The daily ponderings of a smallish dog with a big bark and a propensity for belly rubs!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Mom says I'm an instigator!
Mom says that I am an instigator. I don't know what that is. It sounds like alligator and I do like to do death rolls on my leash so maybe they are related? Anyway, Mom took some video of the doggy play date. I am probably hiding behind a human! Mom said that she hadn't even looked at them so they may not be any good. If I am in them, they will be awesome!
Monday, April 29, 2013
What do you get...
when you put me, by bff Rigby, Tinkerbell and Zee together? A doggie play date! I was a little scared of Tinkerbell and Zee so I decided to mostly hang out by the humans, Mom, Dad, Grace, Rigby's Mom and Tink and Zee's Mom and Dad. I was happy to see my bff thought, and he seemed happy to see me! We played a little (mostly I instigated and then hid somewhere the big dogs couldn't get to). We also went for a walk and saw a tribe of dachshunds!
Mom said she'd put up more photos later!
Mom said she'd put up more photos later!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Not the way to wake me up
This morning I heard Mom get up and leave early but I rolled over on my comfy pillow in my condo and went right back to sleep. All was well, I was snoozing, Dad was snoring and it was peaceful. Then, all of a sudden, my condo was bounced into and loud music started! I woke up, scared and thinking the world was ending! But no, it was only Mom who had come back only to be startled by the alarm clock and kicked my condo by accident. I was not amused by that at all. Once my heart got back to it's normal rate, I started whining and barking so that Mom would take me outside. Why should she get a few extra minutes to sleep when she had woken me up so rudely!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
A lonely dinner=a new toy!
Last night I was very sad. Dad came home and walked me, but then left! And he didn't even leave me dinner! It's not that I eat food when he gives it to me, but I like the option of knowing that I can! I lay on the kitchen floor feeling very sad. All of a sudden, Mom came home! She was happy to see me. She filled my bowl with food and then let me eat in the living room. This was very exciting as it gets boring looking at the same scenery when I eat. After a while, I heard a noise at the door. Dad was home! He had a new bag of food for me ( which still didn't make up for his forgetting to feed me!) and a toy (which did!). It was a kong toy , covered in fabric and was a bunny head with ears! I lay on my back like an otter and held the toy with my paws so I could chew on it. Dad was commenting to Mom about how it was a kong and indestructible, when Mom chimed in and said that there was an ear on the floor. Mom and Dad should know the rules by now! Toys YES, arms, legs,tails and ears NO, appendages have got to go!"
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A bouncy day!
This morning Mom got up super early and left! I wondered where she went and what she was doing. Was she having fun without me? Maybe I haven't paid enough attention to her lately! When she came back upstairs, she lay back on the bed. I wanted to know what she had been up to , so I started whining so that she would let me out. Finally she got up and opened my crate. I ran out and bounced up on her leg to say hello! Then she put my collar on and I beat her down the stairs. I was excited to go outside with her. I was feeling very bouncy and happy-maybe because last night Mom had told me that I might have something very fun and exciting to do on Sunday. So I am trying to be good until then. Plus Mom seemed sad last night and wouldn't share her food with me. Whenever Mom sits on the couch, I assume that she has food, so I jump on her and try to sniff out the food. Mom laughs cause usually if she has food, so does Dad, yet I never try to steal it from him!
Monday, April 15, 2013
A Very Dirty Pup
Mom told me that I was a very dirty pup. I was minding my own business last night when she grabbed me and dropped me in the bathtub. I was forced to stand there for hours as she lathered me and then soaked me! It was very distressing! When I finally got free I had to do many laps up and down the hallway to dry off. I made sure my tummy was still wet and then I jumped on Mom to dry off that part!
Saturday I had a lot of fun with Rigby. Apparently his sister Grace took some sneaky photos of me where you can actually see my face! How rude! I am very skilled at only letting my bottom be photographed! She sent them to Mom and you can see them below.
Saturday I had a lot of fun with Rigby. Apparently his sister Grace took some sneaky photos of me where you can actually see my face! How rude! I am very skilled at only letting my bottom be photographed! She sent them to Mom and you can see them below.
Here I am bouncing in front of Rigby (but not on him!).
How rude, not only can you see my face but she caught my tongue doing loops!
Waiting for the right moment to attack!
Begging for a belly rub from my bff!
I must admit that Grace does take excellent photos (and I am extremely photogenic), I just like to make life tough for Mom!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Best Day Evah!
Even though I was very very naughty yesterday (and you will see how naughty I was as Mom taped the evidence) I still got to have fun today. Here I am with one of Dad's bumblebee sneakers. Mom said that it wasn't really my fault as Dad feels the need to leave his shoes in the middle of the floor making them open to being chewed.
Here I am bugging Rigby and Grace. Rigby was very nice and did not whack me on the head, but I was also good and did not jump all over him! Notice how often you see my bottom instead of my face!
