The daily ponderings of a smallish dog with a big bark and a propensity for belly rubs!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Not a good day
It was all going so well, Christmas presents, company, AT! Then Mom and Dad and AT tricked me into going to the vet. Mom found a bald patch on my side where I had been very itchy and chomped on myself. Dad found one under my leg. The Vet (who was very mean--no sooner had he seen me then he took me in another room and squeezed my bottom!) said that I am an allergic dog. He said to keep giving me baths, and that I had a yeast infection in my ears so now Dad had to flush my ears out twice a day, put ear drops in, plus I have to take steroids for my itchiness-Dad said I would probably get roid rage! That was not a good morning in my opinion! Then since Dad felt bad, we went to Petco and he got me tasty treats and a toy! So it ended up ok!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Bad appendages
Appendages should not be so tasty. I gave in and ate another one and it came back up this morning. Mom opened my crate and I just looked at her. After I came out, she put me on the bed and I got to snuggle with Dad. Then Dad went and got AT and we all got to snuggle! Now my Grandpere and Aunt Michelle are here but I am stuck in the kitchen. It is so unfair!
Friday, December 28, 2012
No more stretching!
My new crate is awesome! I can't believe that Mom and Dad waited so long to get me such a great present! I tried to let them know I needed a new home by doing lots of yoga and stretching every morning after getting out of my small cramped crate! I couldn't wait to get out! Not anymore! I am so relaxed and comfortable that I just chill on my pillow when Mom opens the door. It is the most comfortable crate ever! Mom put my old cramped crate under the kitchen table in case I wanted to use it, but I turned up my nose at that and barked at it.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
My new condo!!!!
Last night I got 2 more treats! Besides the awesomeness of AT being here, I got a new antler AND a new crate. My crate is huge, it's like having my own private condo! Mom was worried that I would be upset about the change. Really????????? I ran right in and jumped on my pillow! I can sprawl out! This morning when Mom opened the door, I didn't move at all! I just lounged on my pillow and chilled out.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
It's still Christmas!
Last night I got another Christmas treat-real food! None of this dry tasteless kibble! Dad bought me some beneful chicken stew wet food that was soooooooooooo tasty!
Grandma got me a kong toy and a puzzle toy that involves treats. Mom said she would take a video to show everyone how it works.
It was so much better than the usual stuff they give me. I think I should get that every day!
This morning Mom and Dad got up early so I knew we were going somewhere, plus Mom had said that I was getting a super treat today! We got in the car and drove forever. We finally got out of the car and Mom said we were at the airport. I got a little nervous cause I vague remembered that when I was a very small pup, I spent some time in airports but I couldn't remember why.I wonder if it had anything to do with my lack of dewclaws? Anyway there are a lot of people just hanging around and no on wanted to pet me! Apparently airports are NOT filled with friendly people. Dad disappeared and Mom and I walked around for a while. Finally Dad came back and guess what? He had AT with him! I was very excited to see him. He got taller so I couldn't quite reach his face to say hello. We left the airport and went to Grandma's where I finally got to scratch my back!
Grandma got me a kong toy and a puzzle toy that involves treats. Mom said she would take a video to show everyone how it works.
Here I am thanking Grandma for my great gifts!
Mom said I have one more christmas treat left! My new crate. I am kinda nervous about this, my old crate had finally started to smell just like me. Mom said she would take a video to show my reaction and maybe some photos too. Stay tuned for tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas is great!
Mom's been very busy lately, making sure to get me lots of good stuff for christmas! I've been a very good pup. Now she said that she could catch up on all those photos that she didn't have time to post for me! Here are a few:
This was when we went to go find a tree. I don't know why we had to drive so long to find one, there are plenty of trees at home! Mom said that the little tree would be a good Mecki sized christmas tree, but they didn't chop it down for me. Instead they got a bigger tree, which was good cause I can sneak behind it and Mom and Dad can't catch me!
