Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Making Mom stretch

I do most of my stretching upstairs in the morning. It  makes me feel good. Today I decided that some stretching would be good for Mom. When we were in the kitchen, I lay down right in front of the sink. That way she has to stand and stretch in order to reach over me and do the dishes. I'm also blocking the coffee pot so she has to stretch sideways to make coffee. I know she'll appreciate it later!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Morning stretch

When Mom lets me out in the morning, I stretch my way out of my crate. Then I walk along the bed between the featherbed and the mattress cause it's like a warm tunnel. When I get to Dad's side of the bed I lie down and roll over so that I am on my back and under the bed. That way Mom can't grab me! She keeps calling me and telling me to come to the stairs so we can go for a walk. But I just lie there and stretch and scratch my back. Then she cheats. Mom knows my weaknesses! She tells Dad to stick a foot out of the blankets. I LOVE to lick Dad's foot so when I see it I jump up and start licking. Then Mom sneaks in and grabs me!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Must remember that I am not a hat

This morning Dad took me out for a walk. When we came back in, he brought me back upstairs instead of putting me in the kitchen. I guess he is putting me upstairs in my room I thought. But no, I got to snuggle in the bed with Mom and Dad. I tunnelled my way down the the end of the bed and licked Mom's feet. Then I hung out for a while by Dad's feet but it got hot under all the covers. So I ran back up to the top of the bed and sat on Dad's head. Mom laughed but Dad said, "you are NOT a hat!" I think that I would make quite a stylish hat. I didn't want to sleep anymore which meant that Mom and Dad couldn't sleep anymore either. Eventually we all got up and went downstairs.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Bad hair day

This morning Mom insisted on dragging me out of the house two times in the rain! She pulled me out into the rain and I looked back longingly at the house. I don't like the rain! It makes me all soggy and makes my hair all curly and fuzzy and I don't like having bad hair days. Bad hair days makes Dad want to brush me and I hate that. I was very happy to go back inside and take a nap. Then Mom came home at lunch! I was happy to see her but then she dragged me outside in the rain again!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Protecting Mom

Last night Mom brought me up to bed with her. I could hear Dad and Grandpere downstairs and I also needed to go outside so I whimpered until she let me out. When she opened the crate door, I shot out like a greyhound and she had to chase me down.
   This morning when we came in from our walk, there was an ANT on the kitchen floor! I didn't want Mom to get hurt so I attacked it from all sides and then ate it!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just us boys

Mom went to bed last night and let me stay downstairs with Dad and Grandpere. I lay between them on the couch and napped. This morning Mom let me play outside before breakfast. I found a soda bottle so I chased it around the backyard. A good start for the day.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mom should go away again

I think that Mom should go away again. Besides getting to spend time with Dad (which is always great!), we had a bunch of visitors over and they all rubbed my belly! Plus I met my Grandpere. He lets me nap with him on the couch. But the best part was that when Mom went away it snowed! I love the snow! Dad took some videos of me playing. It didn't last that long though. I think that Mom coming back made the snow go away.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Biscuits at the bank

Mom and I went for a ride this morning. First we went to the bank where NO ONE payed any attention to me. How could they resist my cuteness? I got some dog biscuits which were yummy. Then we went to the library! I love the library because everyone there (except Angela who is somehow immune to my cuteness) gives me belly rubs! I got to wish my friend Grace a happy birthday-only Mom forgot to bring my birthday hat so I couldn't wear it. When we got home Mom let me hang out in my bed with my antler. Before she went to work she told me that she was going away for the weekend, so it would just be me and Dad. Boy's weekend she said. I love hanging out with Dad so that was fine with me!

Happy Birthday Grace!

Today is my friend Grace's birthday! Mom said we could go visit her so that she could give me the appropriate amount of birthday belly rubs! It's cold out so I thought about wearing my coat, but it covers part of my belly so I wouldn't get the full effect of the belly rubs. Mom said she would put the heat on in the car for me, so I'll leave the coat at home. I wonder what my bff Rigby got Grace for her birthday?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Chocolate fever

Tonight was so bad! Mom and Dad and I were eating dinner. All was well, but when they finished , they got something else to eat! It smelled chocolatey and yummy! Mom said chocolate is very very bad for dogs. I think maybe veterinarians really like chocolate and don't want to share it with their dogs so they say it is bad.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Parkour anyone?

