Sunday, September 30, 2012

A new antler chewing aid

Some days it is very hard to chew on my antler. The best way is when Mom or Dad hold it for me. Otherwise I have to hold it myself and chew-that can be hard. If the front door is open I can stick it in the slot by the screen door. Tonight I found a new way. Mom had taken one of her sandals off and it was on the floor. I dropped my antler in it and it fit perfectly. Finally something to hold my antler while I gnaw! Unfortunately Mom decided that she didn't want her sandal to get all soggy and took it away.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Relaxing on the bed

This morning Mom let me out of my crate. I heard Dad so I ran around the bed to say hello to him. Then I ran back to my crate to get my squeaky toy. I like to have Mom chase me around in the morning. But Mom was quick today and caught me by my crate. She put me up on the bed which is so soft and comfortable. I said hello to Dad and settled down for a snooze. Dad said I was his hot water bottle! Then Mom and I went downstairs for breakfast.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sneaky Mom

Mom is very sneaky. She is always playing tricks on me. Last night I was hanging out with Dad. I heard Mom's car and then I heard a noise. Mom must be trying to come in the house I thought. So I ran to the front door and barked at it to let her know I was waiting. Then I heard another noise. Mom had snuck in through the kitchen door! So I ran into the kitchen to say hello.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Another bath

Yesterday Dad gave me another bath. And as if that wasn't bad enough, then he stuck a toothbrush in my mouth and tried to brush my teeth. I did not appreciate that! Mom said that she is going away soon and it will just be me and Dad. That is good. We  have FUN together. Mom said to make sure and remember anything fun we did cause Dad won't blog for me and I'll have to let her know when she gets back.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sad Dog

Last night my Grandma came over. I was very excited and jumped around. Then she left and I was no longer happy. I was feeling very sad. I jumped up on the couch but far away from Mom. Then I lay there and cried. Mom stretched over and grabbed my back foot and held it so I would feel better. She told me to come close to her but I was too sad to move. So she petted my tail and back legs. Then I heard someone at the door so I hurled myself off the couch and protect the house. It was Dad! I was so happy to see him that I bounced all over!  I didn't get to spend a lot of time with him, cause Mom took me out for a walk and up to bed.
    This morning I slowly came out of my crate cause I was still sad. I just let Mom catch me without any fuss. Then I lay on the kitchen floor and cried. Mom felt bad so she gave me some sweet potato in my kibble. I ate that and left the kibble. Then I felt slightly better so I ate the kibble too.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I shall not be MOCKED

Mom is making fun of me again. She and Dad went to the store and when they came back, they were laughing and they showed me why.
How rude is that! Apparently they make something to cut up hotdogs and they make it look like a hotdog! I find that incredibly insensitive. A Dachshund would not cut up a hotdog, it would simply eat it!

And we would not bother with ketchup. A simple bowl of water with ice cubes in it would help wash the hotdog down.

It is all very insulting in my opinion, plus look how starved the poor dog looks-all those hotdog pieces, yet he doesn't get to eat any!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Going for a ride

Today Mom and Dad and I went for a ride! Mom didn't put my harness on but we got in the car anyway! We went to the bank but it wasn't open yet so I didn't get a biscuit. I was very disappointed Then we drove over to by Mom's work and Dad got out of the car. I wanted to get out with him, but Mom wouldn't let me. She rolled the window down so I could look out and watch for Dad to come back. Finally he came back with bagels. They smelled very good (Mom said that was because she got bacon on hers). We went home and Dad gave me a piece of bacon-it was so good. After breakfast, I sat outside with Grandpere.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Overdoing it

I must have eaten something bad yesterday cause last night or really early this morning , I did not feel well and I was sick to my stomach. Mom got up and forced me out of my crate. I did not want to move but she dragged me out and cleaned my crate. I ran around the room barking because I had been so rudely disturbed. I jumped up to tell Dad how rude Mom was being but he was making a LOT of noise and didn't hear me. Finally Mom stopped messing around with my crate and I ran back inside it.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Perfumier for dogs