My Grandpa and my Grandpere came over for christmas eve dinner! I hadn't been allowed to see my Grandpa in a long time cause he got a new hip. I was very excited to see him, and I think he was happy to see me.
For christmas I got a lot of good toys! And I even gave some good presents! I got Dad a waffle iron (and I hope he drops some waffles on the floor for me!) and some socks (cause socks are so tasty, as my bff Rigby knows!).
Here is one of my awesome new toys! A Mole that squeaks and holds a water bottle (which reminds me that Mom took away my other water bottle toy cause I ate an appendage).
My Grandma thought it would be amusing to send me a hotdog shaped leash-but it wasn't real hotdogs. I was disappointed.Mom however was amused. She also sent Dachshund shaped ice cube trays but Mom said she was going to try to use them to make chocolates.
Mom said that I also got a new crate and pillow for it, but I can't use it yet cause Dad put it together Christmas eve and it was damaged so he has to take it apart and take pictures to send to the company. She said I would have to wait for that. She also said that my other Grandma is coming over tomorrow with a present for me. And that tomorrow morning I am going to get the best present ever! I wonder what it will be?
This was when we went to go find a tree. I don't know why we had to drive so long to find one, there are plenty of trees at home! Mom said that the little tree would be a good Mecki sized christmas tree, but they didn't chop it down for me. Instead they got a bigger tree, which was good cause I can sneak behind it and Mom and Dad can't catch me!
My Grandpa and my Grandpere came over for christmas eve dinner! I hadn't been allowed to see my Grandpa in a long time cause he got a new hip. I was very excited to see him, and I think he was happy to see me.
For christmas I got a lot of good toys! And I even gave some good presents! I got Dad a waffle iron (and I hope he drops some waffles on the floor for me!) and some socks (cause socks are so tasty, as my bff Rigby knows!).

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Dad's the best!
Dad is the best. He always looks out for me. And he always sneaks me treats. Like last night for example. Mom and Dad were eating greek food in the kitchen. It smelled very tasty, but Mom put kibble in my bowl-and nothing else! They finished eating and left the kitchen. Dad went out but he made sure that he left a pita bread, still rolled up in wax paper very close to the edge of the table. I knew that he left it there for me, but I had to play cool, until Mom left the room. As soon as she left, I stretched myself up and attempted to get that pita bread. Mom heard noises and told me "NO" cause she thought I was going after the garbage. Eventually I managed to grab hold of the paper and got my pita bread. I made a big noise though and Mom came into the kitchen. She managed to corner me under the kitchen table as I was desperately trying to choke down my treat. She threw herself on the floor and slid in under the table and grabbed a chunk of fur. I kept trying to get rid of the evidence but she grabbed my mouth and pulled it open. Then she stuck her hand in! I hate when people stick their hands in my mouth! She grabbed a piece of wax paper and pulled and pulled. Eventually she managed to get most of it away from me. I did get to snack on a small piece and it was totallly worth the effort!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
They call the wind Mecki
This morning it is very windy out! Mom said that I would make a very good windvane because when I am outside and it is blustery, I pivot around so that I am facing into the wind. Then I sniff a lot because the wind brings a lot of very very good and interesting smells! Mom is amused because the wind fluffs up my fur and pushes it all back so you can see my eyes and my nose which is wiggling to get all the smells.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Carrots and fun
Yesterday I was napping on the couch with Mom, trying to recover from the horrors of saturday, when Mom got up and went to the door. I was slightly interested, wondering what she was doing, when she opened the door and I heard a voice. Now I had to go investigate cause I'm in charge of security and who is and isn't allowed in the house! It was my Aunt Joan! I was very excited to see her but I was polite and let her sit on the couch before leaping on her. She brought me baby carrots (my favorite!) and she played tug of war with me! I was having a lot of fun. Sadly she and Mom left so I went to go hang out with Dad.
When Mom came back there was no Aunt Joan, but Mom was nice and gave me a piece of her red grapefruit -she didn't think I would eat it, but I did. Then I gave her my saddest, most starving puppy eyes so she decided to share the rest of it with me. It was quite tasty but it made me tired so I took another nap.
