The daily ponderings of a smallish dog with a big bark and a propensity for belly rubs!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Today I made Mom chase me around the bedroom until I heard Dad. Then I ran over and jumped up to say hello to him. That enabled Mom to grab me. She told me it was Halloween today. I'm not sure what that means. She said I would find out later in the evening. I don't think she is mad at me anymore for what I did on Saturday. I was playing with Mom and Dad in the living room when all of a sudden I needed to go potty. So I walked over to the side of the living room and squatted down to pee. Mom and Dad yelled and then Dad grabbed me and brought me outside to finish. They were both confused cause I had never done that before. But they banished me to the kitchen. I was having so much fun that I didn't want to take a lot of time out to go outside. Now Mom takes me outside even more often. I probably should have run over and barked at the door. Yesterday Mom made me wear my coat on our walks. It did make me warmer but I tried scratch my back on the lawn and snow and I couldn't feel it at all with the coat on.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The Mystery!
I just gave Mom a mystery to ponder! She was just sitting down to do my blog for me. I was in the kitchen and Dad was upstairs getting dressed. All of sudden I came running into the guest room and surprised Mom. She was very surprised and said how did you get out of the kitchen? She grabbed me and went to put me back but the kitchen gate was still up! Now she was really confused! How did you get out? Did you jump over the gate? Or did Dad let you out before he went upstairs to change? But I wouldn't tell.
Yesterday when we went outside there was cold white stuff on the ground. I sniffed at it and then I remembered that it was snow! I loved snow when I was a puppy cause you could dig tunnels and holes in it. So I ran through all the snow I could find on our walk. When we got home I was very wet so Mom got the mean hair dryer and Dad wrapped me in a towel and held me down while Mom blew warm air on me. Dad said I looked like a burrito.
Later that day I ran into the guest room to see Mom again and jumped right up on the futon and rolled around.
Yesterday when we went outside there was cold white stuff on the ground. I sniffed at it and then I remembered that it was snow! I loved snow when I was a puppy cause you could dig tunnels and holes in it. So I ran through all the snow I could find on our walk. When we got home I was very wet so Mom got the mean hair dryer and Dad wrapped me in a towel and held me down while Mom blew warm air on me. Dad said I looked like a burrito.
Later that day I ran into the guest room to see Mom again and jumped right up on the futon and rolled around.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
No Gravy?
Today Dad brought me downstairs and I wagged my tail the whole time cause I love Dad! But then he didn't give me any gravy in my kibble so I'm wondering if Dad loves me. I didn't eat my food. Then Mom came down and gave me gravy but I still didn't eat. We went for a walk in the cold cold rain and when we came back in, I ate a little bit of breakfast.
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Hamper
This morning I did my stretching in my crate so that when Mom opened the door I could run right out. I ran around her bedroom and then ran into AT's room. I sniffed around and then climbed into his clothes hamper. Mom was amused by that so I got right out. We went outside and I barked at the kids waiting for the bus so Mom dragged me back inside to eat.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Rain Rain Go Away
This morning Mom made me go outside twice in the rain! I was very unhappy and ran back into the house. Then I gave her my baleful look of disapproval. Her response was to put me upstairs in my room.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Me playing with/tormenting my bff Rigby
My friend Grace gave Mom a video of Rigby (my bff) and me playing. Mom said that I got what I deserved. I just think it was fun!
Happy Birthday Dad!
Mom told me that today is Dad's birthday. I told Mom he could wear my birthday hat tonight at dinner. I wonder where we'll go on a ride, cause birthdays mean rides in the car and yummy snacks! I will give Dad one of my frosty paws and one of my peanut butter cookies, cause he is my favorite Dad! And then I'll let him give me 35 belly rubs-one for each year!
Yoga in the morning
This morning I did my yoga. When Mom opened the crate I came halfway out and then streeeeeeeeeeeeeetched myself like a slinky dog. Then I did a "u" so that I could sniff under the bed. Mom brought me downstairs and I stretched again by the front door. It's important to get those muscles stretched out before running down the front steps and going outside!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hotdogs are bad
Yesterday when Mom came home from work, she gave me a piece of hotdog from the ones she was putting in the lentil soup. I ate it all up and looked at her with my pitiful , starving puppy look so she gave me another piece. Well later on it did not agree with me, so Mom had a mess to clean up when she got home. So I don't like hotdogs. I also don't like butternut squash which she tried to get me to taste! When she left today,she gave me a piece of the Trader Joe's peanut butter cookies which are very yummy!
