It is so hot outside and inside. Last night we got to sleep with the air conditioner on. That way AT gets to sleep in our room too! I was too hot to walk up the stairs last night so Mom had to carry me. I know she didn't believe I couldn't make it cause she sees me run up and down the stairs after AT all the time.
Today we went out for a walk (which I did not want to do as it is too hot!). AT was washing Mom's car so I went to say hello. He dripped soap all over my back and when I wasn't looking, Mom got the hose and sprayed me with water! It was horrible. I felt like I was melting! Then she stuck me in the backyard so I rolled all over the lawn. She must have felt bad, cause I saw her carrying the pillow from my crate and it had a new pillowcase on it. It's cotton she told me, not polar fleece like your old one so maybe you won't be so hot at night.
The daily ponderings of a smallish dog with a big bark and a propensity for belly rubs!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Tricking Mom
This morning I tricked Mom. I woke her up early and she took me downstairs. I didn't really want to go. I wanted to go say hello to AT who was sleeping in our room! I threw myself down on the floor in the living room. Mom left me there and went to put out my food and water. While she was doing that, I ran upstairs and slipped into the bedroom. Mom came out looking for me but she couldn't find me! She came upstairs and I was sitting on AT's mattress. Then she was mean. She grabbed me and stuck me back in my crate! So unfair!
Monday, June 24, 2013
The Scary Storm!
Today started out nicely enough. I woke Mom up early so she could get going with her day. Then she let me free roam so I ran back upstairs to wake up Dad and AT. Dad left for work and Mom went up to wake AT. He can really sleep! Then Mom and AT disappeared for a while. I took a quick nap. They came back fast though, cause AT was too hot. We all went outside and I tried yet again to say hi to Mr. Freckles (to no avail-he has NO social skills!). Then I noticed that Mom and AT had their stinky feet in MY pool! I ran over and barked at them. AT grabbed me and stuck me in the pool. I ran around the pool in circles gulping down water while Mom laughed. Then I jumped out and rolled all over the grass. AT tried to get me back in. Then he went inside to find his water gun. While he was inside, I jumped in the pool again. Eventually we all went back inside.
A little bit later I was snoozing when all of a sudden there was very loud thunder and lightning. It scared me a lot so I ran and jumped on the couch between AT and Mom.
A little bit later I was snoozing when all of a sudden there was very loud thunder and lightning. It scared me a lot so I ran and jumped on the couch between AT and Mom.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
In a rush
This morning I made Mom get up super early. I wanted to start my day! It was an interesting day. I got to go for a ride in the car to visit Grandpa! Dad and AT were digging a hole for his birthday tree. Then Grandpa came over for dinner so I got to see him again. Mom got a new pet. I haven't really seen him, he's good at hiding. His name is Mr. Freckles and he lives in a big tub of water outside with a plant in it. Whenever I look in to say hello, he hides under the plant.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
A fun fun day playing Lion Tamer!
I was sitting with Dad in the living room when I heard a dog outside! It was my neighbor Max! I begged Dad to take me outside to see him and I promised Dad that if Max came in the backyard I would play nice and not cut his ear like last time. Dad got up and we went outside to see Max. Mom was already there petting him. Finally Dad asked Max's brother if they would like to come in the backyard and he said yes! Yay! Fun in the backyard! Mom took some videos of course!
Max and I played lion tamer! He would open his mouth and I would stick my head in it! It was fun. I jumped all over him and he would squash me down with his paw! (I don't know how he learned that trick from my bff Rigby!)
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Antlers rule!
Yesterday I got to see my Aunt Michelle. I was so happy that I even stopped gnawing on my antler. I only got it Tuesday, but I've already chomped about 2 inches off it! If Mom would let me have it in the kitchen or in my crate it would be all gone!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
So last night, the best surprise of all (besides being home) was a new antler! Sadly it was not as big as the one Mom showed me a photo off. Dad transferred the power for me, so I could dig right in!
I was sad to leave it downstairs last night.
This morning when Mom got up and brought me outside, I tried to make a side trip for my antler (to no avail) as she dragged me out the door,.
This morning when Mom got up and brought me outside, I tried to make a side trip for my antler (to no avail) as she dragged me out the door,.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Back from vacation!
