The daily ponderings of a smallish dog with a big bark and a propensity for belly rubs!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Cows are scary!
Today was a long and hot day. Dad, Mom, AT and I went to Milford, New Jersey to Bobolink Farms. It's a farm where they make cheese. I was excited cause I thought I might get a lot of cheese. It was hot when we got there. At 11:00am, Dad said we were going on a tour. Ready or not cheese! Here I come! Instead of cheese we climbed a steep hill. I was pulling Mom up the hill and sniffing around-there were a lot of new smells, when I saw a bunch of huge, scary animals! Dad said they were cows but I thought that they were scary. I barked and ran away. Mom let me hang out with her while everyone went to pet and look at the cows. We were happily hanging out when 2 huge cows came over and started sniffing and licking me. I lay on the ground and tried to look small. Finally they finished tormenting me and we went down the hill. Dad and AT got to go into the store and try pieces of handmade cheese and bread. AT even brought some out for Mom. I was hiding under the car where it was shady and drinking some water cause it was hot!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Back in the crate
This morning Mom took me out for my early morning walk. When we got back in, she did not take me into the kitchen so that I could ignore my breakfast. Instead, she brought me back upstairs and put me in my crate again. This confused me so I sat in my crate and pondered, then took a nap. After a while, she let me out and I ran over and jumped all over AT. Mom said to give him a lot of attention cause he's leaving on Monday. Then I ran over and tried to jump up on the bed and almost made it! Mom put me on the bed and I tunneled under the blanket to say hello to Dad. It was a lot of fun!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Time for a burst of energy
Yesterday afternoon I took a long nap so that I would be refreshed and energetic when everyone got home. Instead of Mom coming to get me, it was Dad, AT and Grandma. I hadn't seen Grandma in a long time so that was exciting. Then I was casually walking around the living room when I saw a pair of AT's socks. They looked so tasty that I just had to grab one. I ran around with the sock and AT chasing me. Finally Grandma and AT tricked me into giving up the sock by bringing out my football. They were playing with it and I wanted to play with it! So I dropped the sock and grabbed the football. It is a very squeaky and loud football and I can get a good range of noises out of it. I did so well that Grandma had to leave because she couldn't take the squeaking. I played with my football until I heard a noise at the door. It was Mom. I went to say hello and then ran back to my football. Mom told Dad to take my football away because I had chewed a hole in it and was eating pieces of the rubber. So Dad chased me around, grabbed my football and checked to see it I had swallowed the plastic squeaky piece (it was still there) and then he threw my football out! So I went and got my camouflage rope toy to play with.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Ready for a nap!
Mom and I are both ready for a nap! Being wiggily takes a LOT of energy! Mom took me to the library so that I could see all my friends. I saw my bestest friend Grace! She is also Rigby's Mom and she always has treats for me! I love getting treats! I jumped all over her and licked her a lot so that Rigby would know I am still around. She carried me up the stairs which was nice and relaxing. Going to the library is fun because there are so many people there and most of them love dogs and love to give me belly rubs! Even Peggy who is a cat person petted me. Some day I will conquer Angela and make her give me a belly rub too! Now I am upstairs and I think Mom is going to come up and take a nap too.
A bad night
Mom said that I had a bad night. I don't remember it at all. Mom said that at 5am I had a panic attack or a nightmare. She said that I was shrieking and throwing myself against the walls of my crate and trying to dig out through the bottom. I was so loud that I woke up Dad. He turned on the light and Mom took me out of my crate and held me cause I was shaking and my heart was beating very fast. When I calmed down, Mom took me outside but all I did was bark. So she brought me back inside and upstairs. She was worried that I wouldn't go back in my crate, but I had apparently forgotten all about it, so I went in and she gave me a treat. Then I fell back asleep. When I got up this morning, Mom told me all about it, but I really don't remember anything. I think Mom made the whole thing up to get more attention!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Today I ate a dough scraper
This afternoon Dad left me downstairs in the kitchen. I found a plastic dough scraper that looked tasty so I ate the handle of it-chewed it in to tiny little plastic pieces and left them on the floor for Mom to find. She cleaned it up when she came home and then took me for a walk. I saw my friend Chief so we went across the street so I could play with him. Chief and I jumped all over each other and tangled up our leashes so that our Moms had to untangle us. It was fun. AT gave me my food but I didn't eat until Mom sat down on the floor and played the kibble game with me. She flicks pieces of kibble at me and if they come close enough, I eat them!
