stopped at the bank and I got a dog biscuit. Then we went to the library and I got to see my bff Grace! I got some biscuits there too! I jumped all over her and licked her all over so that my bff Rigby would know that I am still around. I ran all over the library and got lots of belly rubs and pets, but not from Angela even though I tried desperately to run over to her.
This morning Mom tripped over the gate while leaving the kitchen which meant that I was free! I jumped on her while she was lying on the ground but then ran around the living room. When she got back up,she tried to lure me into the kitchen with a carrot. She held it out for me to sniff, but I snatched it out of her hand and ran back into the living room. I heard her say dog park to Dad, so maybe Dad will take me for a ride today!
This morning Mom tripped over the gate while leaving the kitchen which meant that I was free! I jumped on her while she was lying on the ground but then ran around the living room. When she got back up,she tried to lure me into the kitchen with a carrot. She held it out for me to sniff, but I snatched it out of her hand and ran back into the living room. I heard her say dog park to Dad, so maybe Dad will take me for a ride today!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
winter is coming
Today Mom didn't let me up on the bed to say hello to Dad. That might be because I was whining and whimpering to get out of my crate. She let me out and grabbed me as soon as I was done stretching. We went outside and it was crisp and cold out. It was windy too so I ran around chasing the leaves. I can't wait for the snow! I ate breakfast with her and then she put me upstairs. I heard a knock on the door and then I heard my grandpa's voice! I barked so that someone would come get me and I could say hello, but no one did. Then the door closed and it was quiet except for Dad's snoring in the bedroom.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Mom took a looooooong time to let me out of my crate this morning. I was whining and running around in the crate waiting to get out. She opened the door and I burst out! Then I stretched and rolled on my back so that she couldn't pick me up. Finally she picked me up and put me on the bed. There was Dad again! I was so excited that I ran over and licked him on the nose! That made him hide under the blankets but I managed to find him. Then Mom and I went downstairs and out for a walk. In the mornings I ignore my food until Mom has her bowl of cereal ready. Then she moves my bowl under her chair so that we can eat together.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The wonderful thing about tiggers
Today I was so excited to see Mom when she came home. I hadn't eaten any of my dinner so as soon as I had greeted her, I ran over to my bowl and started eating. Then Dad came home and took me for a walk. It was soggy and rainy outside. When we got to the door, Dad let me off my leash. I ran in the door and saw Mom on the couch eating something! So I ran over and jumped right on her! I bounced all over her and tried to get the food she was eating but she stuck it in her mouth before I could get to it! So I bounced all over her some more to dry off. She was all soggy when I was done. Then I ran around the living room like a crazy dog! Mom tried to lure me into the kitchen with a piece of banana but I grabbed it out of her hand before she could grab me. But then she got me with my weakness-beggin' strips.
Waking up Dad!
This morning was the BEST morning ever! Mom let me out of my crate and I did my long stretching. Then I lay on my back to make it hard for Mom to pick me up. She hates when I do that! But she picked me up and instead of going downstairs with me, she put me on the bed. And Dad was in it! I was so excited! I ran up to him and jumped on his head and licked him all over! Dad grumbled but I still snuggled up next to him and wagged my tail. Finally Mom picked me up and took me out for a walk.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Movie night with Mom and Dad
Tonight Mom let me eat my food while I was sitting next to my Grandpa! That made dinner much more enjoyable! I was watching Cowboys and Aliens with Mom and Dad but then Mom took me out for a walk and then put me in the kitchen. I am waiting to be released.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Otter dog
Mom says that sometimes I remind her of an otter, especially the one she read about when she was younger in a book called Ring of Shining Water. She always laughs when I roll on my back and chew on something that I'm holding in my front paws.
This morning when she let me out of my crate, I ran under the tunnel that the comforter makes when it hits the floor. When we went outside it was all frosty out and I ran around making the grass crunch.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Look at me!
Mom said she would post the videos of me playing with my santa dog so here they are! She also took some of me playing with my camo rope toy!
Cheese cheese everywhere!
This morning, Mom was in the kitchen with me doing lots of things with different foods that smelled much better than my kibble! I wandered around the table watching her. Suddenly I smelled cheese! I decided to sit near Mom in the hopes that something would drop from the table. So I sat there and stared and Mom with my poor, sad , starving pup look. Nothing happened. Maybe she can't see me here, I thought, so I decided to lie down on her feet. I lay there with my head pointing towards the side of the table. Suddenly I saw something fall. It was cheese! Then Mom gave me a piece of cheese it was so good. I kept watching her. Mom said she couldn't concentrate while I was staring at her, so she put me upstairs. No more cheese for me.
Return of the santa dog
Last night Mom gave me my santa dog back! I was so excited to see it that I ran around the living room. Mom took a video of me and she said she would put it up later tonight when she gets home from work. I threw my santa dog in the air and chewed on him until I got to the tasty stuffing. Unfortunately Mom noticed and chased me around to take it away again. I hope she sews him up soon!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Bye bye bone
I chewed a hole in my squeaky bone so Mom took it away. When we came in from our walk last night, Mom put me on the second step and took off my collar. Dad does this so I don't run away cause I don't like to go up or down the big stairs. But when Mom walked over to put my leash on the hook, I ran down the stairs to go play with Dad!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A new game
Mom bought me a squeaky bone toy. It is exactly the same as the bone toy I have outside only it is new and clean and therefore not quite as tasty. Mom was in the kitchen washing dishes and I invented a new game to play. I would stand at one end of the kitchen, grab my squeaky toy and run at Mom. Right before I would run into her, I would jump up and hit her in the back of her knees! I did this a couple of times and it was lots of fun!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Back briefly
My santa toy came back briefly but it left again after I ate an ear off it. Mom is very mean. But now Jeanette is missing! She was here but now she is not. I sniffed around all over looking for her, but I can't find her anywhere!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Where's my toy???????
I know that Grandma gave me a new toy yesterday but I can't find it anyway. It was an awesome and tasty toy! A big pink santa dog who was long like me! I had already eaten the pompom off the hat and was working on chewing off the tail! I think Mom took it cause she is mean! Last night when Dad, Mom and Jeanette came home, she only let me out to play for a little while. I ran around and barked at everyone and they stuck me back in the kitchen where I whimpered pitifully. Mom let me out again but on my leash and then took me for a walk. Then she put me upstairs in my crate and I could hear my friend Jeanette and wanted to play with her. But Mom would not let me out! I think she is mad at me cause I let Dad cut my bangs so that I could see. And I let him comb me all over even though it hurts! Plus I learned how to leap over the ottoman that blocks the exit route from the couch on one side. Whenever I would run behind the couch Mom and Dad could always catch me cause it was blocked. Yesterday, I discovered that I could jump up and over the ottoman and Mom couldn't catch me at all! She must be mean cause today there was no sweet potato or turkey in my bowl with my kibble. It was a meager breakfast!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Yesterday Mom and Dad went out and left me all alone. But then Mom came home with my friend Jeanette! I was very excited to see her. When Mom took me up to bed, I was mad because I wanted to play with Jeanette and Mom wouldn't let me. I mumbled and barked angrily for a while just to keep Mom up.