I've discovered a way to make Mom and Dad rich! A totally unserved population, a niche market. I'm going to help them develop perfumes for dogs! I've been smelling a LOT of things lately, trying to find that special odor that makes us dogs smell great. There's eau de squirrel, eau de cat, eau de wet freshly cut grass, eau de bird, AND my particular most favorite scent-EAU de DEAD WORM. That is the best smell in the world. Whenever I find a dead worm, first I throw it around to show it who's boss. Then I roll all over it, making sure that the glourious odor fully penetrates every layer of my fur. This works whether I find the worm on the grass or on the sidewalk. Just this morning when Mom and I were walking, I smelled a worm. I ran over to it and rolled all over it. Mom looked kind of perturbed, but I ignored her. Then I got up and we started back to the house. This odor is so great and so attractive to other dogs that the lady walking 3 dogs across the street got pulled over to my side by her dogs. They sniffed me all over and asked where that delicious odor could be found. I didn't tell them of course as we haven't started bottling it. It may take a while cause I don't think Mom is too fond of dead worms. Maybe Dad or Grandpere will help. I think we could make enough money to ensure that I get a fresh antler monthly!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A ladybug cookie with icing

Last night Mom and Dad took me for a ride to the pet store. They said I needed more food. The pet store was great! It smelled really good and I ran up and down the aisles sniffing the bags of dog food. Mom and Dad wouldn't let me pick out a bag though. They just got my regular food-they are very unadventurous! Mom took me down an aisle that had birds in it. I tried to get close and sniff them, but birds are scary! And they kept trying to peck me! The best part of the trip was that Dad bought me a ladybug cookie with icing-it was DELICIOUS!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Long pants

Mom is back to wearing long pants. This is good cause when she refuses to play with me, I like to bark and bite at her pants. Especially when she gets up to get away from me, I bite down on her pants and try to drag her back into the living room! It is much harder to do that when the pants are shorter!
   This morning I came out of my crate feeling very energetic! I ran around the bedroom and found a piece of paper towel. I grabbed it and proclaimed that I had a prize by yodeling. Then Mom and Dad chased me around and tried to get it. I finally let them catch me and then Mom and I went downstairs to start the day.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Walking at night

Now it is dark at night when Mom and I go out-and it's a little scary! I like to bark a lot when we first go outside to warn everything away. It is hard to see what is out there and noises seem stranger then normal. This all makes it harder for me to protect Mom. She thinks I am very skittish but I am just trying to see all that is around us and make sure nothing is coming to attack us. Usually I just try to pull her really fast around the block so that we get home faster-she tends to dawdle.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My halloween costume

When Mom came home from running errands yesterday she told me that she had bought me a halloween costume. I didn't know what that was so she told me that it is like my Santa Claus outfit only I wear it a week or so after my birthday. She wouldn't tell me what it was or show it to me. She put it on the couch for Dad to see when he got home. All day I lay in the kitchen pondering. What could it be? Eventually Dad and Grandpere came home and let me out. I immediately ran and jumped up on the couch. There it was! My costume. I couldnt' figure out what it was but it smelled interesting and was soft and fuzzy. As I sniffed at it, I realized it had 2 parts! I grabbed the smaller part (which Dad told me later was the dinosaur head part) and ran into the kitchen. Grandpere chased me and called Dad for backup. Catching me is a 2 or more person job (unless you are AT the mecki wrangler!). Dad got on all fours and ran under the table to get me, this surprised me so much that I dropped the head. Dad took my costume away and hid it. Mom said I will have to wait for Halloween!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mom the matador

Mom invented a new game to play with me. It's called the bullfight and it involved a dish towel (one of my favorite things to steal and chew) and a lot of running and jumping on my part. Mom holds a dish towel down low and I run to try to get it, then she pulls it up and away over me and says "Ole!" Sometimes she wiggles it over my head and I jump to try to get it.
  Last night I got to stay up late with Dad and Grandpere. This morning Mom let me out and I got to run around the room for a while. Then she put me on the bed so I could snuggle with Dad. It was a pretty good morning,.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My poor bff!