When Mom came back there was no Aunt Joan, but Mom was nice and gave me a piece of her red grapefruit -she didn't think I would eat it, but I did. Then I gave her my saddest, most starving puppy eyes so she decided to share the rest of it with me. It was quite tasty but it made me tired so I took another nap.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
A Full Weekend
Yesterday Mom and Dad got up early. Mom put a new harness on me, but I knew it still meant we were going somewhere. They took forever to let me in the car. But they put me in the back seat! I was not happy about this. Don't they know I belong in the front to help navigate? We drove around and around. Finally we got out of the car. Dad was carrying a saw. We walked across the street to a forest that had a lot of people in it. I got to ride in a cart (I didn't really like it). Finally the cart stopped and let all the people off. Mom, Dad, and I walked into the forest. There were a lot of trees and a lot of good smells. Mom and Dad stopped by one tree and tied one of my "pick up after your dog" bags on it. Then we walked around some more. Then we walked back to that tree. Dad put down a blanket and lay down on the ground with his saw. He was busy for a while but then all of a sudden the tree fell down! Dad was mad cause Mom wouldn't yell timber. Dad grabbed his stuff and the tree and we walked over to a road. There was another dog there, but I couldn't play with her, cause the owner said she was a little unpredicable. The cart came back and took our tree and us. When we got off , they wrapped up our tree and Dad tied it to the car. Then we got back in the car. Not a bad day I thought as I lay in the back with a new toy Dad had bought me. I was , however, very WRONG!
We stopped at a pet store on the way home. There were lots of dogs outside waiting to be adopted. Mom had to drag Dad away from them. We walked into the store, and there was Santa! I better be good, I thought! Dad took me into a little room where I could hear dogs barking. I wondered why Mom wasn't here. A nice girl took my leash and took me away.Maybe I'm getting a treat I thought. Unfortunately I was wrong. The girl shaved my bottom instead! This had to be Mom's doing! We got back in the car and Mom gave me a treat. We drove home and I watched Mom and Dad decorate the tree. They put some dogs on the tree that looked just like me! Then I went into the computer room with Dad and chilled. All of a sudden Mom came in and grabbed me! She brought me into the bathroom and took off my collar. Oh no I thougth, she must be giving me a bath! And I was right. She stuck me in the tub and poured water and shampoo all over me! I cried pitifully, but Dad did not come rescue me. Finally she was done tormenting me and Dad came in to cuddle me and dry me. I think that next year Mom and Dad can go get a tree without me!
We stopped at a pet store on the way home. There were lots of dogs outside waiting to be adopted. Mom had to drag Dad away from them. We walked into the store, and there was Santa! I better be good, I thought! Dad took me into a little room where I could hear dogs barking. I wondered why Mom wasn't here. A nice girl took my leash and took me away.Maybe I'm getting a treat I thought. Unfortunately I was wrong. The girl shaved my bottom instead! This had to be Mom's doing! We got back in the car and Mom gave me a treat. We drove home and I watched Mom and Dad decorate the tree. They put some dogs on the tree that looked just like me! Then I went into the computer room with Dad and chilled. All of a sudden Mom came in and grabbed me! She brought me into the bathroom and took off my collar. Oh no I thougth, she must be giving me a bath! And I was right. She stuck me in the tub and poured water and shampoo all over me! I cried pitifully, but Dad did not come rescue me. Finally she was done tormenting me and Dad came in to cuddle me and dry me. I think that next year Mom and Dad can go get a tree without me!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Early Christmas present
Last night I got an early christmas present from my Aunt Carol. At first it just looked like a stuffed toy (which I love cause they have such tasty appendages!!). But when I bit it, it made an awesome crackly noise like bottles make when I'm able to steal one and chew on it. This is a great toy I thought-it's chewy and crunchy!