Mom said today is Thanksgiving. I said thanks cause Grandma came over with a present for me! It's a big pink dog with a christmas hat! I already ate the pompom off the hat. I also ate some celery, some carrots, some sweeet potato and a tomato. Thanksgiving is a tasty food day! Dad took me to the dog park and I got to play with a Neapolitan Mastiff puppy-he was the same size as me, but Dad said he won't stay little for long. There was also a standard short haired dachshund but he was old and grumpy and didn't want to play with me. I wonder what the rest of the day will bring. Mr. B is here too!
Mom said today is Thanksgiving. I said thanks cause Grandma came over with a present for me! It's a big pink dog with a christmas hat! I already ate the pompom off the hat. I also ate some celery, some carrots, some sweeet potato and a tomato. Thanksgiving is a tasty food day! Dad took me to the dog park and I got to play with a Neapolitan Mastiff puppy-he was the same size as me, but Dad said he won't stay little for long. There was also a standard short haired dachshund but he was old and grumpy and didn't want to play with me. I wonder what the rest of the day will bring. Mr. B is here too!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Tabasco Wars
This morning Mom and I had a war. When she was in the living room, I stepped on the garbage can opener and stretched myself up to pull out some tasty garbage. Mom was not happy that I had stolen a plastic bag so she came in and put that HORRIBLE tabasco sauce on the garbage can. I sniffed it and then barked and barked! She left again but I was still mad. So I stole a fork off the shelf. Mom heard me and came back in and put tabasco sauce on the shelf. I can't believe it, but I went over and sniffed it again even though it hurts my nose! Then she dropped the paper towel with tabasco on the floor and I stole it! I dragged it in the corner and barked at it. Mom tricked me by offering me a treat and when I ran over to get it, she stole that bad paper towel.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Mom came home after work and we went outside for a walk. It was dark and rainy! Mom wanted to go back inside but I wanted to sniff around. Then I saw Dad! I pulled Mom home but she made us go in the kitchen door, not in the front door with Dad. When she opened the door I ran over to the gate to say hi to Dad. Mom did dishes and took out some chicken. I wanted some chicken so I whined pitifully, but she gave me a cherry tomato instead. While I was playing with it, a song came on the radio, Bad to the Bone, so I decided to be bad and bark and nip at Mom. She did not appreciate it!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Dad decided to comb me and I allowed him to. He gave me a pompadour by combing all my hair back (Mom said it was a combover). I could actually see! Mom took some photos of my hair and then one of me chilling on the couch with Dad and Grandpa. I love Grandpa! Sometime he will even pet me!
Front View-I can actually see! No hair in front of my eyes! I think I look very suave and sophisticated.
Here is a side view.
Front View-I can actually see! No hair in front of my eyes! I think I look very suave and sophisticated.
Here is a side view.
I saw Dad
This morning Dad let me out of my crate and brought me downstairs. We went outside for a walk and Dad gave me breakfast-but no gravy. Then Dad left. Suddenly someone banged on the door! Mom had to get up and come downstairs and let him in for his keys. I thought Mom would come and play with me but she went upstairs.She came down later and we went for a walk and played in the backyard.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Dad left without me
This morning Dad got up with Mom and me. We all went outside at the same time, so I thought we were going for a ride! But no, Dad got in the car and drove off without me.Then Mom put me in the kitchen and went outside and made a lot of noise. Then she came in and got me. We went outside and Mom let me get in the car! I was very excited and wondered where we might be going. Mom took me to the dog park. I ran around and sniffed all the other dogs. There was a big mean poodle there who was fighting with another dog so he left. It was much nicer then. There was a very small fluffy dog who kept jumping all over me! I ran all over but I could not get that little rat to leave me alone. Mom laughed and said that now I know how my bff Rigby feels! It's completely different though!
Friday, November 18, 2011
When Dad came home last night, he brought me a toy! I love new toys! This was a stuffed skunk only it wasn't stuffed! No tasty fluffy insides. Instead it had squeakers! Well I quickly took care of that! I ripped out both squeakers and then made it even flatter by chewing it apart! When Mom came home I was running about with it and throwing it in the air.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
a long night
Last night my dinner did not agree with me and Mom got up to clean out my crate. I didn't want her to do this so I snapped at her when she opened the crate and refused to come out. She started to close the door and I ran out but she caught me. She cleaned up my crate and I got to lie on the bed with Dad and watch her. Dad put me back in my crate but I barked and barked. Mom got up to take me outside but as soon as she opened the door I RAN! I found a sock and ran into AT's room and then back into the bedroom. Finally Mom caught me and took me out for a walk. We went back upstairs and Mom put me back in my crate-still without a treat! I did my sigh of resignation and went back to sleep.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Last night when Mom came home Dad was combing me again. When Mom saw the amount of fur that was in the comb she told Dad that if he keeps it up I'll be hairless. I agree. Too much brushing and combing is bad for me and any brushing and combing is TOO much!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Take me out
This morning I could hear a lot of people outside. I barked and barked until Mom put my leash on and took me outside. Dad was outside with another man (who gave me a belly rub!) and I saw Marciano with my friend Chief! The sprinklers were on but no water was coming out-only mist. Dad said that the sprinklers were being blown out. That didn't interest me at all, I just wanted more belly rubs. Then Mom brought me back inside. She is still here, but she won't play with me! I am going to be very bad! I started by jumping up and grabbing a toy that was waiting to be sewn up. I pulled all the stuffing out and threw it all over the kitchen floor. Mom came out of hiding to get a drink and saw it. She said I was a very naughty dog. I'm going to wait until she hides again and then do something naughty. That will teach her to ignore me!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Please Mom can I have some cheese?
So I was patiently sitting on Mom's feet this morning while she made sandwiches. I saw the cheese so I waited quietly for my piece, but it didn't come! Mom put the cheese back in the fridge! I was very sad to be cheeseless. Then she took out a tomato and gave it to me. I threw the tomato around the kitchen and then ate it.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Detective Mecki
Apparently Mom has been looking for my black kong for several weeks. I had noticed her on the floor looking under things,but didn't know why. I do know that I am a much better detective than Mom cause I knew where my kong was all the time. Yesterday at dinner when she was talking to Dad about my missing kong, I ran over to its hiding spot and dragged it out to play with.
A new toy
Mom and Dad bought me a new toy today. They said it's a tunnel. I'm not sure if I like it yet.
I played with it for a bit but then they took it away and said I could play some more tomorrow.