Monday, July 25, 2011
No more 100 degree days
Today I am much more energetic since it is not hot out! After a rousing licking and jumping fest all over AT to wake him, I went downstairs with Mom and went for a walk. Then I came inside and made her feed me kibble by kibble. Then she put me upstairs since it wasn't that hot. Later Dad brought me down and forgot that the gate wasn't up and I ran through the Monopoly game that AT was playing on the living room floor. Then since I had all my energy back, while Mom, Dad and AT were eating, I jumped up on the shelving unit and ate the directions to Mom's food scale! That got her attention! Now that I have energy they should all be playing with me!
P.S. Dad was mean and put tabasco sauce all over the edge of the shelving unit!
P.S. Dad was mean and put tabasco sauce all over the edge of the shelving unit!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Shave and a haircut
I really really wish that I was a chinese crested hairless kind of dog. It is so hot having all this fur. And today it was still really hot out. I just lay on the floor and ate my ice cubes all day long. Mom, Dad and AT took me to a block party. I wasn't sure what that was, but it turns out that it is a place with lots of people who stand around eating and drop food. Plus there was a wading pool and lots of kids. I got lots of pets and belly rubs! A lady came over and gave me STEAK! She said her son didn't want it. Steak is almost as good as frosty paws! Now I'm waiting for Mom to take me upstairs to the cool room.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Dog Days of Summer are not all they're made out to be
Today Mom left me in the kitchen with a bowl full of ice cubes, but even that didn't help. It was so hot. So hot that I lay on the kitchen floor and dreamt about being a hairless dog. She had sprayed me with water before she left, but I'm not overly fond of that. When she came home, she took me outside and dunked me in the pool, but that didn't help cause the water was warm. So she brought me in and turned on all the air conditioners. After I ate my dinner, Dad gave me the best treat ever! It's called frosty paws. I can't believe that they've been forcing me to eat lamb and rice kibble when this exists! It's the best food ever!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
A Scary Night with Mom
Well, Mom finally let me into the living room last night and I started right in on barking and nipping at her clothes. Usually she just chases me around (which is so much fun as I am so much faster than her) but last night she did something scary! She got down on all fours, growled at me, and chased me into the kitchen. I ran and hid under the table so she couldn't get me. I listened and looked but I didn't see her. So I ran back towards the kitchen door, only when I got close she jumped into the kitchen! This startled me so I ran back under the table. Then I crept out to see if she was gone. I crept closer and closer to the door, then she popped into the kitchen again. She looked at me and said "Baroo?" I looked at her and then ran back under the table. She disappeared. But every time I got close to the door she would reappear. It was very scary. Finally she came in the kitchen and scooped me up and let me cuddle with her on the couch. That was fine for about 10 seconds, but I could see my rope toy on the floor and it was desperately calling for me to chew it into pieces. I wiggled around until she put me down and then I attacked the toy. I chewed off the rope ball so that the toy was in two pieces now-the ball and the rope in a loop. Then Mom grabbed the loop part and wiggled it in front of me, so I had to attack! I tried to pull it away from her, but she wouldn't let go! She kept telling me to drop but I wanted to win, so I wasn't going to drop. Mom cheated by offering me a carrot so I dropped the rope. Then she threw the rope in the corner and I chewed on it quietly for a while.
My plan of Mom aggravation at the moment is to wait until she is in the kitchen with me and then opens up the gate to the living room. While she is busy in the kitchen, I run into the living room, leap onto the couch and eat whatever is on it. It could be mail, a newspaper, a pillow, a remote-it doesn't really matter what it is as long as I can aggravate Mom by eating it. Of course when I do this Mom chases me around and then puts me back in the kitchen-but it's worth it!
