For a week or so, life was VERY good. I would lounge downstairs until the wee hours with Dad. We'd go on a quick outing to make sure no one or no thing was trespassing on our property and then come upstairs. Dad would put me on the bed, I'd bounce over to Mom to make sure she was awake too and then I'd curl up by Dad's feet to snooze. That all ended the night Dad locked us outside. He knocked on the door, no one came to let us in. His cell phone was dead-what will happen to us I wondered, will they find us covered with bug bites in the morning? Then Dad (being the smart Dad he is) realized he had his ipod and looked on facebook to see if any of his friends were awake. He found one in Texas and he sent her the phone number to call Mom. So at 3:15AM, Mom got a phone call from someone telling her that Dad and I were locked outside. Shortly after, I heard Mom stumbling down the stairs to open the door. She just looked at us and sighed. When we came upstairs, Mom said I had to go in my crate. Dad shut me in and I immediately knew what tactic to use to get back on the bed. I started with my sad soft quiveringly pathetic whimper. This is the one that keeps Mom awake (Dad was already asleep and snoring). Unfortunately, this time Mom was mad and she yelled at me to be quiet. Since then I have not been allowed on the bed again. Sleeping on the bed is awesome. Especially when Mom gets up in the middle of the night. As soon as she leaves the room, I run up and lie on MY pillow. When Mom comes back and tries to move me, I growl, which she ignores and shoos me away. The best is when Bastille comes out of his crate and can't figure out where I am! He hasn't figured out that he can jump up on the bed yet!
Yesterday, I heard a whole bunch of noise in the kitchen (where they lock up Bastille!). I'll let him tell you about it.
It is not fair that Mecki gets the whole living room and hallway to hang out in! And I get stuck in the kitchen with no toys and no fun. For a while I just lay on my bed and suffered the boredom. But yesterday, I decided to start a new hobby. For a while there has been a bag of newspaper on the floor in the corner of the kitchen. I think Mom keeps meaning to throw it out but she is so busy and usually forgets. I've ignored it for months. Well today, it became my new hobby! I grabbed that paper and chomped on it, danced on it, ripped it to shreds to redecorate my living area. Mecki came to look at me through the gate to see what I was doing. Eventually Grandpere came down to make tea and apparently disapproved of my redecorating scheme. He picked up all the paper and put the bag back in the corner. How nice I thought, he is giving me another chance to redecorate tomorrow! So this morning, when Mom left, I started up with my hobby again. This time I made smaller shreds! Mom came home and looked surprised when she came in the kitchen. She started gathering up the paper and I helped by pouncing on her hands and trying to hold the paper down for her. I do not think she appreciated it. Plus she did not put my bag of paper back on the floor!
The daily ponderings of a smallish dog with a big bark and a propensity for belly rubs!
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite
a) Liberte: the right to romp and stomp all over the place and to cover absolutely everything with little white fur
b) Fraternite: the right to gang up with my big brother Mecki against the cars and people and dogs and squirrels and birds that dare to trespass on OUR territory
c) Egalite: the right to be fed as much as a really big dog (for example, Mecki's friend Rigby). There is not reason why I must starve cause people think I am little
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