I played with it for a bit but then they took it away and said I could play some more tomorrow.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Today Mom, Dad and I went for a ride in the car. It was cold out so I had to wear my coat. We went to Cold Spring Harbor and Huntington and walked around. There were a lot of new smells! Then we came home and I relaxed on the couch with Mom and Dad. Then I was very bad. I learned how to step on the garbage can so that it opens and when it is full I can streeeeeeeeeeeetch up and grab something out.So I grabbed out a paper bag and Mom heard me tearing it. She and Dad came in and took it from me and then they were very mean and sprayed my belly!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Bad spray
It is not a good day. Dad keeps grabbing me and spraying my tummy with a cold, stinging spray. Mom came home and lunch and we went for a walk, but she didn't let me get in the car. Then I got to eat in the kitchen with Mom and Dad but then they left. Now I am sad and alone in the kitchen.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sneak attack
Last night I was in the living room, minding my own business, chewing on a rope toy, trying to unravel and eat most of it before Mom noticed. Mom picked me up and put me on my back on her lap so that she could rub my belly. I was relaxed, enjoying the belly rub when Dad came over and sprayed my belly with something! It was cold and stung a little and I did NOT appreciate it! I tried to break free of Mom's hold but I couldn't. Dad kept spraying until Mom lost her grip. I ran over into the corner and then ran back to smell Mom's hands cause she got sprayed too. I was angry and barked at them.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Not my birthday
I thought it might be my birthday again cause Mom and Dad had been taking me to the dog park a lot and we got in the car for another ride tonight. But we didn't go to the dog park. Instead we went to the vet. It smelled like the dog park only there were no dogs. There were two cats in a cage for adoption and I went and sniffed them. Mom said we should take one home, but Dad said no. The vet said that I weigh 22 pounds now. So Mom got new medicine for heartworm and fleas and a spray because I have a skin infection on my tummy. The doctor said that it wasn't bad though and should go away quickly. Now I'm waiting for Mom and Dad to eat so that I can eat too.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Dad giveth and the Dad taketh away :(
Yesterday Dad gave me a great new toy but then I was playing with it and I chewed a big hole in it-then Dad came and took it away! Yesterday he took me to the dog park where a mean dog decided to bite me. I yipped and Dad checked me out to see if I was hurt. He thinks the other dog only nipped me cause he didn't find bite marks or a hole in my head. Today it felt like I was in my crate forever! Then Dad came and let me out. I came halfway out and stretched. Then I wagged my tail like a crazy dog cause I LOVE Dad! Dad rubbed my belly and I looked up and saw Mom in bed. So I jumped up to lick her arm. Dad and I went downstairs for a walk. And then we all ate breakfast together!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Dad is great!
I was out for a walk with Mom last night and when we came home Dad was there. I was very happy to see him so I wiggled around, hopped up and down and let him rub my belly. He brought me a new toy! It is a ball with bumps on it AND it squeaks! I ran around the kitchen playing with it. We all ate dinner together and then Dad left. Mom let me play in the living room, but I just barked and nipped at her so she banished me. Then she was even meaner and put tabasco sauce on the chairs I was chewing! I'll get her back today though, because I'm also chewing on the white plastic stepping stool!
Friday, November 4, 2011
So tired but not willing to admit it
Today Mom and Dad were home at lunch. Mom have me a piece of chicken jerky so I wouldn't feel left out while they ate. After lunch Mom and I went to the dog park. There were a lot of dogs there! I saw a dog that looked exactly like Rigby but it wasn't him. It was a girl named Shelby but she didn't want to play with me. I played with a big white scruffy dog. We jumped and ran all over the place. A man came on a little car to pick up garbage and Shelby grabbed his glove. She ran all over with it until a big poodle named Max took it. Finally another man grabbed it when Max wasn't looking and gave it back to the man. Mom said she was happy that I wasn't involved in it. I felt bad for the man whose glove got stolen so I ran over and let him rub my belly so that he'd feel better. Now we're home and I'm lying down on the kitchen floor. I am so tired, but don't tell Mom!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Mean Mom!
This morning Mom was very very mean. She took me for a walk, but when we came back inside she did not let me off my leash. Instead she got a very yummy snack and the BRUSH! She tried to distract me with the snack by holding most of it in her hand so I could only get little bits but I drooled all over her pants. So she gave me the treat but then started brushing me all over. I tried to get away but she had my leash! She brushed all my legs and my tail and then turned me over and held me tight while she brushed my chest and tummy. I tried very hard to bite the brush and get away but she held me tight. I wiggled and growled my meanest growl but she wasn't afraid! Finally she was done-mostly cause the brush was all full of hair that should rightfully still be on my body! But I got her back. When she went to work, I continued my new job as a lathe and made spindles out of the bottoms of the kitchen chairs. Just wait till she sees that!
Me-3, Leashes -0
So last night Mom and Dad took me to the pet store for a new leash. That's because I ate the last leash on Halloween. This is my 3rd leash. Mom said if I eat this one, the next one will be metal.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Not enough play time
Last night I was VERY excited to see Mom! She took me out for a walk and then played with me-but only for 20 minutes! That is not enough play time. Then Dad came home and after a little while he took me for a walk and brought me up to bed. I was not happy to go into my crate. I wanted to run around and bark and play! So after I ate my treat for going in my crate and grumbled and yapped for a while so Mom and Dad would have to stay up too!
This morning I waited for Mom to sit down and eat breakfast-cause then she moves my food bowl to a better location (between her feet!) and I can crawl in under her chair and stick my head out between her feet and eat. That is my favorite breakfast position!
This morning I waited for Mom to sit down and eat breakfast-cause then she moves my food bowl to a better location (between her feet!) and I can crawl in under her chair and stick my head out between her feet and eat. That is my favorite breakfast position!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
So many people and so few belly rubs
So Halloween means that there are a lot of people, kids and dogs walking around. Mom took me for a walk but no one wanted to pet me. I met a big dog who was nice and then a very tiny schnauzer named Heidi. We went home and Mom hung out in the kitchen with me. A lot of people kept knocking on the door but I wasn't allowed to see them. It was very stressful for such a social butterfly like me. Mom brought me in the living room on my leash which I did not like. I pretended to chew on my rope toy but instead I chewed through my leash!
This morning when Mom let me out she gave me an extra hug because she had a bad dream about me. She said that she was brushing me in her dream only when she brushed me my fur fell out and I had big red patches of skin and she felt bad cause they hurt me. I licked her to let her know it was ok but also told her that she didn't have to brush me at all (cause I DON"T like being brushed anyway-so it's a win win situation!).
This morning when Mom let me out she gave me an extra hug because she had a bad dream about me. She said that she was brushing me in her dream only when she brushed me my fur fell out and I had big red patches of skin and she felt bad cause they hurt me. I licked her to let her know it was ok but also told her that she didn't have to brush me at all (cause I DON"T like being brushed anyway-so it's a win win situation!).
Monday, October 31, 2011
Today I made Mom chase me around the bedroom until I heard Dad. Then I ran over and jumped up to say hello to him. That enabled Mom to grab me. She told me it was Halloween today. I'm not sure what that means. She said I would find out later in the evening. I don't think she is mad at me anymore for what I did on Saturday. I was playing with Mom and Dad in the living room when all of a sudden I needed to go potty. So I walked over to the side of the living room and squatted down to pee. Mom and Dad yelled and then Dad grabbed me and brought me outside to finish. They were both confused cause I had never done that before. But they banished me to the kitchen. I was having so much fun that I didn't want to take a lot of time out to go outside. Now Mom takes me outside even more often. I probably should have run over and barked at the door. Yesterday Mom made me wear my coat on our walks. It did make me warmer but I tried scratch my back on the lawn and snow and I couldn't feel it at all with the coat on.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The Mystery!
I just gave Mom a mystery to ponder! She was just sitting down to do my blog for me. I was in the kitchen and Dad was upstairs getting dressed. All of sudden I came running into the guest room and surprised Mom. She was very surprised and said how did you get out of the kitchen? She grabbed me and went to put me back but the kitchen gate was still up! Now she was really confused! How did you get out? Did you jump over the gate? Or did Dad let you out before he went upstairs to change? But I wouldn't tell.
Yesterday when we went outside there was cold white stuff on the ground. I sniffed at it and then I remembered that it was snow! I loved snow when I was a puppy cause you could dig tunnels and holes in it. So I ran through all the snow I could find on our walk. When we got home I was very wet so Mom got the mean hair dryer and Dad wrapped me in a towel and held me down while Mom blew warm air on me. Dad said I looked like a burrito.