Monday, October 24, 2011
I guess my birthday is over
Hmm, this morning I didn't get any special treats and Mom left without taking me for a ride. I think my birthday must be over. Mom said that my friend Grace took some great photos of me with my bff Rigby! Here are a few.
Here I'm lulling him into a false sense of security, then when he least expects it, I'll turn around and POUNCE!

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Powered by belly rubs
Dad just told Mom what I did at Dog Days today. I was walking around and whenever I saw a family that didn't have a dog, I would run over to them and lie down so they could rub my belly. Dad told them I was powered by belly rubs and need to fill up every now and then.
Yup! Still my birthday!
I like birthdays! Today Dad brought me to Old Westbury Gardens and I got to meet a bunch of dogs and play. He even brought water for me! Mom didn't bring me any water yesterday but Rigby was nice enough to share his . When Dad and I got home, I fell asleep under the table while he cooked. Yup, another great birthday!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
It must still be my birthday!
I wonder how long birthdays last, cause I think it's still my birthday. This morning Mom was holding my big leash so I knew that we must be going for a ride! She took me to Old Westbury Gardens and guess who was there! My friend Rigby and my friend Grace and Rigby and Grace's Mom too! Whenever Rigby would sit or lie down, I would jump all over him! Then he would jump on me or hold me down with his paw. When he let go, I would jump all over him again. It was SO much fun! Mom couldn't take pictures cause I was pulling her all over the place. Then we came home and I lay in the kitchen to rest up for when Dad got home!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Birthdays are awesome!
Birthdays are awesome! Last night Dad and I went to the library to pick up Mom and I saw a lot of people who petted me. When we got home, Mom gave me my present from my bestest friends Grace and Rigby! Mom and Dad thought that I would attack the bag and papers but I sat and waited for someone to unwrap it for me. There was a yummy cookie and a toy! Here's a video.
After I ate the cookies, I played with my toy. It is a really cool toy. Mom is taking bets on how long it will take me to destroy it.
Mom and Dad got me a winter coat for my birthday. Dad tried it on me and I think it looks quite nice! Let me know what you think. It's reversible-blue wool on one side and red microfleece on the other. Nice and toasty!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Happy Birthday To Me!
Mom said that today is my birthday. I'm not sure what that means. I hope it means I get some tasty food. She did give me some chicken jerky when we came downstairs. Mom said she would put some pictures up of me so people could see what I look like. Those are what I look like today.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
what will I be for halloween?
This morning Mom was happy cause Dad found my santa outfit. Mom said I could try it out for Halloween! I sniffed it and it seemed tasty, but I don't know if I want to wear it. We'll see how I feel. Mom said she also bought me a birthday present but it hasn't come yet. She said tomorrow is my birthday but I'm not sure what that means. I hope it doesn't mean more brushing cause Mom insisted on brushing me this morning and I did not like it. I wouldn't let her brush my legs or my tummy.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Last night I continued in my quest to be the naughtiest little dog ever.Mom and Dad ate in the kitchen to keep me company. It wasn't much fun though cause Mom and Dad are not messy enough eaters. They didn't dropanything on the floor for me to eat. So I barked and chased them out of my kitchen. Then I ate the button off Mom's sweater which she had left in the kitchen. We all went for a walk and then I kept barking at them so I was banished yet again.
Monday, October 17, 2011
So naughty
Last night I was tired of being with Mom so I decided to be super naughty! I was banished to the kitchen 4 times! And the last time I didn't get to come back out! I didn't want to play with Mom I just wanted to bark and her and bump her with my head and nip at her. She gave me a new toy but I didn't care. She put bitter apple on the chair leg that I was chewing on and that made me mad. I chewed on a wicker utensil holder and that made her mad. Finally she just walked me and made me go to bed.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Where's Dad?