Later that night Dad and I played our game. Dad gets on all fours like a dog and tries to scare me. Usually I'm walking around minding my own business when he jumps in front of me and goes "WOOF". I pretend to be scared and run around like crazy. We played for a while but then Dad found my two soccer balls. He put them by his leg and I had to try to get them without being caught.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
The Kitchen Table
I have to say right now, that I am a big fan of the kitchen table. Why? Well a) it's made of glass so I can sit underneath and watch Mom and Dad eat. It is a huge help because you can see in advance when food is falling and run to get it before it hits the floor! b) when I am being naughty and grab something I shouldn't have, I can run under it and Mom and Dad have to actually get on the floor to try to catch me. Sometimes I get tricked though. I'll see food on the table and I'll try to get it from underneath. My teeth don't work that well on glass.
Mom says she finds the glass table scary. That is partially my fault. She'll be sitting there eating (and not dropping any food which is quite mean) and I'll smell something tasty that she's eating. I'll jump up and send my tongue in search of the tasty food. That means that Mom will be happily eating away when all of a sudden a tongue appears from under the table trying to reach her plate. Mom says that is a little creepy. I say if Mom would drop some food I wouldn't be forced to use my stealth tongue!
Mom says she finds the glass table scary. That is partially my fault. She'll be sitting there eating (and not dropping any food which is quite mean) and I'll smell something tasty that she's eating. I'll jump up and send my tongue in search of the tasty food. That means that Mom will be happily eating away when all of a sudden a tongue appears from under the table trying to reach her plate. Mom says that is a little creepy. I say if Mom would drop some food I wouldn't be forced to use my stealth tongue!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Mom's birthday
Yesterday was Mom's birthday. I tried to be extra GOOD because a) it was Mom's birthday and b) Christmas is coming! When she let me out of my crate I didn't do my yoga or roll all over the floor, I came right downstairs with her and went out. Mom spent most of the day at home with me so I tried not to be too whiny or barky. I lay on the couch with her-I tried to give her space on the couch but she kept dragging me over so she could pet me (although I think it might have had something to do with her being cold and using me as a blanket!). When she went to check her email, I came into the computer room with her and jumped on the futon. Then she came on the futon to take a nap and dragged me over again to lie next to her. Mom is very needy sometimes.We took a nap until I heard a noise. It was Dad! Mom opened the door and let me go say hello to him.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Betrayed by Mom
Last night Mom came home late. I ran over to enthusiastically greet her (cause she likes that and Christmas is coming!). I ran around and jumped all over her. She sat down on the couch so I could jump up and say hello. I was giving her air kisses when I smelled something familiar. I smelled my bff Rigby! Where is he hiding I pondered. Then it hit me. Mom had gone to visit and play with my bff without me! How rude I thought, that was quite mean of Mom. She had better be careful or Santa Claus won't bring her any presents! I can't even be mad at her cause then I won't get any presents. December is a hard month.
Today my Grandma came to visit. I was very very happy to see her. Plus smelled like Mollie! I jumped all over her and gave her a lot of kisses.
Today my Grandma came to visit. I was very very happy to see her. Plus smelled like Mollie! I jumped all over her and gave her a lot of kisses.
Friday, December 7, 2012
My mouth should be a hands free zone!
Last night Dad kept playing tricks on me! We were sitting on the couch relaxing, when all of a sudden he got up and went to the front door. I thought that someone was there, so I ran over and barked (after all, I am in charge of security and my number one duty is to welcome all strangers into the house). I stood there barking and barking while Dad just laughed. Then I heard a noise in the kitchen, so I ran to investigate. It was Mom! Dad tried to trick me into thinking someone was at the door so I wouldn't hear Mom and give her my "welcome home" routine. That is where I run to greet whoever is coming in (barking the whole time). Then I jump up and around them, roll on my back so they can rub my belly, then get up and run around barking again. Plus if they sit down, then I jump up on them and give them air kisses! Mom appreciates this so I usually do my best work when she comes home. I thought that was kinda rude of Dad though.