Later that day I ran into the guest room to see Mom again and jumped right up on the futon and rolled around.
Yesterday when we went outside there was cold white stuff on the ground. I sniffed at it and then I remembered that it was snow! I loved snow when I was a puppy cause you could dig tunnels and holes in it. So I ran through all the snow I could find on our walk. When we got home I was very wet so Mom got the mean hair dryer and Dad wrapped me in a towel and held me down while Mom blew warm air on me. Dad said I looked like a burrito.
Later that day I ran into the guest room to see Mom again and jumped right up on the futon and rolled around.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
No Gravy?
Today Dad brought me downstairs and I wagged my tail the whole time cause I love Dad! But then he didn't give me any gravy in my kibble so I'm wondering if Dad loves me. I didn't eat my food. Then Mom came down and gave me gravy but I still didn't eat. We went for a walk in the cold cold rain and when we came back in, I ate a little bit of breakfast.
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Hamper
This morning I did my stretching in my crate so that when Mom opened the door I could run right out. I ran around her bedroom and then ran into AT's room. I sniffed around and then climbed into his clothes hamper. Mom was amused by that so I got right out. We went outside and I barked at the kids waiting for the bus so Mom dragged me back inside to eat.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Rain Rain Go Away
This morning Mom made me go outside twice in the rain! I was very unhappy and ran back into the house. Then I gave her my baleful look of disapproval. Her response was to put me upstairs in my room.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Me playing with/tormenting my bff Rigby
My friend Grace gave Mom a video of Rigby (my bff) and me playing. Mom said that I got what I deserved. I just think it was fun!
Happy Birthday Dad!
Mom told me that today is Dad's birthday. I told Mom he could wear my birthday hat tonight at dinner. I wonder where we'll go on a ride, cause birthdays mean rides in the car and yummy snacks! I will give Dad one of my frosty paws and one of my peanut butter cookies, cause he is my favorite Dad! And then I'll let him give me 35 belly rubs-one for each year!
Yoga in the morning
This morning I did my yoga. When Mom opened the crate I came halfway out and then streeeeeeeeeeeeeetched myself like a slinky dog. Then I did a "u" so that I could sniff under the bed. Mom brought me downstairs and I stretched again by the front door. It's important to get those muscles stretched out before running down the front steps and going outside!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hotdogs are bad
Yesterday when Mom came home from work, she gave me a piece of hotdog from the ones she was putting in the lentil soup. I ate it all up and looked at her with my pitiful , starving puppy look so she gave me another piece. Well later on it did not agree with me, so Mom had a mess to clean up when she got home. So I don't like hotdogs. I also don't like butternut squash which she tried to get me to taste! When she left today,she gave me a piece of the Trader Joe's peanut butter cookies which are very yummy!
Monday, October 24, 2011
I guess my birthday is over
Hmm, this morning I didn't get any special treats and Mom left without taking me for a ride. I think my birthday must be over. Mom said that my friend Grace took some great photos of me with my bff Rigby! Here are a few.
Here I'm lulling him into a false sense of security, then when he least expects it, I'll turn around and POUNCE!

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Powered by belly rubs
Dad just told Mom what I did at Dog Days today. I was walking around and whenever I saw a family that didn't have a dog, I would run over to them and lie down so they could rub my belly. Dad told them I was powered by belly rubs and need to fill up every now and then.
Yup! Still my birthday!
I like birthdays! Today Dad brought me to Old Westbury Gardens and I got to meet a bunch of dogs and play. He even brought water for me! Mom didn't bring me any water yesterday but Rigby was nice enough to share his . When Dad and I got home, I fell asleep under the table while he cooked. Yup, another great birthday!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
It must still be my birthday!
I wonder how long birthdays last, cause I think it's still my birthday. This morning Mom was holding my big leash so I knew that we must be going for a ride! She took me to Old Westbury Gardens and guess who was there! My friend Rigby and my friend Grace and Rigby and Grace's Mom too! Whenever Rigby would sit or lie down, I would jump all over him! Then he would jump on me or hold me down with his paw. When he let go, I would jump all over him again. It was SO much fun! Mom couldn't take pictures cause I was pulling her all over the place. Then we came home and I lay in the kitchen to rest up for when Dad got home!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Birthdays are awesome!
Birthdays are awesome! Last night Dad and I went to the library to pick up Mom and I saw a lot of people who petted me. When we got home, Mom gave me my present from my bestest friends Grace and Rigby! Mom and Dad thought that I would attack the bag and papers but I sat and waited for someone to unwrap it for me. There was a yummy cookie and a toy! Here's a video.
After I ate the cookies, I played with my toy. It is a really cool toy. Mom is taking bets on how long it will take me to destroy it.
Mom and Dad got me a winter coat for my birthday. Dad tried it on me and I think it looks quite nice! Let me know what you think. It's reversible-blue wool on one side and red microfleece on the other. Nice and toasty!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Happy Birthday To Me!
Mom said that today is my birthday. I'm not sure what that means. I hope it means I get some tasty food. She did give me some chicken jerky when we came downstairs. Mom said she would put some pictures up of me so people could see what I look like. Those are what I look like today.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
what will I be for halloween?
This morning Mom was happy cause Dad found my santa outfit. Mom said I could try it out for Halloween! I sniffed it and it seemed tasty, but I don't know if I want to wear it. We'll see how I feel. Mom said she also bought me a birthday present but it hasn't come yet. She said tomorrow is my birthday but I'm not sure what that means. I hope it doesn't mean more brushing cause Mom insisted on brushing me this morning and I did not like it. I wouldn't let her brush my legs or my tummy.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Last night I continued in my quest to be the naughtiest little dog ever.Mom and Dad ate in the kitchen to keep me company. It wasn't much fun though cause Mom and Dad are not messy enough eaters. They didn't dropanything on the floor for me to eat. So I barked and chased them out of my kitchen. Then I ate the button off Mom's sweater which she had left in the kitchen. We all went for a walk and then I kept barking at them so I was banished yet again.
Monday, October 17, 2011
So naughty
Last night I was tired of being with Mom so I decided to be super naughty! I was banished to the kitchen 4 times! And the last time I didn't get to come back out! I didn't want to play with Mom I just wanted to bark and her and bump her with my head and nip at her. She gave me a new toy but I didn't care. She put bitter apple on the chair leg that I was chewing on and that made me mad. I chewed on a wicker utensil holder and that made her mad. Finally she just walked me and made me go to bed.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Where's Dad?
I haven't seen Dad in a really long time. It's just been me and Mom. He isn't there when I wake up and he isn't there when I go to bed, but sometimes I hear him in the middle of the night. Last night I was very naughty and spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I was with Mom in the living room and she thought I was chewing on my rope toy, but instead I was eating the carpet! Right now I'm waiting in the kitchen to see if we're going to do anything and I'm chewing on the chair leg.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Last night Mom gave me some extra yummy food after I ate my yucky kibble. I got some chicken and a small piece of cheese-I would have like a MUCH larger piece of cheese. Then I got to play with Mom for a while but it got boring so I barked and nipped at her. She stuck me in the kitchen. Then Dad came home and I was very excited to see him! I only got to play with him for a little bit , then Mom made me go out for a walk and to bed. I was not happy at all, so I grumbled and barked for a while in my crate while Mom tried to ignore me. She looked a little sleepy this morning so it must have kept her up.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
a new low for Mom and Dad
This morning Mom and Dad were up at the same time again. I must be going for another ride I thought. When Mom brought me inside and gave me breakfast I ate it all up so that I would be ready for the ride.I was so excited that I knocked down the kitchen gate and ran over to see Dad. Then I sat by the front door so that I would be ready. But Mom grabbed me and put me in the kitchen and then they both LEFT!!! So I was forced to chew my rope toy into little pieces for Mom to pick up.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
so alone...