Mom said that I would be perfect as a parkour athlete. I didn't know what that was so she looked it up for me:
Parkour (abbreviated PK) is a training method which focuses on rational movement in both the natural and urban environments. The focus is to move around obstacles with speed and efficiency. Developed in France, the main purpose of the discipline is to teach participants how to move through their environment by vaulting, rolling, running, climbing and jumping. Parkour practitioners are known as traceurs. They train to be able to identify and utilize alternate, more efficient paths. Parkour can be practiced anywhere, but areas dense with obstacles offer many training opportunities.
Mom said that the way I hurdle the ottoman , leap on and off the couch, and use my bed as a springboard definitely qualifies me for the sport. I just like to keep fit! It is very helpful when I am trying to run away from her or Dad. AT is very good at catching me, Mom and Dad less so. And now with my bed blocking the other end of the couch, it isn't as easy to run back and catch me. Mom even put a chair on the ottoman to block it, but I saw an hole and squeezed through it!
      I do like my new bed though. I wish I had more access to it. Saturday night I was downstairs waiting for Dad to take me for my walk. He was on the computer so I lay on my bed and took a nap. It was so comfortable that I didn't want to get up, even when Dad was talking to me. Plus Mom put my antler and my toys on the bed so I have stuff to play with. If only she was quicker in picking up my toys and putting them back when they fall off.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Mom FINALLY sewed up all my toys! I've been waiting forever! There was a big pile to sew and she gave me three to play with when she was done. I tore them all open again so she really isn't done! I waited for her to give me some more, but she didn't. So I ran to the bed and jumped on it to play with my antler.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A bed for my antler!

When Mom and Dad came home last night they had a present for me! They bought a bed for my antler! I came back from a walk with Dad and there it was! My antler was lying on a bed. I jumped on to try it out.

 Mom took some movies of me with my new bed. The last one had Mom laughing cause my ears were bouncing all over the place. I had to make sure that the bed was not hiding something that could eat my antler. You can never be too careful!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today had such possibilities when I woke up. I bounced out of my crate, rolled on Dad's dirty socks and went downstairs with Mom. Then she opened the door and it was pouring! I ran outside and then ran back to the door-I don't like getting wet. Later we went outside and Mom let me get in the car. I was so excited! We went to the vet and I could smell all sorts of dogs but I couldn't find any of them. I ran around sniffing everything! Then we went in a room and there was a cat there. I tried to be friends but it snarled at me and left. I ran around sniffing the room, having a good time. Then people came in and petted me. But then bad things happened! First they stuck a needle in my leg and stole some blood! Then they stuck 3 needles in my bottom! That hurt! Then they came around to my face and I thought they would pet me, but no, they blew something up my nose! I was very sad. How can I get my revenge I pondered? The doctor left and the assistant put me down on the floor, but Mom hadn't attached my leash yet! So I ran into the offices in the back! Someone caught me and brought me back to Mom. We went home and Mom gave me a treat and let me play with my antler.

Scary things at night

Last night Mom and I went out for a walk. Everything was fine until I sensed DANGER. We were walking down our street and I saw a fuzzy grey tall thing. When we moved , it would move too! I growled to let it know that I was there. It wasn't scared. I stopped and looked it. It stopped too! Mom and I kept walking and it got taller and taller so I started barking-someone has to protect our streets. Mom was laughing. She told me it was just her shadow on the hedges. I was mad at her shadow for tricking me so I growled some more.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dad was mad

Last night was a sad night. Dad was mad at me. I was in the living room with Mom but I wanted to be with Dad. So I ran over to the computer room door and it wasn't closed tight. I pushed it open and ran into the room to see Dad. He was doing something important on the computer and didn't want me around. I jumped up on the futon and curled up cause I just wanted to be in the same room as him. He yelled for Mom to come and get me. Mom picked me up and took me back to the living room where we curled up on the couch together. Dad closed the door tightly behind us I was still sad though, so I did my sighs of resignation and a little whimpering while we lay there.
    This morning though Dad let me lick his foot and I jumped up to say hi to him. So maybe he is not mad at me anymore.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

an infinitesimally smaller antler of power

Last night I gnawed and gnawed and gnawed on my antler. Mom looked at it and told Dad that I had made it a little smaller! It was very hard work and my mouth hurt. I stood in front of Mom and barked and bumped her leg with my nose to show my pain. She ignored me so I jumped up in her lap for a belly rub.
   This morning when she let me out, I didn't bother to stretch at all. I just ran around the bed and jumped up to say hi to Dad. Mom snuck up behind me and grabbed me. We went downstairs and outside for a walk-where I got my stretching in. We went inside and into the kitchen for breakfast. Mom opened the door to let me out, but I wanted her to come out too. So I waited for her to walk outside and then I ran out. Mom chased me around for a while but then went inside. I ran around until Mom called me in to eat. She said I was good cause I ran over and came inside when she called me. She gave me a small piece of tasty peanut butter biscuit.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A morning run

This morning Mom let me out of my crate and told me to follow her. She was NOT holding the antler of power so I pretty much ignored her to do my stretching. I was just finishing up my long stretch and pondering a run into AT's room when Mom grabbed me. She's sneaky like that. We went downstairs and went out for a walk. I sniffed around Dad's car to see if he had been outside recently. Mom and I went inside and she gave me  water and a great surprise! A bowl of only new tasty food! None of the old yucky food. Hooray I thought as I dug right in. I kept an eye on Mom though cause she was chopping up stuff that smelled really good and I wanted to be ready if something fell on the floor. Then she went to the kitchen door to throw something out. She told me I could go outside if I wanted. I walked out the door but stood on the steps and looked at her. She came out and chased me around a little, then went inside but left the door open for me. I found a piece of cardboard on the lawn so I ran around doing laps. I jumped over the raised beds and raced around the grape vines. Finally I got a bit tired and a bit cold. So I ran inside to see if any food was on the floor. We went out for another walk and my friend Chief was there so I got to play with him a bit. Chief's Dad had to go get ready for work so they left. Mom brought me inside and then left too.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Where's my tree?