Mom, Dad, AT and myself (of course-cause who can resist adorable me and leave me at home!) just got back from vacation. I am very happy to be home, with my normal smells, and my normal large crate and all toys. First we went for a very long car trip. Even though AT was in back with me, it was still a looooooooooooooong trip (and I am a dachshund and know LONG!). Finally we got there. Mom made me go into a room that was very scary and moved up and down. I did not like it. Then we went into a room with beds. These beds were lower than Mom's bed at home and I could jump on them! I walked around exploring all the new smells when suddenly I saw Mom with my old crate! I hate that crate! I barked at her and at the crate. Mom's response? They stuck me in the bathroom, closed the door and left! I was sad. Hours later they returned and Mom make me go back into the moving room. It's like magic, but bad. You go in at one place and when the door opens again you are somewhere else! We went for a walk and then got back into the moving room. Mom made me sleep in my old small crate. I did not appreciate it.
The next morning, we got back in the car. A while later we got out of the car and went to a place that smelled like dogs, but there were no dogs there! Apparently I was the first of the day.
Then they left me all alone there! They reappeared for a while and gave me a walk and some baby carrots and blueberries but then they stuck me back in that place!
Finally they came back and we went to the car. I was relieved to be with them again. We went back in the moving room and then, I couldn't believe it, they locked me in the bathroom again and left. They came back eventually and we went for a walk where I tried to catch a small bunny , but Mom is too slow.
The next morning, back to the car. They made a bunch of stops but I wasn't allowed out! Then Mom showed me a photo of the best antler in the WORLD! I hope she bought me one!
The next morning, we got back in the car. A while later we got out of the car and went to a place that smelled like dogs, but there were no dogs there! Apparently I was the first of the day.
Then they left me all alone there! They reappeared for a while and gave me a walk and some baby carrots and blueberries but then they stuck me back in that place!
Finally they came back and we went to the car. I was relieved to be with them again. We went back in the moving room and then, I couldn't believe it, they locked me in the bathroom again and left. They came back eventually and we went for a walk where I tried to catch a small bunny , but Mom is too slow.
The next morning, back to the car. They made a bunch of stops but I wasn't allowed out! Then Mom showed me a photo of the best antler in the WORLD! I hope she bought me one!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
AT is back!
It was a big surprise! AT is back! Mom let me into the backyard and I found him there!
I was very happy to see him! He had been gone for a long time. When we came inside he ran upstairs. I did not like this, so I ran around looking for him, then ran upstairs. I thought he was in my room so I went in the wrong direction. Then I turned around and ran into his room and there he was!
This morning I got to run into his room and jump on the bed to wake him up. That was fun too. But the best part of the day is that I was vindicated! Dad found Mom's watch!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Just you try to escape
This morning Mom was hanging out in the kitchen with me. I like that cause then I have company while I'm eating! She even gave me some apple with my kibble! And tiny piece of cheese-she is very chinzy with the cheese! Anyway, I was lying under her chair with my chin propped up on the chair leg when she decided to get up. Where does she think she is going, I thought. So I jumped up to follow her. She was in the process of climbing over the gate when I did my patented "Mecki back of the knee thump" on her. This made her flip flop fall off! I grabbed it so she would be force to come back into the kitchen. She chased me around for a while and finally caught me and retrieved her flip flop. It was a lot of fun. Then she told me that I was going to have a BIG surprise today. I wonder what it is?
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Mom is always laughing at me!
Mom found a picture on the internet and it made her laugh so hard she felt the need to post it here. She said it reminded her of me and Dad.
Mom said she saw this and immediately decided that Dad was the tan singing dachshund and I was the black and tan one, waiting stoically for the song to end. Even though Dad does NOT like dogs at all.
In case you haven't figured out yet, Mom loves to laugh at me and make fun of me. This morning we went out for a walk. I have happily sniffing a very fragrant plot of grass while unbeknownst to me, two people were bicycling down the sidewalk. Now a nice Mom would have let me know about this but no, she kept mum (pun intended!). All of a sudden two bicycles flew right by me! I was so startled that I jumped straight up in the air! When I landed and my heart started beating again, I barked furiously! The response? Both Mom and the bicycle riders were laughing hysterically! How rude!
She is still blaming me for the missing watch! All last night she kept telling me to go find the watch. This morning I was hanging out with her in the computer room. I was being very quiet as I had found a cork to chew on. But stupid me, I can't help but include her in the fun stuff, so I went and chewed in front of her. The response? She grabbed me and confiscated my cork! Bad Mom. She'll never find that watch!