This morning when Mom let me out of my crate, I heard Dad. So I jumped up and looked on the bed and there he was! I got to say hello and lick him! Then Mom grabbed me and took me downstairs. We went outside and walked around a bit. I barked at the kids waiting for the bus because they don't give me belly rubs. Then we went inside and Mom made me breakfast-which I actually ate! It had apples in it. Then Mom was mean and brushed me and I tried to kill the brush but I couldn't get a good grip on it. I barked at Mom and she left the room. Then I felt lonely and I wanted Mom to stay home and play with me so I decided to make her feel guilty. When she walked by the gate, I lay down and rolled on my back so she could give me a belly rub (Mom's can't resist that!). So she rubbed my belly for a while but the she left anyway. It is lonely in the kitchen.
none for me
Last night I decided that I was not going to eat my food. Dad tried to get me to eat but I was uninterested. I was wandering around the kitchen up to no good when I heard a noise. It was Mom. I decided to be happy to see her and jumped around and let her give me a belly rub.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Such a big day for such a small dog
First I have to tell you about last night. I made Mom laugh. She had dropped the cardboard roll from the tinfoil package and I grabbed it before she could. That makes it mine. I was happily chewing away when Mom decided to take me for a walk. She put on my leash and I got up, still with half the roll in my mouth. I walked over to the shelves in the kitchen and put the roll there for later. Mom was very amused.
This morning Mom and Dad got up at the same time! I knew that I was in for an adventure! Mom brought me downstairs and took me out for a walk. I tried to get in the car but she wouldn't put me in. She didn't give me breakfast either. We walked around a bit and then Dad came out and we got into the car. We drove for a long time. Then we got out and walked around while Dad got a bagel and got back into the car. We drove some more. Then I smelled really good smells-like apples! We got out of the car and it smelled like apples, and there were lots of apples on the ground, plus a lot of good smelling mud so I rolled a little in it. Mom and Dad picked a lot of apples and I ran around in the tall grass and sniffed everything. Then we got back in the car and went to a place with a lot of people. There were people everywhere! There should be a lot of belly rubs here I thought. But I was wrong. Only 1 man and 3 kids bothered to pet me. Then we got back in the car and drove for a long time again. When Mom took me out, we were at the dog park! I was tired and hot so I only ran around a little. Then we went home. Mom gave me a frosty paws cause I looked so hot-it was yummy. Then I lay down and took a nap for a while. It was a very big day!
This morning Mom and Dad got up at the same time! I knew that I was in for an adventure! Mom brought me downstairs and took me out for a walk. I tried to get in the car but she wouldn't put me in. She didn't give me breakfast either. We walked around a bit and then Dad came out and we got into the car. We drove for a long time. Then we got out and walked around while Dad got a bagel and got back into the car. We drove some more. Then I smelled really good smells-like apples! We got out of the car and it smelled like apples, and there were lots of apples on the ground, plus a lot of good smelling mud so I rolled a little in it. Mom and Dad picked a lot of apples and I ran around in the tall grass and sniffed everything. Then we got back in the car and went to a place with a lot of people. There were people everywhere! There should be a lot of belly rubs here I thought. But I was wrong. Only 1 man and 3 kids bothered to pet me. Then we got back in the car and drove for a long time again. When Mom took me out, we were at the dog park! I was tired and hot so I only ran around a little. Then we went home. Mom gave me a frosty paws cause I looked so hot-it was yummy. Then I lay down and took a nap for a while. It was a very big day!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
they don't make tennis balls like they used to
Last night I was lying in the living room calmly tearing and eating the green fuzz off my tennis ball (which Mom had found for me under the couch) when I decided to chew a hole in it. It took me a while but I finally got through. Then Dad took it away from me. All that work for nothing. This morning Mom brushed me (which I HATE) and took almost all my hair off! She had to stop when the brush was full.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Last night I was lying on the floor chewing and eating my rope toy when I heard keys. Keys usually mean that I am going for a ride in the car. But sometimes they mean that someone is home. Dad was in the living room with me so I thought maybe it is Mom. I heard the kitchen door open and I ran to see who it was.It was Mom so I lay down and let her give me a belly rub. Then she came in the living room so I lay down and chewed on the rope toy again.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Mom didn't need that hummingbird feeder anyway
Last night when Mom came home, I had a big surprise waiting for her. I found a box way back on the shelf in the kitchen and decided to see what it was. It was a hummingbird feeder. A big plastic round thing with a tube. I ate the box, chewed on the tube and rolled the round thing around the floor. I've never even seen a hummingbird around her so I knew I could help Mom out by eating the box. Then she could throw out that useless thing.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I'm a good dog!
Last night I was in the living room with Mom and Dad and I heard them plotting. Dad wanted some pie, but Mom said he couldn't eat it with me in the room cause I would want some too (and that's true! I like to share in whatever they are eating). Mom told Dad to wait until I was naughty, then they would put me in the kitchen and eat some pie. Well I did not like that plan at all! Who are they to cheat me out of pie! If I can't have any, neither can they! So I decided that I was going to be very very very good! I lay on the floor by Mom and chewed on my tennis ball and my rope toy for 2 hours. It was very hard to be good for that long. Eventually I forgot that I was being good and started barking at Mom and biting her pants. Dad jumped up and grabbed me and put me in the kitchen. I was mad that I had forgotten about their plot to put me there. It worked out in the end, cause when Dad was cutting the pie and putting it on plates a small piece of the cream (it was a cherry cream pie) fell on the floor and I ATE it!
This morning Mom opened my crate. I came out and did my yoga and then ran to find Mom's socks. I had found them in the back of her closet and she keeps forgetting to put them away. I grabbed them and ran a lap into AT's room and then back into Mom's room. She finally trapped me and brought me to Dad for sock removal (that's his job in the morning).
This morning Mom opened my crate. I came out and did my yoga and then ran to find Mom's socks. I had found them in the back of her closet and she keeps forgetting to put them away. I grabbed them and ran a lap into AT's room and then back into Mom's room. She finally trapped me and brought me to Dad for sock removal (that's his job in the morning).