Mom told me that my bff  Rigby has to have an operation! He had hurt his dewclaw and then it got infected so now it has to come off for good. I wonder if that's what happened to mine? I don't remember having any infections. I hope he feels better soon! I hope it doesn't hurt!
     Last night Dad and I played catch. But my version of catch where I run around the living room and Dad tries to catch me. When he came near I would fly down the hallway into the computer room, say hi to Mom and then zip back out to the living room. Dad couldn't catch me at all! He asked Mom if she had greased me up. That is how FAST I am! We played for a while until Dad got tired and I let him catch me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just us boys

Mom went away over the weekend so it was just us boys! Me, Dad and Grandpere. It's much better without girls around telling us what to do. When Mom got home, Dad betrayed the boy code and told her I was very naughty. That's not true! Dad just didn't follow the rules. When you take me up to bed, you have to go to bed too! It is lonely and scary upstairs all by myself. And I can't sleep without someone else in the room. Mom said that's what comes of being a sociable pup. She also said that the next time she goes to visit Aunt Jeanette, that she might drive and take me with her! Where Aunt Jeanette lives, dogs are allowed to go to parks and go hiking with people, not like around here. I like to go for rides in the car and I like to run around parks so I think that might be fun!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A new game

I have a new game that I play with Mom. It only works when I have free reign and am not banished to the kitchen. Mom calls me and comes in with my leash saying we're going for a walk. As soon as I see or hear that, I grab the nearest item that I am not allowed to have and run behind the couch. I also do my special "neener neener" growl! That lets her know that I am NOT going for a walk, EVER! Mom either chases me around and around the room until she manages to trap me or she goes and gets a treat in order to bribe me into coming over to her. If I am hungry, I let her bribe me. It is a very fun game! Sometimes after she puts the leash on me, I hurl myself to the floor and pretend to be a heavy anchor. Then she can't move unless she drags me. I don't think she is as amused as I am with the game, but it is so much fun!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

So sleepy

Last night I was kinda naughty. I kept barking at Grandpere while he was watching tv. I just wanted him to play with me. I played with Mom for a while but she isn't as much fun. Eventually I was banished to the kitchen where I lay in front of the gate peering out at the fun and whining pitifully.I think Mom got tired of that cause she took me out for my walk and then brought me up to bed. I was a little tired so I ran happily into my crate and munched on my cookie.
    This morning Mom opened my crate but I didn't want to come out right away. I lay there enjoying the prospect of freedom yet taking my time. Mom didn't like this so she went to close the crate door. Quick as a bunny I flew out of the crate knocking the door out of Mom's hands. I did my yoga, and  realized by the very loud snoring that Dad was still asleep. No point in messing around I thought, might as well let Mom take me downstairs. We went downstairs and out for a walk. When we came back in, I did my usual dramatic tumble to the ground (basically I hurl myself on the floor and become a dead weight so Mom has to stop). Why do I do this? To annoy Mom! Plus once I go into the kitchen, she locks me in with the gate. Eventually I got up and sat in front of the kitchen and looked at her. She dragged me in and gave me my breakfast and some water. I was kinda hungry plus she put some kind of tasty oil on my kibble , so I ate it all up. Then while I was relaxing on the floor, I saw an ANT! It was wandering around MY kitchen! I got up to attack it. What I do first is sniff at it, if it survives being inhaled and doesn't climb up my mustache or beard, then I paw in it's general direction. You don't want to get too close! Mom watched me deal with the ant but we both lost it. Mom thinks it climbed up on me. I'm hoping it didn't!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

More people!

Last night we had even more company! I got to see my Grandpere and my Aunt Michelle. Dad said that Grandpere is going to be staying for a while. That is good cause it makes it 3 boys against Mom. Now she won't be able to make us do anything! I won't have to go for walks or get baths. Life will be great!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Another goodbye

People are always leaving. Today I saw my Aunt Jen and Julien again. But they came to say goodbye! Everyone keeps leaving. At least Dad is still here with me. Mom said that I will see them again next year.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lots of company!

It has been very exciting here the last couple of days! Yesterday, my Aunt Jen, Julien and Grandpa came over for dinner. We all ate outside! Julien and I played soccer. Then I accidently entertained everyone -mostly they just laughed at me. All the chairs were in a circle around the fire pit. I grabbed my very long stick which is 3x as long as me and tried to run over to Julien with it. Because it is so long, I couldn't fit past the chairs! The stick hit the chairs on both sides and I bounced backwards off the stick. I thought it quite rude that they laughed at my misfortune.  Then the neighbors across the street came over-more people to play with. It was a good day.
    Today, my Grandma showed up with Aunt Jen and Julien. We all went to Sands Point and walked around. It was exhausting! Plus there were these horrible alien creatures all over the beach that scared me! Mom said they were horseshoe crabs. Then Grandpa came over again and we all hung outside together. I am pretty tired from playing soccer with Julien!