Mom said she saw this and immediately decided that Dad was the tan singing dachshund and I was the black and tan one, waiting stoically for the song to end. Even though Dad does NOT like dogs at all.
In case you haven't figured out yet, Mom loves to laugh at me and make fun of me. This morning we went out for a walk. I have happily sniffing a very fragrant plot of grass while unbeknownst to me, two people were bicycling down the sidewalk. Now a nice Mom would have let me know about this but no, she kept mum (pun intended!). All of a sudden two bicycles flew right by me! I was so startled that I jumped straight up in the air! When I landed and my heart started beating again, I barked furiously! The response? Both Mom and the bicycle riders were laughing hysterically! How rude!
She is still blaming me for the missing watch! All last night she kept telling me to go find the watch. This morning I was hanging out with her in the computer room. I was being very quiet as I had found a cork to chew on. But stupid me, I can't help but include her in the fun stuff, so I went and chewed in front of her. The response? She grabbed me and confiscated my cork! Bad Mom. She'll never find that watch!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
It was a sad and lonely night
Last night was both sad and lonely. Dad came home briefly to give me some food but then he went away. I had no one to eat with so I just lay on the kitchen floor and felt sad. Then I heard a noise at the door. It was Mom! I was very excited to see her. She put my leash on and took me outside. Then we came inside and she brought my food into the living room so I could eat with her. I finished my bowl of kibble in about 30 seconds. We watched tv for a while and then she brought me back outside. We went upstairs and went to bed.
This morning I was full of both food and energy! It was very late when I ate last night! I bounced out of my crate and Mom put my collar and leash on. Then we ran downstairs and went outside.It had been very windy outside so I sniffed around to see if there were any new smells. On Sunday I had smelled something very tasty on our lawn. Mom said she thought it was the rooster from across the street who had gotten out. Nothing new, so we went back inside and Mom gave me breakfast and water. She did NOT give me any yummy ham from the sandwiches she was making for Dad! That made me angry so when she was doing dishes, I ran across the kitchen and jumped up and bumped the back of her knees so that she would wobble. She was not pleased. Later she went into the living room and looked for the watch that I had previously eaten the band for. She found the buckle part on the floor but couldn't find the watch part! Then she blamed ME for hiding it! How rude!
This morning I was full of both food and energy! It was very late when I ate last night! I bounced out of my crate and Mom put my collar and leash on. Then we ran downstairs and went outside.It had been very windy outside so I sniffed around to see if there were any new smells. On Sunday I had smelled something very tasty on our lawn. Mom said she thought it was the rooster from across the street who had gotten out. Nothing new, so we went back inside and Mom gave me breakfast and water. She did NOT give me any yummy ham from the sandwiches she was making for Dad! That made me angry so when she was doing dishes, I ran across the kitchen and jumped up and bumped the back of her knees so that she would wobble. She was not pleased. Later she went into the living room and looked for the watch that I had previously eaten the band for. She found the buckle part on the floor but couldn't find the watch part! Then she blamed ME for hiding it! How rude!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
The return of Minnie Mouse
Remember that Minnie Mouse sock of Mom's that I ate half of during my reign of terror? Well apparently it did not sit well in my tummy (I don't understand why cause it was so tasty!). When Dad came down this morning, he found it on the kitchen floor. On the plus side I am feeling much better now!
In danger of melting
Yesterday was the rainiest day ever! Mom insisted on dragging me out in it several times during the day. Obviously she does not comprehend how dangerous this is. I am so sweet and good natured that when it's raining I am in constant danger of melting! Plus I HATE the rain. It is wet and worse that taking a bath!
Yesterday morning Mom took me to the library. I got to see all my friends. I ran in the door and there was Rita, Grace, Mary, both Dianes, Shana, Lori and Al. I got a ton of belly rubs and Mary did laps around the library with me! Plus Grace, who is awesome and knows how hungry dogs can be, brought me a biscuit! And Mary gave me some water!
To repay Mom, when we got home I broke into a garbage bag and pulled out all the tissues and paper. You would think that after my reign of badness Mom and Dad would get me another antler, but they are clueless.
Yesterday morning Mom took me to the library. I got to see all my friends. I ran in the door and there was Rita, Grace, Mary, both Dianes, Shana, Lori and Al. I got a ton of belly rubs and Mary did laps around the library with me! Plus Grace, who is awesome and knows how hungry dogs can be, brought me a biscuit! And Mary gave me some water!