Then he tried to trick me again! We were all sitting on the couch relaxing. All of a sudden, Dad stuck his hand in my mouth! I didn't want to hurt him so I tried to push out his hand with my tongue. That did not work. He kept putting his hand in my mouth! So I took my paw and PUSHED his hand out. Hands are NOT supposed to go in my mouth! What if I accidently bit him? My mouth should be a hands free zone! I licked his hand afterwards to show that I didn't hold it against him. I was very happy to run into my crate though-at least there Dad couldn't trick me.
Then he tried to trick me again! We were all sitting on the couch relaxing. All of a sudden, Dad stuck his hand in my mouth! I didn't want to hurt him so I tried to push out his hand with my tongue. That did not work. He kept putting his hand in my mouth! So I took my paw and PUSHED his hand out. Hands are NOT supposed to go in my mouth! What if I accidently bit him? My mouth should be a hands free zone! I licked his hand afterwards to show that I didn't hold it against him. I was very happy to run into my crate though-at least there Dad couldn't trick me.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Too many muscles!
This morning Mom grabbed me and stuffed me into my Santa outfit. Now normally, I am quite happy to wear this. I look quite smart in it and always get compliments. Something had happened though in the time since I last wore it. It didn't quite fit! Mom had a hard time getting me into it and then she couldn't velcro the part on my tummy. Obviously I have gotten very muscular since last year. You would think that Mom would be proud of this and say something. But, no she ignored that , which is very rude! Since I was in my outfit she took me outside and I noticed her car was in the driveway! I pulled Mom to it excitedly knowing that we must be going somewhere. I barked the whole time in the car and tried to crawl into her lap so that I could get her to drive faster. That didn't work at all. Finally we parked and she turned off the car. We were at the library! That is where all my friends are! Today is going to be great I thought! I jumped out of the car and we walked across the street. I was sniffing the grass when I looked across the street and saw my friend Gary. I barked to let him know I was here. He came across the street and said hello. We went inside the library and I saw Angela-who is still strong enough to ignore my cuteness and hasn't petted me yet. I think I'm wearing her down though! Then I saw my friend Rita (who brought me very tasty cheese duck shaped crackers-Mom never buys me those!). I saw my friends Diane, Theresa, Elaine, Anabell, Peggy, Faye and of course my bff' Rigby's sister Grace! I was very happy to see her and I bounced all over her so she would get a lot of attention when she went home for lunch! I got lots of belly rubs and attention-which of course I deserved! Then Mom took me home and I napped.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
The scary dog
Mom brought another dog home! It smelled funny and I thought it was a toy for me, but then it moved and sang and barked! It was pretty scary! I stood a good distance away and barked at it! Mom, of course, found this amusing and filmed it. I was just trying to protect Mom and Dad from this scary dog without getting hurt!
I think that Dad was scared of it too-but he pretended to be brave like me! Then the scary dog got into MY bed! That is very rude I thought. This scary dog needs to learn his place! So I barked at him some more until he stopped singing and moving!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Appendages are not good for you
Mom says that I never learn. She is always bringing up the "sock" episode. But what happened today is really her fault. She sewed up all my toys. And some of them still had appendages. That won't do! So yesterday I ate several appendages. Well that did not sit well in my tummy and today I was sick 3 times. Mom said from now on I am only getting worm or snake toys.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Attacked and humiliated
Today I watched Mom sew up all my toys. Today will be a great day I thought to myself. Mom put all my toys on my bed and let me into the living room. I was so excited that I didn't know what toy to play with first. I grabbed my Snoopy doll and ate his nose! That made a big hole in it so Mom took him away. On to the next! One minute I was running around throwing my toys in the air, the next minute Dad had grabbed me. Then he and Mom stuffed me into my halloween costume. I did not appreciate this-especially when they started doing stuff near my tail! That is a very sensitive area! Maybe this is how I lost my declaws I pondered as they manhandled me. When they finally put me down I was a dinosaur. I considered it humiliating and Mom took photos as she loves to embarass me. I am NOT amused. I look MUCH better in my Santa Suit!
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