Here I am showing my absolute disapproval of the whole idea! A dog in a tree?????? Doesn't she know I am a badger hound and NOT a bird dog!
It was a super fun day and I am very happy that I got to see Rigby, Grace and Rigby's Mom (she's very nice and made sure to pay attention to me!).
If that wasn't enough, then I sat in front of Mom and barked at her and tried to bite her pants!
I pretended to be sorry when she caught me (but I really wasn't!). Mom is mean enough to have made me stay at home today, but she gave in. I knew something was going on! Everyone was up! And Grandpa came by! But he left with Dad. So it was just me and Mom. Then she put my harness on! We couldn't get out of the house fast enough for me! We went to my bff Rigby's estate! Mom and I were sitting by a wall and I was barking at everyone. Then Mom said "Hey look who's here!" It was my bff Rigby, his sister and his Mom! This is going to be a great day! Mom took a lot of photos, but I am camera shy so whenever I see a lens pointed at me, I turn around so that most photos are of my bottom. Here are a few good ones.

Then, Mom was very mean and stuck me in a tree! I was too high up to jump off and Grace (who was co conspiring with Mom!!!) was holding my leash behind the tree! Resistance was futile!
Fortunately she didn't have any wings to stick on me!

It was a super fun day and I am very happy that I got to see Rigby, Grace and Rigby's Mom (she's very nice and made sure to pay attention to me!).
Friday, April 12, 2013
Forgot to be good!
Sigh, I had been good all week, but this morning I completely forgot. I went downstairs with Mom and she let me hang out in the living room. I think she was trying to make Dad think that I had broken out of the kitchen and was running wild. What I did was sit in front of her and bark and bite at her. When she grabbed me she got my ear so I pretended to bite her and she DID not appreciate that. She grabbed my beard and told me I was bad. Then I lay down at her feet and pretended to me sorry. Suddenly I heard noises upstairs! I ran up the stairs to see who was there. It was Dad! I was so happy to see him that I ran back and forth in the hallway-stopping just out of reach of Dad. Then I came back downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen doing dishes so I pulled some stuff off the telephone table: a tshirt, 2 postcards, and a rewards card for American Eagle (which was a nice crunchy plastic!). I ate part of the postcards (actually the important part that had the number of the person who had sent it, now Dad can't register online that he got that postcard ), and chomped on the rewards card. Mom came out and found me. She was not happy. She retrieved all the stuff and went to put it away. Then I grabbed one of Dad's bumblebee sneakers and ran around with it. Mom chased me and put them high up on the stairs. Then she grabbed me and told me that if I did not start being good, I would not be getting a nice surprise tomorrow. I had forgotten all about the saturday surprise. I will have to get all my naughtiness out of my system by the time she comes home!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Proper Dinner Ettiquette!
Before I start the real reason behind today's blog, Mom took some photos of me at lunch-enjoying the spring sun in my favorite spot next to the daffodils. Or at least I was until she came out and started bothering me.

Now I can start. The hardest part about taking care of Mom and Dad is definitely at dinner time. I don't understand at all why they take so long to get to the table. Usually I lie right outside the kitchen while either Mom or Dad are cooking. I don't like to come in cause a)usually they lock me in the kitchen with them or b) they insist of frying something which makes scary noises, smoke (which I HATE), and sometimes things jump out of pan and hurt me. I lie there, supervising, making sure dinner is being made. I don't really have anything profound to do until either Mom or Dad say that "dinner is ready". That is when I spring into action! My job is to ensure that everyone there makes it either into the kitchen or dining room to eat! You would think that this would be an easy job, but no, people are soooooooooo slow! I run back and forth between the room and whoever is there, barking, to let them know it is time to move! Yet they sit on the couch ignoring me. This makes me mad as I am starving! I can't eat until everyone is at the table! If it's Mom sitting on the couch I bite her pants to show her who the real boss is. Finally when people get up, I can lead them to dinner. It is a thankless job. Although, Dad was quite nice a couple of days ago as he knocked some parmesan cheese off the counter onto the floor for me. Mom was mean and told me to "leave it". I was good and obeyed. What did I get in return? She picked up almost all the cheese and I only got to lick up a few bits of cheese. Life is very frustrating when you are trying to be a good pup!