I haven't seen Dad in a really long time. It's just been me and Mom. He isn't there when I wake up and he isn't there when I go to bed, but sometimes I hear him in the middle of the night. Last night I was very naughty and spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I was with Mom in the living room and she thought I was chewing on my rope toy, but instead I was eating the carpet! Right now I'm waiting in the kitchen to see if we're going to do anything and I'm chewing on the chair leg.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Last night Mom gave me some extra yummy food after I ate my yucky kibble. I got some chicken and a small piece of cheese-I would have like a MUCH larger piece of cheese. Then I got to play with Mom for a while but it got boring so I barked and nipped at her. She stuck me in the kitchen. Then Dad came home and I was very excited to see him! I only got to play with him for a little bit , then Mom made me go out for a walk and to bed. I was not happy at all, so I grumbled and barked for a while in my crate while Mom tried to ignore me. She looked a little sleepy this morning so it must have kept her up.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
a new low for Mom and Dad
This morning Mom and Dad were up at the same time again. I must be going for another ride I thought. When Mom brought me inside and gave me breakfast I ate it all up so that I would be ready for the ride.I was so excited that I knocked down the kitchen gate and ran over to see Dad. Then I sat by the front door so that I would be ready. But Mom grabbed me and put me in the kitchen and then they both LEFT!!! So I was forced to chew my rope toy into little pieces for Mom to pick up.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
so alone...
This morning when Mom let me out of my crate, I heard Dad. So I jumped up and looked on the bed and there he was! I got to say hello and lick him! Then Mom grabbed me and took me downstairs. We went outside and walked around a bit. I barked at the kids waiting for the bus because they don't give me belly rubs. Then we went inside and Mom made me breakfast-which I actually ate! It had apples in it. Then Mom was mean and brushed me and I tried to kill the brush but I couldn't get a good grip on it. I barked at Mom and she left the room. Then I felt lonely and I wanted Mom to stay home and play with me so I decided to make her feel guilty. When she walked by the gate, I lay down and rolled on my back so she could give me a belly rub (Mom's can't resist that!). So she rubbed my belly for a while but the she left anyway. It is lonely in the kitchen.
none for me
Last night I decided that I was not going to eat my food. Dad tried to get me to eat but I was uninterested. I was wandering around the kitchen up to no good when I heard a noise. It was Mom. I decided to be happy to see her and jumped around and let her give me a belly rub.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Such a big day for such a small dog
First I have to tell you about last night. I made Mom laugh. She had dropped the cardboard roll from the tinfoil package and I grabbed it before she could. That makes it mine. I was happily chewing away when Mom decided to take me for a walk. She put on my leash and I got up, still with half the roll in my mouth. I walked over to the shelves in the kitchen and put the roll there for later. Mom was very amused.
This morning Mom and Dad got up at the same time! I knew that I was in for an adventure! Mom brought me downstairs and took me out for a walk. I tried to get in the car but she wouldn't put me in. She didn't give me breakfast either. We walked around a bit and then Dad came out and we got into the car. We drove for a long time. Then we got out and walked around while Dad got a bagel and got back into the car. We drove some more. Then I smelled really good smells-like apples! We got out of the car and it smelled like apples, and there were lots of apples on the ground, plus a lot of good smelling mud so I rolled a little in it. Mom and Dad picked a lot of apples and I ran around in the tall grass and sniffed everything. Then we got back in the car and went to a place with a lot of people. There were people everywhere! There should be a lot of belly rubs here I thought. But I was wrong. Only 1 man and 3 kids bothered to pet me. Then we got back in the car and drove for a long time again. When Mom took me out, we were at the dog park! I was tired and hot so I only ran around a little. Then we went home. Mom gave me a frosty paws cause I looked so hot-it was yummy. Then I lay down and took a nap for a while. It was a very big day!