No more snuggling for Mom! She took my tree away! And now I can't run under the tree and hide in the corner where no one can get me. It's not fair! So from now on, I'm back to running around and barking at her!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sleeping with my pack

Last night Dad woke me up and tried to sneak me into the bed but Mom said no. I may have to stop snuggling with her! This morning when Mom woke up she told Dad that if he took me for a walk then I could hang out in the bed. So Dad was grumpy (he is NOT a morning person) but he took me out for a walk. When we came back in, he put me in the bed and I burrowed my way under the covers all the way to the bottom of the bed. It was warm and toasty by Dad's feet, so I curled up there. Then I got bored and bounced up to the top of the bed and jumped on Dad's head. Finally I was tired of being in bed so I barked and whined and Mom put me in my room with my toys.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Making Dad crazy

Last night it was boys night! Just me and Dad! Dad didn't want to play though and he got mad at me cause I ran under the christmas tree and hid all the way in the back. I wouldn't even come out for my antler. I wanted him to come and get me! He let me play outside, then I came in and ate my dinner. Then Mom came home. I heard her in the kitchen so I ran in for my belly rub. She was talking to Dad and then came into the living room and sat on the couch. I remembered that we have snuggle time now so I jumped up on her lap and licked her. This morning I was naughty again. When she opened the kitchen door to put out the garbage, I ran outside and did laps around the backyard. Then I was hungry so I ran to the backdoor and sat there. Mom let me in and gave me breakfast. I was so hungry that I even ate the old food! I looked at Mom sadly when the food was gone and she gave me a little more. Then when she left the ktichen I tried to get into the garbage can again! She was mad and told me I was a bad dog (but I'm only slightly bad) and that I should play with my toys instead of the garbage can and my food bowl. Then she left me all alone.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Snuggling with Mom

Last night I was very naughty on my walk with Mom. It was crisp and cold out and I rolled all over the grass and ran around like a crazy pup. She was very aggravated when we got home. She put me in the kitchen which made me sad cause my antler was in the living room! I barked and whimpered for a while, then lay down by the gate. Finally she let me out but on my chain leash. I played with my antler for a while but then I felt bad for Mom. So I sat in front of her feet and barked. She ignored me so I jumped up on the couch and snuggled on her lap so she could rub my belly and feel better. She was warm so I decided to stay with her and take a little nap while she watched tv. I made sure that she still rubbed my belly though-I find it is very soothing for people to do that.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snow dog

I was still excited this morning when Mom took me out for a walk cause it is still cold outside. Last night I helped Mom with her exercise by grabbing a box of kinder eggs and running under the christmas tree. When Dad came downstairs to help, I ran out to say hi! Mom put me on my chain link leash and made me lie on the couch with her. I sighed with resignation and curled up to take a nap, but she was watching something with scarey music so I kept hearing things and barking. Finally she switched to another channel.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm a winter dog!

Today Mom bundled me up in my coat to go out for a walk. I don't know why. I wasn't cold at all. In fact this is my kind of weather. I had so much energy that I ran around like a lunatic. Dad told Mom that I had done the same thing at lunch. Before dinner, Dad let me out into the backyard to play. When Mom came to look, I was waiting patiently at the door. I didnt' want to play outside by myself!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bad Dog

Last night I was still unhappy and missing AT so I was a very bad dog! I ran behind the christmas tree into the corner where no one could reach me. Then I barked at Mom and Dad. Mom finally lured me out with my antler and Dad grabbed me. He took me for a walk and then put me in my crate. That was fine cause I wanted to go to bed anyway!
    This morning I didn't eat my breakfast even though there was the new tasty food in my bowl. Mom made me some more doggy biscuits and I ate one of those, but that was it. Then I sat in the kitchen and whined and moaned pitifully until they let me out. Then I ran to my antler. Now Dad and I are going to the dog park. I hope there are no mean huskies today.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

So sad

Dad and I are very very sad today. AT left this morning and he was carrying a bag so I think he went away like Alec did. Mom is sad too or at least she was until she looked at his room. Dad and I wanted to stay and home and drown our sorrows (my antler is calling me) but Mom made us go to the outlets. There were a lot of people there but no one wanted to give me belly rubs so I would rather have stayed at home. Mom played with me in the backyard a little but I am too sad to run around.