My plan of Mom aggravation at the moment is to wait until she is in the kitchen with me and then opens up the gate to the living room. While she is busy in the kitchen, I run into the living room, leap onto the couch and eat whatever is on it. It could be mail, a newspaper, a pillow, a remote-it doesn't really matter what it is as long as I can aggravate Mom by eating it. Of course when I do this Mom chases me around and then puts me back in the kitchen-but it's worth it!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Stuck home with Mom tonight
Sigh. I am stuck at home with Mom tonight. I don't know where Dad and AT are. Mom came home and took me for a really long walk. It was exhausting. Then she gave me dinner which as usual I did not eat. So she took me and my food outside so I could dine al fresco. It is much more fun to eat outside as I can supplement my meal with ants. Now I am waiting for her to let me in the living room so that I can bark at her.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Another new toy
Today was another hot day. I decided to make Mom worry by not eating my breakfast. She looked worried as she left this morning but she threw me a new toy-it's a rope toy with loops and a rope ball at the end. If I pick up the loop part in my mouth and shake my head around the rope ball wallops me in the head. It kind of hurt so I stopped doing that. With Mom gone, I could relax and eat my breakfast, so I did. When Mom came home she made me go for a long walk in the heat. I wasn't happy so I flopped on the grass a lot. Then I decided to start biting Mom's pants-that was much more effective!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Feeling hot hot hot
Today it was way too hot to do anything. Dad brought me downstairs and gave me some ice cubes and carrots to keep me cool. I also got a new toy. I think I am still tuckered out from yesterday at Sands Point and the dog park. At the dog park, most of the dogs were a lot bigger than me and had much longer legs.They were running around really fast so I tried to run around and catch up with them but I couldn't! I was very frustrated and I whimpered sadly as I tried to catch up with them.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
My photoshoot
Mom took a lot of photos of me this weekend. She says that I am very photogenic and I can't disagree with that. She also thinks that I have cute lips.![]()
Out and About
This morning was a good one. Mom took me downstairs and we went for a walk, then I begrudgingly at my food. Mom tried to be sneaky and put some chicken in with my kibble, so I ate all the chicken. I like to leave some food for later in case I'm in the kitchen. Then she put me upstairs. It was very quiet since Dad and AT were sleeping, I think maybe Mom fell back asleep too. Then all of a sudden AT came running by my room and into Mom and Dad's. That woke everyone up. We all went downstairs where I finished eating my breakfast. Then Mom put me in the new car seat in Dad's car and we went for a ride to Sands Point. We drove for a long time until suddenly I saw a castle. I remember this place! I got to run around and then we went down to the water where I stuck my paws in. There were a lot of people there. One woman knew what kind of dog I was and came over to give me a belly rub! That was fun. Another woman thought I was a mix but Dad set her straight. She came over to pet me too. That's the kind of outing I like! One where I get a lot of attention! We walked to the end of the beach and I think I found Rigby's tennis ball! Mom put it in her bag. When we left Sands Point, Dad went to Christopher Morley Park where they have a dog park. There were lots of goldens there, but not Rigby. I played a little with them, but some dogs were really big so I hid under Dad's chair. On the way home, Mom stuck a clip in my hair so that I could see out of both eyes. AT was horrified and wanted to take it off me, but I don't mind it. Plus it matches the clip in Mom's hair so I'm cool with it.
the long walk home
Last night Mom made me go on a really long walk. I kept trying to lie down on the grass but she kept picking me up and making me walk again. I stalked some pigeons but they managed to get away. Then I saw a cat but it hissed at me. Then I walked right by a bunny! I didn't see it at all until it ran across the street. The worst part of the walk was that there was no one walking by to rub my tummy. When we got home, I was very bad and kept barking and biting at Mom so she put me in the kitchen. That was fine cause I wanted to take a nap anyway.
Friday, July 15, 2011
They don't make them like they used to
Toy after I've had it for a while. It had crunchy, crackly stuffing which I quickly took out, but only after I had eaten his feet, tail and ears. It was a good toy, I just wish they lasted longer.