This morning Mom and Dad got up at the same time! I knew that I was in for an adventure! Mom brought me downstairs and took me out for a walk. I tried to get in the car but she wouldn't put me in. She didn't give me breakfast either. We walked around a bit and then Dad came out and we got into the car. We drove for a long time. Then we got out and walked around while Dad got a bagel and got back into the car. We drove some more. Then I smelled really good smells-like apples! We got out of the car and it smelled like apples, and there were lots of apples on the ground, plus a lot of good smelling mud so I rolled a little in it. Mom and Dad picked a lot of apples and I ran around in the tall grass and sniffed everything. Then we got back in the car and went to a place with a lot of people. There were people everywhere! There should be a lot of belly rubs here I thought. But I was wrong. Only 1 man and 3 kids bothered to pet me. Then we got back in the car and drove for a long time again. When Mom took me out, we were at the dog park! I was tired and hot so I only ran around a little. Then we went home. Mom gave me a frosty paws cause I looked so hot-it was yummy. Then I lay down and took a nap for a while. It was a very big day!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
they don't make tennis balls like they used to
Last night I was lying in the living room calmly tearing and eating the green fuzz off my tennis ball (which Mom had found for me under the couch) when I decided to chew a hole in it. It took me a while but I finally got through. Then Dad took it away from me. All that work for nothing. This morning Mom brushed me (which I HATE) and took almost all my hair off! She had to stop when the brush was full.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Last night I was lying on the floor chewing and eating my rope toy when I heard keys. Keys usually mean that I am going for a ride in the car. But sometimes they mean that someone is home. Dad was in the living room with me so I thought maybe it is Mom. I heard the kitchen door open and I ran to see who it was.It was Mom so I lay down and let her give me a belly rub. Then she came in the living room so I lay down and chewed on the rope toy again.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Mom didn't need that hummingbird feeder anyway
Last night when Mom came home, I had a big surprise waiting for her. I found a box way back on the shelf in the kitchen and decided to see what it was. It was a hummingbird feeder. A big plastic round thing with a tube. I ate the box, chewed on the tube and rolled the round thing around the floor. I've never even seen a hummingbird around her so I knew I could help Mom out by eating the box. Then she could throw out that useless thing.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I'm a good dog!
Last night I was in the living room with Mom and Dad and I heard them plotting. Dad wanted some pie, but Mom said he couldn't eat it with me in the room cause I would want some too (and that's true! I like to share in whatever they are eating). Mom told Dad to wait until I was naughty, then they would put me in the kitchen and eat some pie. Well I did not like that plan at all! Who are they to cheat me out of pie! If I can't have any, neither can they! So I decided that I was going to be very very very good! I lay on the floor by Mom and chewed on my tennis ball and my rope toy for 2 hours. It was very hard to be good for that long. Eventually I forgot that I was being good and started barking at Mom and biting her pants. Dad jumped up and grabbed me and put me in the kitchen. I was mad that I had forgotten about their plot to put me there. It worked out in the end, cause when Dad was cutting the pie and putting it on plates a small piece of the cream (it was a cherry cream pie) fell on the floor and I ATE it!
This morning Mom opened my crate. I came out and did my yoga and then ran to find Mom's socks. I had found them in the back of her closet and she keeps forgetting to put them away. I grabbed them and ran a lap into AT's room and then back into Mom's room. She finally trapped me and brought me to Dad for sock removal (that's his job in the morning).
This morning Mom opened my crate. I came out and did my yoga and then ran to find Mom's socks. I had found them in the back of her closet and she keeps forgetting to put them away. I grabbed them and ran a lap into AT's room and then back into Mom's room. She finally trapped me and brought me to Dad for sock removal (that's his job in the morning).
Monday, October 3, 2011
Don't leave
When Mom came home at lunch today I was very excited! She took me out for a walk, but I knew that when we went back inside she would leave. I wanted her to stay with me, so when we were outside I lay down on the lawn and wouldn't budge. Ha! I thought. She'll have to stay home now! But Mom is tricky and she picked me up and carried me inside. I whacked her cheek with my paw to show my displeasure.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
so tired
When Mom came home from work today, I was too tired to even get up and say hello. Dad took me to the dog park and I ran around like a crazy dog! Then Mom took me for a walk and I saw my friend Chief and my friend Max! Plus I got lots of belly rubs! Mom made me walk very far and now she put my food on the floor but I am too tired to go and eat it.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
squirrels are sneaky
Mom and I took a walk this morning and I smelled squirrel! I was running back and forth sniffing the ground and tracking that evil squirrel. Then I noticed that Mom was lausghing. She said that the whole time I was tracking a squirrel that another squirrel was sitting there watching me and I didn't notice at all.
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