Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A work of art

Mom and Dad don't realize it but I AM  a great artist! Today, Dad's friend Rich was over painting. I wanted to say hello and help as I am very good at art. So I snuck into the kitchen and ran through the paint pan. Then I made lovely blue paw prints all over the new tile floor and living room carpet.
I felt that it definitely added that touch of whimsy and joy. Mom and Dad did NOT agree. Dad grabbed me and washed all the lovely blue paint off my paw and Mom wiped up my paw prints. I was quite sad, I know how Van Gogh felt now-no one appreciated his art either! Except us Dachshunds!

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Aristocratic Life for Me

I am a French Bulldog. I was born to sit on someone's lap and nibble on treats. Mecki does not understand this and constantly attacks and chomps on me. He is obviously jealous of my blue blood.  I have been thinking that Mom should have my portrait painted. It would look fantastic on the wall and all the aristocratic have their portrait painted. I have been trying to give Mom hints about this as you can see from the photos of Dad and I:

 Don't I look regal and important? I think it would be stunning. 
        Dad doesn't seem to agree and felt the need to show me a book about correcting bad habits in dogs. I think he got me confused with Mecki who has MANY bad habits from barking excessively, to eating fabric, paper, chairs and anything that belongs to Mom.  Mom took a picture showing Dad exactly what I think about his book.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Happy Bastille Day!

 Today is my Day! It's Bastille Day-July 14th in France-their national holiday where I am celebrated! Mom bribed me with many treats to take these photos. It is also my Aunt Mollie's birthday-she was 14 today. Mom said that Mollie got scrambled eggs for breakfast and a cheeseburger for dinner. I don't remember getting anything that nice for my birthday. Maybe I should go live with Oma!

Happy Birthday Aunt Mollie!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Mom's nose is longer than Pinocchio's!

Mom is always telling people how horrible we are. She tells people we are naughty, that I eat all the paper and fabric I can find, that I bark constantly at nothing, without even getting up, that I bark to get Bastille all riled up... the list goes on. The problem is that none of it is true. And for absolute proof, I give you the following photos!

What you see here are polite, calm dogs, hanging out, peacefully. It is time to show Mom that  her "FAKE NEWS" won't work anymore! Here is proof! We're just chilling out.
Mom and I have been watching FIFA World Cup Soccer-cause France is doing awesome and I have to root for my homeland! Mecki is mad cause Germany lost. Here are some "attack" photos. I'm showing Mom how France has to attack the ball (the treat is the ball) and Mom is looking a little scared!