To repay Mom, when we got home I broke into a garbage bag and pulled out all the tissues and paper. You would think that after my reign of badness Mom and Dad would get me another antler, but they are clueless.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
I'm not done!
I had another surprise for Mom. She was upstairs taking a nap and I was downstairs hanging out with Dad. Dad found one of Mom's socks (an oh so tasty Minnie Mouse sock) that I had found first!
He got it back, but I had already eaten the tastiest bits!
He got it back, but I had already eaten the tastiest bits!
A very BAD dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday I was kinda mad that Mom and Dad went out without me! When they came home I had already decided that I was going to be a very BAD dog. While they were talking, I snuck over to the laundry basket and stole a sock. It was a Dad sock (generally I prefer to steal and eat Mom's socks but you have to take what you can get). Unfortunately Dad looked over and saw me. Mom took a picture of me innocently lying next to the sock. I have NO idea how it got there!
Honestly, I was minding my own business when a sock happened to fall out of the laundry basket right next to me,.

This little bit of naughtiness was not enough though. Dad was lying on the couch and he accidently knocked Mom's watch off it. He didn't even notice. I sat on the couch with Mom and Dad for a bit, biding my time. Finally, I pretended to be annoyed with the lack of attention I was getting and jumped off the couch. I casually sauntered over and picked up the watch, then trotted off down the hallway to lie down by the dining room door. So far so good! In retrospect, my one mistake was being too quiet! I lay there quietly eating the watch. It was tasty! Eventually Mom noticed that I was being VERY quiet. That is quite unusual for me. So she snuck over and I dropped part of the watch in my haste to get away. She (in a very evil move) forced me to drop the other piece by waving a spoon with peanut butter near me. What dog can resist that! I should have eaten the rest of the evidence-Dad took a photo.
Mom should learn not to leave her tasty items on the floor! I hope she buys another leather watch band cause they are yummy!Sunday, June 2, 2013
A Full Weekend!
Well, I have a lot to say this time! Saturday started out very well. Mom and Dad came home and asked me if I wanted to go for a ride! Who am I to turn down a ride. Especially if I get to sit in the front with Mom! She rolls the window down and holds me so that I can look out! I wondered where we were going-maybe to visit my bff Rigby or his sister Grace? We ended up at the petstore. This is great I thought as I sniffed around and perused all the toys. Eventually Mom and Dad took me into a small room in the store. There were dogs on tables with wild looks in their eyes. A man came over and petted me. That was fine. Then I saw Mom leaving and the man took my leash! Maybe they are getting rid of me I thought? But Dad didn't got anywhere. The man put me on a table, which I really didn't care for. Then the nightmare began! Suddenly I had a flashback to another time something like this had happened. It didn't end well! I stood on my hind legs to get the man's attention, but he was busy with my tail end. All of a sudden there was a buzzing and he shaved my bottom! And part of my tummy! It as horrible! He put me down and I ran back to Dad. We went back into the store and found Mom. When we went to the car, Mom gave me a biscuit and said it was from Dad for being so good. Mom was laughing cause the biscuit said "Roll-over!" Dad explained that he couldn't buy the first one cause it said "leave it!" and that seemed mean. Mom asked Dad if he thought I had learned to read!
Today Mom came home with a Mini Mecki for me! I was very excited cause I hadn't had toy to eat in a LONG time, plus Mom and Dad took my antler away cause it got too small. I was playing with my toy and saying hello to my Grandpere and my Grandpa (after all it is Sunday and that's when Grandpas come over!) when Mom said it was dinner time. I didn't want the Mini Mecki to get lonely so I brought it into the dining room with me. I thought he might want some food, so I brought him to the food bowl with me! Mom thought this was funny and Dad took photos!
I can't help the fact that I am sociable and like to have company when I eat!
Today Mom came home with a Mini Mecki for me! I was very excited cause I hadn't had toy to eat in a LONG time, plus Mom and Dad took my antler away cause it got too small. I was playing with my toy and saying hello to my Grandpere and my Grandpa (after all it is Sunday and that's when Grandpas come over!) when Mom said it was dinner time. I didn't want the Mini Mecki to get lonely so I brought it into the dining room with me. I thought he might want some food, so I brought him to the food bowl with me! Mom thought this was funny and Dad took photos!
I can't help the fact that I am sociable and like to have company when I eat!
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