Monday, October 3, 2011
Don't leave
When Mom came home at lunch today I was very excited! She took me out for a walk, but I knew that when we went back inside she would leave. I wanted her to stay with me, so when we were outside I lay down on the lawn and wouldn't budge. Ha! I thought. She'll have to stay home now! But Mom is tricky and she picked me up and carried me inside. I whacked her cheek with my paw to show my displeasure.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
so tired
When Mom came home from work today, I was too tired to even get up and say hello. Dad took me to the dog park and I ran around like a crazy dog! Then Mom took me for a walk and I saw my friend Chief and my friend Max! Plus I got lots of belly rubs! Mom made me walk very far and now she put my food on the floor but I am too tired to go and eat it.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
squirrels are sneaky
Mom and I took a walk this morning and I smelled squirrel! I was running back and forth sniffing the ground and tracking that evil squirrel. Then I noticed that Mom was lausghing. She said that the whole time I was tracking a squirrel that another squirrel was sitting there watching me and I didn't notice at all.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
so alone
Last night I was all alone. It was so lonely. Mom wasn't there and Dad left. I didn't even eat my food. I was walking glumly around the kitchen when I heard the sound of keys. I quickly ran over to the door and it opened and Mom was there! She sat down on the chair so that I could jump up and say hello. I was very excited to see her. Then she sat on the floor so that I would eat my food. I ate it all up and then jumped and sat on her lap like I used to when I was a younger puppy. Then the night got even better, cause Dad came home! I was having fun until Mom took me out for a walk and then brought me up to bed. I didn't want to go to bed! I wanted to play. Fortunately Mom forgot to take my collar off so I moved around in my crate to make it jingle. Mom got up and turned on the light. Then she tried to open my crate to take off my collar, but I was ready and I was out of there like a greyhound! I made her chase me around the bedroom. She finally caught me and took the collar off and made me go back in my crate. So I was forced to whimper and bark. She took me out again and brought me downstairs where Dad took me for a walk. Then we went back inside and Mom put me back in my crate.
This morning though, Mom was ready for me and caught me when I tried to run out of my crate.
This morning though, Mom was ready for me and caught me when I tried to run out of my crate.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sometimes you feel like a nut
Mom had been harvesting almonds from the tree and she had them in her pocket. When she was in the bedroom, one fell out and I marked where it fell. Mom had given me an almond one night and it was tasty. When Mom let me out of my crate this morning, I ran over to where the almond was and scooped it up. Mom thought that I had a penny in my mouth so she chased me around. I ran out the door into AT's room and then Mom chased me back into the bedroom and shut the door. Then Dad joined the chase and they caught me. Dad went after the penny only to be surprised when he pulled an almond (still in its shell) out of my mouth. Mom and I went downstairs and she made me breakfast. I ignored it until she left the room and then ate it all to surprise her!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Dachshunds are so cool that people write songs about us!
This morning I was ready for Mom. When she opened my crate, I zipped out and ran into the closet where I found a pair of her socks. I grabbed them and made her chase me around. Mom said that I could have a career in finding people's socks.
Last night Dad found a song about me. Mom said she would put it in my blog. I barked along with it-because dachshunds are cool. While we were on our walk, I found a chunk of wet cut grass and ate it before Mom could dig it out of my mouth. I considered it an hors d'oeuvre before my breakfast which was kibble with a tiny bit of chicken broth and baby carrots. I ate some but I'm saving the rest for later!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
This morning I did not eat my food, even though Mom cut up some apple and mixed it with my kibble. At lunch she tried to trick me into eating it by throwing some walnuts in, but I picked those out and ate them. Today I helped Mom weed the back yard. I followed her around and wherever she pulled out weeds, I dug a hole. She picked a tomato for me, but today it's too hot to eat!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The little Pasha
Mom says I am like a little Pasha since I love to be carried up and down the stairs. When Mom carries me downstairs in the morning, I like to rest a paw against her cheek. When we went out for a walk this morning I saw the squirrel that has been taunting me! I froze and watched him.I was hoping Mom would be distracted and drop my leash so that I could go get him but she is too careful.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Just call me Houdini
Yesterday when Dad came home he had a new toy for me. When Mom got home, Dad held up the toy and said, "2 hours and he hasn't chewed it open yet". Dad was very proud of his toy choice. It is a good toy.
Last night I broke out of my crate again. I waited until Mom left the room and then managed to break out of my crate. I was smart this time. When Mom came back in, I didn't run over to her. She got into bed and I switched my rope toy from the crate with one of Mom's socks. Mom heard some noises somehow and reached over to find the crate door open. She got up and turned on the light. I was hiding by the chair when Mom said, "You little bugger!" and chased me around. She caught me, took away the sock and put me back in my crate. I sighed loudly to express my disdain. She didn't find my rope toy until this morning.
Last night I broke out of my crate again. I waited until Mom left the room and then managed to break out of my crate. I was smart this time. When Mom came back in, I didn't run over to her. She got into bed and I switched my rope toy from the crate with one of Mom's socks. Mom heard some noises somehow and reached over to find the crate door open. She got up and turned on the light. I was hiding by the chair when Mom said, "You little bugger!" and chased me around. She caught me, took away the sock and put me back in my crate. I sighed loudly to express my disdain. She didn't find my rope toy until this morning.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
My solution to health issues
Last night Mom and I went on a 45 minute walk. We seemed to walk forever. We walked by a game store and I ran up to the door and looked in. There were a lot of kids in there and I wanted to go play with them but Mom said no. No is her favorite word I think. When we got home I ran right to my water bowl. Mom thought the walk would wear me out, but no, I was raring to play tug of war or chase after stuff. By 10pm though, I was happy to be carried upstairs and get my treat in my crate.
This morning Mom grabbed me as soon as I came out of the crate and we went downstairs. Mom and I took a walk at lunch and we saw Josh, the mailman! I love Josh, he always stops to pet me or give me a belly rub. I smelled the mail cart and wiggled around. When Mom and I walked home, we walked under the oak tree so I could graze. Something kept throwing acorns at me, I think it was the evil squirrel that I had chased earlier in the day. While Josh was rubbing my belly, I had a brilliant thought. Here is how I could fix the health care system. Whenever people rub my belly they always seem happy and relaxed. And I heard that dogs are good for lowering blood pressure. So what we need to do is to have everyone rub my tummy! Mom could drive me around (cause I love going for rides in the car) to places and everyone could come out and play with me and the whole world would be happy and unstressed! And happy, unstressed with low blood pressure equals healthier people! Plus I would finally get my daily allotted amount of belly rubs cause right now I'm only getting about 20% of what I need and deserve!
This morning Mom grabbed me as soon as I came out of the crate and we went downstairs. Mom and I took a walk at lunch and we saw Josh, the mailman! I love Josh, he always stops to pet me or give me a belly rub. I smelled the mail cart and wiggled around. When Mom and I walked home, we walked under the oak tree so I could graze. Something kept throwing acorns at me, I think it was the evil squirrel that I had chased earlier in the day. While Josh was rubbing my belly, I had a brilliant thought. Here is how I could fix the health care system. Whenever people rub my belly they always seem happy and relaxed. And I heard that dogs are good for lowering blood pressure. So what we need to do is to have everyone rub my tummy! Mom could drive me around (cause I love going for rides in the car) to places and everyone could come out and play with me and the whole world would be happy and unstressed! And happy, unstressed with low blood pressure equals healthier people! Plus I would finally get my daily allotted amount of belly rubs cause right now I'm only getting about 20% of what I need and deserve!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tomato time
Mom took some videos of me enjoying my tomato. I find it slightly rude but I am photogenic. Plus I did some extreme close-ups to bug her!
