was a chance to play at the BEST place ever! Yup, I went to doggie day care!
When I saw Dad take out my harness and put it on me I knew we were going somewhere and I was very happy, but then I saw the evil airplane crate come out of the kitchen! I hate that crate. I hurled myself at it and barked and barked until Dad put it in the car. AT and I got in the back seat and went on a really long ride. We stopped a lot and I got out to sniff at a lot of new and exciting smells, but then we always got back in. AT asked how many sniffs per hour we were going. We stopped in a place called Niles, Ohio and Mom and Dad got out and went to take photos for my bff's sister Grace. Apparently someone named William McKinley lived there-I wonder if they named our road after him? Finally, we arrived at our destination: CLEVELAND, OHIO! We got out and piled all our stuff on a big cart. Mom walked me around the grounds so I could check everything out. We went inside and took the weird moving room and entered our room. Sadly, Mom and Dad stuck me in my crate and left me in the room so they could go eat. I was very sad, but then they came back! Without any tasty food for me of course! I had trouble sleeping that night cause it was all so new and different.
Day 2: Back in the car. But a short ride this time.
We went inside and someone came and took me away. I toddled off with them, didn't look back at Mom or anything, cause I could smell that there was going to be fun in my future! I was there for a whole day while Mom, Dad and AT did less interesting stuff like-going to the zoo, visiting the Christmas Story House and visiting Mom's Uncle, Aunt and Cousin. As I said, not that interesting. I was very sad when they finally came to get me. I wanted to play some more!
Day 3: Back in the car- after an exhausting trip downstairs. We were on the 4th floor and the elevator was broken. I had already been down once with Mom and she carried me back up. As soon as we pulled up at Doggie Day Care, I got really excited. I dragged Mom towards the building so I could go play. I hope they forget to pick me up I thought. They went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the USS Cod and then out for a steak dinner (which I was sorry to have missed) with Uncle Dave! Once all the other dogs started to leave, I wondered if they had forgotten about me! Finally they showed up and took me home. I was so exhausted from all the fun, that I ran right into the evil airplane crate (collar and leash still on!) to rest.
Day 4: Yup, Doggie Day care! Mom and Dad picked me up really early this time. Two of my new friends tried to leave with me! We went to visit Uncle Dave (cause I hadn't met him yet) and then went to a baseball game! It was Puppy Palooza at the Cleveland Indians game. There were a LOT of dogs around! Dad and AT took me for a walk with all the dogs around the field. It was very hot outside. Now those who read my blog know of my extreme aversion to water. Well it was so hot that at the end of the walk, I plopped down in the pool of water they had for dogs to drink out of. There were way to many people around and I was trying desperately to leave. Every time Mom took me to the grassy area I tried to pull her out of the stadium. Finally I just collapsed under the table and barked angrily whenever dogs and people walked by. I thought I saw my friend Max, but Mom said it was just another Great Dane.

I did get a cool certificate though. Mom said she would hang it by my crate upstairs. I was really hot and tired when we got back to the hotel.
Day 5: The Looooooooooooooooooong ride home. We got up really early and packed the car. Then Dad put on my harness and stuck me in the car. It was raining so we had to drive slowly and carefully. Eventually we got home where I collapsed on the living room floor. Vacations are exhausting!