I love the smell of socks in the morning
This morning when Mom let me out of my crate I didn't bother to say hello to anyone. Instead, I ran over and found a pair of Dad's socks rolled into a ball. Sadly they were new clean socks-his used socks taste much better. So I grabbed the socks, settled back into my ready to run at any second pose and growled my "come and get me" growl. Mom chased me around the bedroom for a while but then she gave up cause they were Dad's socks. Then when I wasn't looking, she pounced!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Losing my hearing
Mom says that zucchini must make me crazy cause I was a little lunatic last night. I was in the living room destroying a chew toy and eating the stuffing when Mom decided to take me for a walk. I decided that I did not approve of the pants she was wearing so I kept jumping up, biting her pants and hanging off them. Then to change it up, I would bite my leash. It's fun to do cause it makes Mom jump around like a lunatic too trying to stay out of my reach! Then I saw my neighbor Maria and jumped around and barked. Finally Mom dragged me inside and put me in my crate. I tried to go to sleep but I could hear AT and I wanted to play with him. I barked a little, but Mom wasn't falling for it and wouldn't let me out.
This morning I ate a cherry after throwing it around the floor for the appropriate amount of time. I'm kinda worried that I'm losing my hearing though. I was upstairs in my room , lying on the floor and looking as sad and forlorn as possible waiting for Mom. All of a sudden I heard my name and I looked up and there was Mom! I didn't even hear her come up the stairs. I took a long nap this morning so that I would have enough energy to resist going for a walk.
This morning I ate a cherry after throwing it around the floor for the appropriate amount of time. I'm kinda worried that I'm losing my hearing though. I was upstairs in my room , lying on the floor and looking as sad and forlorn as possible waiting for Mom. All of a sudden I heard my name and I looked up and there was Mom! I didn't even hear her come up the stairs. I took a long nap this morning so that I would have enough energy to resist going for a walk.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Down with glow sticks
Today Dad put me downstairs after lunch. In order to keep Mom on her toes, I didn't destroy anything in the kitchen before she got home. We went out in the backyard where Dad was weeding. I tried to help but Dad kept yelling at me to get out of the asparagus. Mom picked a really big zucchini while AT filled my pool up. I ran in and out of the pool a bit, but then AT was using the hose and I HATE the hose. I saw Mom heading for the kitchen door so I ran in after her. She cut up the zucchini and I ran and grabbed the piece that fell on the floor. Then everyone left me in the kitchen-all by myself! That made me mad so I stretched myself up and grabbed the package of chopsticks and glow stick off the shelf. Mom heard noise and came in and chased me around for the glow sticks and then told me I was a naughty dog. Now I'm sitting my Dad's feet cause he's getting ice cream for himself and AT and I'm hoping he'll drop some!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
How to aggravate Mom
This is another video of me giving Dad a back massage.
Today Dad put me back in the kitchen after lunch. He said that I would be cooler down there. While resting, I thought about what I could do to aggravate Mom. So far the flopping down on the grass has worked well, but I need to up the ante. As I wandered around the kitchen, I noticed the calendar hanging on the fridge. After calculating the height, I jumped up, grabbed it down and proceeded to rip it to shreds. I heard Mom at the door so I ran over and lay in front of the door and looked up at her casually and innocently when she came in. She just shook her head and picked up the pieces of paper and plastic. Then she took me out for a walk. As soon as we got to the sidewalk, I lay down on my side and didn't budge. Mom said that she was going to tie me to a skateboard! She picked me up and we walked a tiny bit more but I fell over again gasping in the heat. Mom gave up and turned around to go home, so I got up and briskly walked back to the house. Mom said that Auntie Carol (who gave me my cool blue/paw harness) had also given Mom a biscuit for me. I think Mom is saving it for herself as I haven't seen it yet! I'm hoping for more fun tonight plus another night in the air conditioned room. I like the air conditioner plus when it is on, AT sleeps in the room too! That makes it easier and more fun to wake everyone up in the morning cause we are all in the same room. The only bad part is that the door is shut so Mom can catch me faster.