A tomato is an awesome thing-cause they are a toy but when you are tired of playing with them, you can eat them! It's the best! This morning Mom opened my crate door and went away-so I ran out and ran around the bedroom with her chasing me. Then I ran down the hall into AT's room and Mom came after me, but she forgot to close the door so when she came in, I ran back out. Finally she caught me. Then she brought me in the bathroom and weighed me. She said I weigh 22 pounds give or take an ounce cause I was being very wiggily. We went outside for a quick walk and then inside to have breakfast. I got kibble with chopped up baby carrots and some chicken and gravy. I nosed aside the kibble and ate all the chicken. Then Mom moved my bowl under her chair while she ate so I finished the rest of my breakfast. Then I got a tomato and Mom filmed me playing with it. She apparently finds it amusing and said that I made slurping sounds but I think it's rude to film someone eating.After breakfast we went back out for a walk. I smelled my friend Chief so I ran around tracking his scent down the grass and the sidewalk. When I reached the corner, I looked around and there he was with his Dad. I was so excited that I jumped around and sniffed him all over. Chief is 6 months older than me and is not as bouncy. Finally Mom said we had to go in so that she could go to work. I saw Dad with his work clothes on so I guess he's feeling better and is going to work. I guess I'll be all alone today.
A tomato is an awesome thing-cause they are a toy but when you are tired of playing with them, you can eat them! It's the best! This morning Mom opened my crate door and went away-so I ran out and ran around the bedroom with her chasing me. Then I ran down the hall into AT's room and Mom came after me, but she forgot to close the door so when she came in, I ran back out. Finally she caught me. Then she brought me in the bathroom and weighed me. She said I weigh 22 pounds give or take an ounce cause I was being very wiggily. We went outside for a quick walk and then inside to have breakfast. I got kibble with chopped up baby carrots and some chicken and gravy. I nosed aside the kibble and ate all the chicken. Then Mom moved my bowl under her chair while she ate so I finished the rest of my breakfast. Then I got a tomato and Mom filmed me playing with it. She apparently finds it amusing and said that I made slurping sounds but I think it's rude to film someone eating.After breakfast we went back out for a walk. I smelled my friend Chief so I ran around tracking his scent down the grass and the sidewalk. When I reached the corner, I looked around and there he was with his Dad. I was so excited that I jumped around and sniffed him all over. Chief is 6 months older than me and is not as bouncy. Finally Mom said we had to go in so that she could go to work. I saw Dad with his work clothes on so I guess he's feeling better and is going to work. I guess I'll be all alone today.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I don't like telephones!
Last night I took the blue rug that Mom put in my corner by the pantry and pulled it under the kitchen table to chew on it. Mom found me and said No. She put it back in the corner and made me sit and lie down on it. When she wasn't looking I folded part of it up and chewed on in. But she turned around and saw me and took my rug away. She gave me a tomato instead but I didn't want to eat it, so I hid it in the kitchen. When we got back from our walk, Mom let me into the living room to play. We were playing tug of war with my new rope toy when the phone rang. I hate the phone. I hate when people call and disturb my playtime. Mom and Dad ignored me so I ran into the kitchen, found my tomato and brought it into the living room. I ate it on the living room rug just to spite them.
This morning I casually stretched out of my crate and let Mom give me a belly rub. We went downstairs and went for a walk. Mom gave me a surprise in my breakfast. My kibble had little pieces of chicken and carrots and gravy! That was a good breakfast! Mom said she is going to take a video of me playing with a tomato.
This morning I casually stretched out of my crate and let Mom give me a belly rub. We went downstairs and went for a walk. Mom gave me a surprise in my breakfast. My kibble had little pieces of chicken and carrots and gravy! That was a good breakfast! Mom said she is going to take a video of me playing with a tomato.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Self Service
Last night Dad let me go outside and play in the back yard. I was feeling a bit peckish so I went over and grabbed a tomato to eat. Dad was surprised and yelled at me to get out of the tomato area. Mom was amused cause she had given me a tomato a couple of days ago but I hadn't seemed to like it. Well I do like it-not as much as carrots, but a tomato now and then isn't bad-plus I can pick them myself. Maybe Mom should grow carrots next year!
This morning I lay there while Mom opened my crate and just looked at her. I came halfway out and did my yoga and stretching. Mom brought me downstairs and we went outside. She pulled out some old sunflowers and it left a big hole. So I went to investigate the hole. When we came inside, Mom made me breakfast and put some carrots in with my kibble and "gravy". I ate all my breakfast so she gave me some carrots and a tomato. I ate those all up. Then she put a rug down in my spot by the pantry. I went over and sniffed it. She told me to lie down so I lay down on it. I tried to chew it but she said no. I guess she wants me to be more comfortable, but I like lying on the floor. Mom said that I was a very good boy this morning since I didn't bark at her or try to eat her pant legs. I think Dad is still home so maybe I'll get to play with him at lunch if he's feeling better.
This morning I lay there while Mom opened my crate and just looked at her. I came halfway out and did my yoga and stretching. Mom brought me downstairs and we went outside. She pulled out some old sunflowers and it left a big hole. So I went to investigate the hole. When we came inside, Mom made me breakfast and put some carrots in with my kibble and "gravy". I ate all my breakfast so she gave me some carrots and a tomato. I ate those all up. Then she put a rug down in my spot by the pantry. I went over and sniffed it. She told me to lie down so I lay down on it. I tried to chew it but she said no. I guess she wants me to be more comfortable, but I like lying on the floor. Mom said that I was a very good boy this morning since I didn't bark at her or try to eat her pant legs. I think Dad is still home so maybe I'll get to play with him at lunch if he's feeling better.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I found my blue squeaky bone
Today I continued my disinterest in leaving my crate when Mom opens it. Then when her attention is diverted, I zoom out! Dad is still sick but he let me play with him a bit at lunch. Mom and I took a long walk and I saw my friend Mollie. I want to play with her but she just runs around and ignores me. Mom let me play in the backyard when we got home and I found my blue squeaky bone and my empty soda bottles. Mom threw them around the garden and I chased them. After she put me upstairs so that I didn't bother Dad.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Last night I decided to be a very naughty dog. Mom gave me my two bobos which she had sewed up again and I ripped them both open and pulled out the tasty stuffing. Mom chased me around and got the bobos and took the stuffing off my beard. She put me in the kitchen but I wanted to be with Dad so I barked and barked and jumped at the gate. Eventually she let me into the living room. I played a bit with my rope toy that I had chewed to pieces, then Dad let me sit on his lap for a while, but I ran over to Mom who was sitting in front of the couch and climed down using her as a ladder. Then I barked and nipped at her until she caught me and put me on my leash. I calmed down a bit but then I got angry and jumped around barking and biting at everything. Then I growled at the carpet and tried to dig a hole through it and chewed on it. Mom put me back in the kitchen so I lay down in my spot by the pantry and brooded. I think Mom put me in my crate early but I'm not sure.
This morning Mom opened the crate but I didn't come out until she lay back down on the bed. That way she had to get up again. I think I'm still in a bad mood. When Mom brought me in and told me to sit, I refused and gave her the baleful look that I've been working on. Mom did the dishes while I glared at her and bit at her pants. Then she sat down to eat breakfast and moved my breakfast under her chair so I came over and ate with her. We went out for a walk and I smelled one of my friends so I tracked his scent down the block but Mom wouldn't let me cross the street and find him. Dad is home today but he is not feeling well, so Mom said I had to stay upstairs so I didn't bother him. Maybe later I can play with him.