Now I can start. The hardest part about taking care of Mom and Dad is definitely at dinner time. I don't understand at all why they take so long to get to the table. Usually I lie right outside the kitchen while either Mom or Dad are cooking. I don't like to come in cause a)usually they lock me in the kitchen with them or b) they insist of frying something which makes scary noises, smoke (which I HATE), and sometimes things jump out of pan and hurt me. I lie there, supervising, making sure dinner is being made. I don't really have anything profound to do until either Mom or Dad say that "dinner is ready". That is when I spring into action! My job is to ensure that everyone there makes it either into the kitchen or dining room to eat! You would think that this would be an easy job, but no, people are soooooooooo slow! I run back and forth between the room and whoever is there, barking, to let them know it is time to move! Yet they sit on the couch ignoring me. This makes me mad as I am starving! I can't eat until everyone is at the table! If it's Mom sitting on the couch I bite her pants to show her who the real boss is. Finally when people get up, I can lead them to dinner. It is a thankless job. Although, Dad was quite nice a couple of days ago as he knocked some parmesan cheese off the counter onto the floor for me. Mom was mean and told me to "leave it". I was good and obeyed. What did I get in return? She picked up almost all the cheese and I only got to lick up a few bits of cheese. Life is very frustrating when you are trying to be a good pup!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Dog Park
Yesterday Mom and Dad took me to the dog park. I was a little aprehensive about going in, but they didn't give me a choice. First we went to the small dog park. None of the little dogs wanted to play (and they were all VERY small). It made me feel like a mastiff! Then Mom and Dad took me over to the large dog park. There was pug in there and a beagles but most of the dogs were big. A puppy that was about my size came over and barked at me. I did not appreciate that at all-after all I was his elder! So I barked and growled at him! Then I hid behind Mom. So we went back to the small dog park. Some new dogs had come in. There were two dachshund-the tiny kind-a smooth hair and a long hair. They were not very friendly. In fact, the smooth one had been in the obediance class with me at Petco! Mom whispered to me that I was in MUCH better shape than that one. It was used to being carried around and was a bit chubby. In fact, it's Dad told it they were going for a run and then PICKED it up and ran around with it! I could not believe that! Mom and Dad were appalled! Then I found a smallish dog named Hollister who wanted to play so we ran around for a while. It was fun!
Mom gave me a treat in the car for being a good boy! She told me that next weekend, she might have a big surprise for me, but that I would have to be good the whole week! That might be hard!
Mom gave me a treat in the car for being a good boy! She told me that next weekend, she might have a big surprise for me, but that I would have to be good the whole week! That might be hard!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Mom's bad night
Last night Mom had a bad night. She came home and changed clothes and put on her tasty birkenstocks (I love to chew on those!). Then she walked into Dad's briefcase and yelled very loudly. She hurt her toe-she said it might be broken. I ran over and licked it to make it feel better. That must have put her in a bad mood cause she went and got my old bad crate out of the kitchen and brought it into the bathroom. I HATE that crate (I'm always scared that they will stick me in it and put me on a plane!), so I bravely ran into the bathroom after her and barked at the crate. Fortunately she decided to give the crate a bath and not me. Then she left it to dry. Mom went to sit on the couch, but Dad said dinner was ready. So I ran out and barked at her to make sure she came in to eat. It's not easy herding humans into the kitchen for dinner! But I was hungry and I can't eat until we're all in there!
After dinner, Dad went away and Mom went back to the couch. I licked her toe again but she did not appreciate it and yelled at me. Then she felt bad so she got a biscuit and stuck it in my giant Kong. It took me 2 hours and a LOT of drool and a LOT of tongue extensions but I got that whole biscuit out. I was exhausted so I decided to jump up on the couch and lie on Mom. I forgot that my beard was absolutely SOAKED and DRIPPING with drool-so much so that Mom jumped when I stuck my head in her lap. She tried to dry me off a little with the blanket but there was too much drool, so she gave up and petted me instead.
After dinner, Dad went away and Mom went back to the couch. I licked her toe again but she did not appreciate it and yelled at me. Then she felt bad so she got a biscuit and stuck it in my giant Kong. It took me 2 hours and a LOT of drool and a LOT of tongue extensions but I got that whole biscuit out. I was exhausted so I decided to jump up on the couch and lie on Mom. I forgot that my beard was absolutely SOAKED and DRIPPING with drool-so much so that Mom jumped when I stuck my head in her lap. She tried to dry me off a little with the blanket but there was too much drool, so she gave up and petted me instead.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Getting used to the floor
This morning Dad let me out of my crate so I could play! Not that there was much area to play in-the floor is very slippery now that there is no carpet and the doors to all the rooms were closed! How rude I thought. So I practiced running back and forth in the hallway. That was fun for a while. Then it got boring. So I ran into the bedroom and stuck only my head in my condo ( I didn't trust Dad not to close me back in!) and grabbed my rope toy (which is basically a head on a rope as I ate the legs and tail-oh delicious appendages how I miss you!) and ran back into the hallway. Just as I passed the bathroom door, it opened! And out came Mom. I gave her my morning yodel of hello and dropped my soggy rope toy on her foot. She did not appreciate that! Then Dad came and brought me downstairs for my walk and put me in the kitchen. Hint to Dad (cause he has it tough and is always busy and doesn't always remember stuff): when Mom puts me in the kitchen, she puts out my food (always with an embellishment-be it chicken broth, carrots, cheese or apples) and gives me fresh water. You forgot but it is ok. When Mom came down she put stuff out for me. Then I sat by her feet while she made Dad's sandwiches. I got small piece of turkey! Then she made herself breakfast and very rudely refused to share!
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