Today Dad put me back in the kitchen after lunch. He said that I would be cooler down there. While resting, I thought about what I could do to aggravate Mom. So far the flopping down on the grass has worked well, but I need to up the ante. As I wandered around the kitchen, I noticed the calendar hanging on the fridge. After calculating the height, I jumped up, grabbed it down and proceeded to rip it to shreds. I heard Mom at the door so I ran over and lay in front of the door and looked up at her casually and innocently when she came in. She just shook her head and picked up the pieces of paper and plastic. Then she took me out for a walk. As soon as we got to the sidewalk, I lay down on my side and didn't budge. Mom said that she was going to tie me to a skateboard! She picked me up and we walked a tiny bit more but I fell over again gasping in the heat. Mom gave up and turned around to go home, so I got up and briskly walked back to the house. Mom said that Auntie Carol (who gave me my cool blue/paw harness) had also given Mom a biscuit for me. I think Mom is saving it for herself as I haven't seen it yet! I'm hoping for more fun tonight plus another night in the air conditioned room. I like the air conditioner plus when it is on, AT sleeps in the room too! That makes it easier and more fun to wake everyone up in the morning cause we are all in the same room. The only bad part is that the door is shut so Mom can catch me faster.
King of the Mountain
Last night Mom let me into the living room. She even played the tug of war game with me for a long time. Then Dad lay down on the floor. I climbed up on his back and ran back and forth giving him a massage. Dad said that it actually felt good. Obviously he doesn't know that dachshunds give the best back massages! Then I tried to go down the tunnel under his shirt. But the best part was digging a hole through Dad's back. Mom said I would be a good lumberjack cause Dad kept rolling around and I kept my balance like a lumberjack balancing on a log in the river. She took some videos of me jumping around on Dad's back and head. This quite possibly was my best night ever!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Tabasco is evil
Today was a hot day. When Dad came home at lunch, he brought me downstairs and left me in the kitchen with a huge ice cube made from a sherbert container. I tossed it all over the kitchen floor and when Mom came home she skidded across the wet patches. Mom came home with another harness for me. This one is pretty neat. It's blue with white dog paw prints all over. Mom said it came from Carol at work. We went for a walk and when we got back, Mom let me run around the backyard. I ran around the backyard like a lunatic, attacking my blue water bowl. Dad emptied out my pool and put new water in it and all was well until Mom forgot her place in the universe and put her dirty feet in MY pool. I jumped in and out of the pool and ran around until I remembered the dirt patches by the fence. It's a good day for digging I thought so I ran around digging holes while Mom and Dad yelled. Then Dad got really mean! He came out with tabasco sauce and dripped it all over my nice dirt. I knew I shouldn't but I went over to sniff it anyway. Yikes! That hurts my nose! So I rolled all over the lawn trying to get the smell out of my nose. Now I'm inside trying to get everyone to play with me.
Oh, I forgot to tell you about my new plan to aggravate Mom. When she takes out for a walk, I walk excitedly to just outside the gate. Then I fall on my side on the grass and refuse to walk. She has to come over and pick me up and put me on my feet, and if she isn't quick enough with the leash, I just fall right back down again. It is very funny to see how aggravated she gets!