This morning Mom opened the crate but I didn't come out until she lay back down on the bed. That way she had to get up again. I think I'm still in a bad mood. When Mom brought me in and told me to sit, I refused and gave her the baleful look that I've been working on. Mom did the dishes while I glared at her and bit at her pants. Then she sat down to eat breakfast and moved my breakfast under her chair so I came over and ate with her. We went out for a walk and I smelled one of my friends so I tracked his scent down the block but Mom wouldn't let me cross the street and find him. Dad is home today but he is not feeling well, so Mom said I had to stay upstairs so I didn't bother him. Maybe later I can play with him.
Friday, September 16, 2011
I ate my bed
Today Dad was home sick and Mom was home too. She put my bed upstairs in my play area to see if I would lie on it. When she came back up , it was in pieces. She said she wasn't going to buy me a bed for my birthday now as I am obviously not ready for it. Mom and I went on some long walks today.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
You say tomato
Yesterday Mom and I played in the backyard. I found two plastic soda bottles and I ran around tossing them in the air and pouncing on them. Mom was picking tomatoes and peppers and I wanted to help so I jumped into the raised bed with the plants. Mom didn't like that and kicked me out of the raised bed. Then I heard a noise and saw Dad coming in the gate so I ran over to greet him. When we went inside, Mom gave me a piece of tomato. I bit it and then dropped it on the floor. It tasted funny. I nosed it around the floor for a while and then finally ate it. I'm not sure if I liked it.
This morning I saw Mom grab her keys. This got me excited cause keys=car ride! We went outside and I tried desperately to get into the car. Finally Mom opened the door and put me in. I thought maybe we were going to the dog park, but we went to the library instead! My friend Grace was there and I got to jump all over her and lick her. Plus that way Rigby knows I am still around! I ran around making sure to see everyone, especially Angela who only pets boxers. I kept trying to win her over, but it didn't work. No belly rubs from her at all. But I got treats and got belly rubs from a lot of other people. When Mom took me home , Dad was home too. I was tired from all the attention so Mom put me upstairs for a nap and I think she took one too!
This morning I saw Mom grab her keys. This got me excited cause keys=car ride! We went outside and I tried desperately to get into the car. Finally Mom opened the door and put me in. I thought maybe we were going to the dog park, but we went to the library instead! My friend Grace was there and I got to jump all over her and lick her. Plus that way Rigby knows I am still around! I ran around making sure to see everyone, especially Angela who only pets boxers. I kept trying to win her over, but it didn't work. No belly rubs from her at all. But I got treats and got belly rubs from a lot of other people. When Mom took me home , Dad was home too. I was tired from all the attention so Mom put me upstairs for a nap and I think she took one too!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Please Mom, could I have some more?
This morning I surpised Mom by actually being hungry. She made my breakfast of kibble with some rice and water to make gravy. Usually I ignore my food. This morning though I walked over and had some without Mom having to do anything! Then I looked at her to see what she would do. She looked very surprised and then came down and sat next to me. I sat there and ate my food like a good dog while she petted me. What a good dog Mom said! But after, when she got up, I grabbed her pant leg and growled. I didn't want her to leave the kitchen because it was time to play! I threw my rope toy at her feet and barked at her.
slinky dog
This morning when Mom let me out I only came halfway out. Then I lay back down and stretched as far as I could, so far that I looked twice as long as usual.Mom said that I looked like a slinky dog. I lay there for a while waiting for my belly rub. Then I got up and ran around the room looking for Dad's socks. They are so tasty! Mom and I went downstairs and outside where there were a line of kids getting on the bus. I ran after then cause I wanted to ride on the bus too but Mom wouldn't let me.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Worrying Mom
This morning while I was waiting for everyone to get up, I figured out how to worry Mom. Usually when she tries to unlock my crate I go barreling past her to get out. This morning she unlocked my crate and I just lay there and looked at her. She looked kind of worried. She petted me and asked me why I didn't want to come out. When she moved back a little, I shot out of the crate and found Dad's sock. Then I ran around with the sock for a while until Mom caught me.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
a day gone bad
Today seemed like it was going to be a great day. Dad came and got me and took me outside. I ran over to his car and sat in front of the door hoping that we were going for a ride. And we were! Dad put me in my seat. Then Mom got in the car. This is going to be great! Mom and Dad took me to the dog park. I like the dog park. I ran right in to see what dogs were there. Of course none of the people knew what I was-I think Mom should make me a sign. There was a big labradoodle there and I got to play with him! We had a lot of fun. He let me chase him around like I was the big dog! Then a rottweiler came and ruined our fun cause he was growling at my friend and his owner took him home. Then I tried to play with the bulldog but he was interested. Mom and Dad took me home and I prepared to rest for a while. Unfortunately, today wasn't such a great day. Dad scooped me up and gave me a BATH! Then he COMBED me. And then, he cleaned my ears. I did not enjoy any of this! He put me upstairs in my area to dry off. Now I don't smell like myself at all.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Help! I'm being scalped!
Dad went out and bought something even more horrible and evil than a brush.... A COMB! Last night he grabbed me and started combing me.Well combing is even worse than being brushed and I kept trying to bite the comb. By the time he was done, the comb was even hairier than me! I was standing there barking at him after he let me go when I heard a noise. I ran into the kitchen to bark at the noise and it was Mom. I was so happy to see her (mostly cause she wasn't holding a comb) that I bounced around and twirled around and did a flip so that I could let her rub my belly. Then she came into the living room and sat on the floor next to mean Dad. I ran and launched myself at her and wiggled around to show Dad what you get when you don't comb me!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Prison break
While Mom was in France playing with other dogs (and I could smell them all on her when she came home!) I tried to tunnel out through the kitchen wall. Dad came home and found me digging a hole in the wall and he wasn't very happy. He leaned a gate against that area so I can't reach it. Last night he went out and left me alone in the kitchen. I managed to knock the gate over so that I could access my tunnel. I was sitting there deciding how to make it a better tunnel when Mom came home! I decided to be nice to her so when she came in I lay down so she could rub my belly. Moms like to do things like that. She sat on the floor and played with me until Dad came back. ( And she put the gate back up so Dad didn't know I was looking at my tunnel!). This morning I am sitting on her feet while she does the dishes cause Dad made chicken soup last night and spilled some on the floor-this way I can lick that area!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Dog Park
Yesterday Mom and Dad left the house with me at the same time. Usually I only walk with one of them. Maybe we're going for a ride I thought, so I ran over to Dad's car and sat there. Mom made me walk around a bit but then they put me in the car. I was excited cause I love going for rides and they usually take me to good places. This time they took me to the dog park. When I first went in a whole bunch of dogs came over and sniffed me. I decided to start out by playing with the small dogs but there was a very mean little poodle so I ran over to sit by Dad. Then I decided to play with the big dogs and it was much more fun! I ran around for an hour and a half and was really really tired when we got home.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
She's back!
Yesterday Dad took me out for a walk and then let me out of the kitchen. I sniffed around in the hallway for a while then he chased me into the living room and guess who I saw? Mom is back! I was excited so I ran and jumped on her and licked and sniffed her all over. Then I lay down so she could rub my belly. While I was lying there, Dad told her about the trick I played on him while she was gone. Dad would let me out into the backyard to play while he was doing the dishes. I decided to hide on him. He came out and called me but I didn't move or make any noise. He looked all over the backyard but didn't see me. So he went inside and got a squeaky toy and squeaked it. I was tempted to run out, but I stayed quiet. Dad had no idea where I was and he looked worried. Then he looked closer and saw my eyes. I was hiding behind the sunflowers and laughing at him!
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