Oh, I forgot to tell you about my new plan to aggravate Mom. When she takes out for a walk, I walk excitedly to just outside the gate. Then I fall on my side on the grass and refuse to walk. She has to come over and pick me up and put me on my feet, and if she isn't quick enough with the leash, I just fall right back down again. It is very funny to see how aggravated she gets!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Blue is my colour
Yesterday Mom, Dad and AT bought me a new harness. It is blue and I think it looks quite dashing against my fur. They also bought me a car seat, which I am not sure that I like yet. Dad blew up the bottom of it-it's kinda like a balloon, but I think he blew it up too much. It looks like a big box and it is in the backseat. They didn't give me a chance to try it out today. No one took me for a ride. I stayed up late last night with Dad. He lets me lie on the kitchen floor on my back with all four paws up in the air. This morning Mom opened my crate at 7am but I just looked at her and didn't move. So she closed it back up and I let her lie in bed until 8am. Today I got some new treats. Mom gave me some apple in my breakfast, I got a peanut butter/banana treat, a small piece of hard boiled egg, and part of a dog biscuit (shaped like a cat) from Trader Joe's. AT put some ice cubes in my water bowl so I took one under the kitchen table to chew on. In retrospect, that might not have been a good idea as I sort of let it melt. Mom was walking in the kitchen and hit the water with her flip flops and went wildly careening across the floor. I ran over to lick her to make sure she was ok. She thanked me for caring. Now I'm lying in the kitchen by the pantry and I'm not moving. Mom is trying to get in the pantry but I'm blocking it so she'll have to wait!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Dad and I
This morning I was lying by the pantry door with all four of my feet up in the air when Dad appeared. I was excited to see him so I jumped right up to say hi. Dad took me outside and we went for a walk. When we came back, Dad took off my leash and let me run around the yard. I was having fun until he sprayed me with the hose-I hate that. Then he filled my pool up with water and I jumped in after my toy. Mom and AT came home so I ran and said hello to them. AT took my squeaky blue bone and threw it in my pool. I ran around the pool with my bone and then jumped out and ran around. AT picked up my bone and squeezed the water out on top of me.Suddenly I saw my blue bowl and I ran towards it. But I couldn't reach it! There was a chair with fabric in front of me. I could see my bowl but I couldn't get to it. I tried grabbing it with my paw but the chair kept getting in my way. Then I backed up and looked around. I ran around the chair and hurray I could get to my bowl!
Friday, July 8, 2011
My inner greyhound comes out
Last night Mom took me for a walk and then put me in my crate in AT's room. I was hot and cranky and did not want to go to bed. So I barked and yowled. Mom came in to take me downstairs for a walk, but when she unlocked my crate I came barreling out like a greyhound and Mom and AT had to chase me around between rooms for a while. Finally, AT caught me and Mom took me downstairs for Dad to walk. He took me out and then put me in the kitchen where I took a quick nap on the cool floor (That way I would have more energy for when they took me back upstairs.). Then Dad brought me upstairs and put me back in my crate. Refreshed from my nap I barked and barked. Finally Dad came in and picked my crate up (with me in it!) and carried me into his room. Then he came back and got AT. Mom put on the air conditioner and turned off the lights. I whimpered a little bit, can't have Mom and Dad think that I'm giving in too easily! But then it got nice and cool in the room and we all went to sleep.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Where's the kong?
Yesterday Dad and I were playing with my kong. He got a hold of it and threw it somewhere, but I couldn't find it anywhere! Today as I was strolling around the living room, I passed by Dad's bookshelf and something on it looked familiar. There's my kong I thought and I casually grabbed it off the shelf in passing. Dad didn't know my kong was there and he thought I was grabbing some of his stuff so he yelled at me. He felt bad (which he should!) so he played with me a little bit until Mom made me go outside for walk.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
More Pool Time!
When Mom came up to get me I was hot and cranky and did NOT want to go for a walk. I went out the gate and lay down on the grass. She picked me up and I walked to the next patch of grass and lay down again. It was too hot to walk. Mom put me back in the kitchen and snuck outside. I heard her putting water in my pool and I got very excited and started barking. When Dad and AT came home, Mom let me outside and I ran over and jumped in my pool. I was happily running laps when Mom came over and stuck her feet in MY pool! That won't do I thought and I ran over to Mom's feet and barked at them until she took them out.
Usually when I get up in the morning, I ignore Mom and run to wake up Dad. This morning I was torn between waking up Dad or AT. Since AT was sleeping on his mattress on the floor, he was easier to reach, so I started with him. I jumped on his mattress and headed for his head. I licked his face and then jumped all over his head. He started wiggling and I saw that his toes looked lonely so I ran down and licked them. Then I ran back up and jumped on his head again. When he said hello to me, I figured that my job was done so I focused on waking up Dad. It's harder with Dad cause the bed is so high up. I have to stand on my tippy toes and hope that Dad's arm or leg is within reach. I managed to lick his elbow and he said hello to me. Mom grabbed me while I was paying attention to Dad. She scooped me up and I relaxed and enjoyed the ride downstairs. Then I did my usual routine of lying on the floor so that it is hard for her to get my collar on. I don't want to make her life too easy. We went outside for a short walk and then inside so that I could ignore my breakfast. I'm hoping that AT will fill my pool up again tonight.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Water is my life
Today when AT got home he put some water in my pool. I was so excited that when he came in the kitchen,I ran out the door and jumped in the pool. The water felt good and cooled me down. I ran laps around the pool biting the water as I ran. Then I practiced jumping in and out of the pool. I like the pool so much that when AT, Dad and Mom went inside I refused to come with them. I tricked them by following them to the steps, but when I realized that they were going inside, I ran back to my pool and jumped in. Then Dad was mean and poured all the water out of my pool! I played in the wet spot on the lawn for a while but then I decided to go inside.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Independence Day!
Yesterday Dad asked me if I wanted to watch the Mets game only I thought he said Mutts game. I was all excited to watch dogs play baseball so I ran into the living room. I watched for a bit but I didn't see any dogs. Baseball would be much more interesting if dogs played. Today we went to Sagamore Hill. Mom discovered that I don't like horses very much as I sat there and barked at them. Then I froze cause I saw a wild Turkey and I wanted to go chase it. It is very hot today and I am going to go into the kitchen and lie down on the cool floor. Here are some photos of me in my patriotic shirt:
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Pool dog
Mom took some videos of me in our new fenced in backyard. I'm still working on my escape route as there is a lot of dirt where they dug holes for the posts and I think if I'm quiet, I can dig my way out with no one noticing. I climbed on the pool and tried to dig my way through to the other side and then I ran around like a lunatic with AT.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Bad dog
Today I was a very naughty dog. This morning Mom gave me my food and I ignored it completely. Then Mom decided that if she cut up some carrots and mixed it in my food, perhaps I would eat it. So she put my bowl back on the floor and went to wake up Dad and AT again. While she was gone I decided what kind of trick to play on her. This is what she saw when she returned:
I ate all the kibble and left the carrots! Mom was amused. She put me upstairs and they all left. Later, AT went upstairs and found a bird flying around Mom's bedroom. In all the ensuing ruckus, they forgot that the gate was down and I was downstairs alone. Dad came down to find me on the couch eating the remote. So they put me back in the kitchen. Then Mom took me for a walk. When we came home I scented something familiar in the grass-it was Alec and Mr. B! I ran inside and there they were sitting on the couch. I love Mr. B but he is not overly fond of dogs. I'll fix that I thought and took one jump and landed on him on the couch. Then I licked him all over which he did not appreciate! Mom took me outside to play and I ran into her garden and jumped all over the tomatoes, peppers and asparagus. So back in the kitchen I went. Today was not one of my better days. Dad tried to give me some bacon and I snapped at it and got him instead. So now I am banned to the kitchen and everyone is ignoring me. It is a tough day to be a cute rambunctious puppy.
Friday, July 1, 2011
I changed my mind
Mom says that little pups like me have the right to change our minds. After all , she says, we are still young and need to be able to change our opinions as we experience things. Well, I admit that I was wrong when I said that I hated water. Apparently I love water as long as there is someone to play in the water with! Mom put the pool out today and filled it with water. AT got in the pool and then Mom put me in the pool too! The best part though was that I realized that I could jump in and out of the pool whenever I wanted! Mom was very impressed. So I played in the pool, trying to dig a hole in it, running around biting the water, chasing toys and sticks...I had a great time. Mom said she would put a video of me in the pool on youtube as it is too long to post here. This morning I made Mom laugh cause I discovered sprinklers for the first time. We went outside for a walk and the sprinkler was on. So I cautiously nosed my way up to it. Then a whole bunch of water went up my nose! I tried pouncing on the sprinkler but it was too strong. Mom was laughing for quite a while!
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