Thursday, August 16, 2018

Mecki the Instigator

I don't know if you remember, but a while ago I went to visit Oma and Mollie with Mom. Oma was surprised and not too happy and Mollie did an excellent job of pretending to have nothing to do with me. Now Oma says that Mollie has always been a good dog, but that after I visited....something changed. Oma thinks that I told Mollie about the great joy of eating paper and fabric! Cause since our visit, Oma has had to change her ways. Can't leave the toilet paper out! So she put the whole toilet paper holder in the shower and closed the door. But she forgot about the extra roll in the green vase! I must give Mollie props-she did an excellent job of extraction and removal of toilet paper from said vase (something I would not have been able to do due to my low stature) and left Oma a nice present for when she came home.

I would try to teach Bastille this but he won't bother with anything non edible.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A work of art

Mom and Dad don't realize it but I AM  a great artist! Today, Dad's friend Rich was over painting. I wanted to say hello and help as I am very good at art. So I snuck into the kitchen and ran through the paint pan. Then I made lovely blue paw prints all over the new tile floor and living room carpet.
I felt that it definitely added that touch of whimsy and joy. Mom and Dad did NOT agree. Dad grabbed me and washed all the lovely blue paint off my paw and Mom wiped up my paw prints. I was quite sad, I know how Van Gogh felt now-no one appreciated his art either! Except us Dachshunds!

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Aristocratic Life for Me

I am a French Bulldog. I was born to sit on someone's lap and nibble on treats. Mecki does not understand this and constantly attacks and chomps on me. He is obviously jealous of my blue blood.  I have been thinking that Mom should have my portrait painted. It would look fantastic on the wall and all the aristocratic have their portrait painted. I have been trying to give Mom hints about this as you can see from the photos of Dad and I:

 Don't I look regal and important? I think it would be stunning. 
        Dad doesn't seem to agree and felt the need to show me a book about correcting bad habits in dogs. I think he got me confused with Mecki who has MANY bad habits from barking excessively, to eating fabric, paper, chairs and anything that belongs to Mom.  Mom took a picture showing Dad exactly what I think about his book.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Happy Bastille Day!

 Today is my Day! It's Bastille Day-July 14th in France-their national holiday where I am celebrated! Mom bribed me with many treats to take these photos. It is also my Aunt Mollie's birthday-she was 14 today. Mom said that Mollie got scrambled eggs for breakfast and a cheeseburger for dinner. I don't remember getting anything that nice for my birthday. Maybe I should go live with Oma!

Happy Birthday Aunt Mollie!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Mom's nose is longer than Pinocchio's!

Mom is always telling people how horrible we are. She tells people we are naughty, that I eat all the paper and fabric I can find, that I bark constantly at nothing, without even getting up, that I bark to get Bastille all riled up... the list goes on. The problem is that none of it is true. And for absolute proof, I give you the following photos!

What you see here are polite, calm dogs, hanging out, peacefully. It is time to show Mom that  her "FAKE NEWS" won't work anymore! Here is proof! We're just chilling out.
Mom and I have been watching FIFA World Cup Soccer-cause France is doing awesome and I have to root for my homeland! Mecki is mad cause Germany lost. Here are some "attack" photos. I'm showing Mom how France has to attack the ball (the treat is the ball) and Mom is looking a little scared!


Thursday, May 24, 2018

I'm 4, I'm 4, I'm a big boy now I'm 4!

May 17 was my birthday, and I was 4! I am a big boy now, whether Mecki knows it or not! Rigby's sister came by with presents for me-cause she understands that I am awesome!
 She brought me a squeaky toy. Usually I am too cool to play with squeaky toys (plus my mouth is small so I have trouble squeaking them). But Mecki was around, so I grabbed it and brought it to Mecki's bed (really my nest where I bring all the good stuff and guard it like a dragon's treasure)
 See Mecki is already coveting my toy!

 My new squeaky toy is JUST the right size! Mecki grabbed it once but Mom got it back for me.
The problem is that Bastille does not appreciate a squeaky toy. Once you get it, you test out the sound to annoy him (Cause his mouth is too small to squeak a toy). Then you shred it and eat all the evidence!

I also got tiny little biscuits -cause Grace is worried that since I don't chew I might choke. Mom made me share them with Mecki-which isn't reallly fair! 
 See, Bastille completely took over my bed. It's so unfair. He takes all the toys and piles them on MY bed and then guards them! Very selfish and totally unbrotherly.
 Playing with my new squeaky! Mom put it upstairs in my crate so that Mecki wouldn't destroy it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Revenge is best nibbled in secret

Every morning when Mom comes over to let me out of my crate she laughs at me. All I am doing is sitting patiently, while Mecki runs around being naughty,  waiting to be let out. Mom says she laughs cause when I sit (with my bottom on the ground-which is rare), one of my back legs mysteriously levitates and floats in the air. So of course Mom has to make fun of that. This is why I rarely sit with my bottom on the floor. I prefer to perch on Mecki's head  or Mom's legs. As she laughed , I thought to myself, I shall have revenge.
 My green turtle from Grace-he makes a most excellent pillow!
 Let me out already!
 So later that afternoon, I'm sitting on the couch with Mom who is blatantly ignoring me. I keep head butting her and she pets me for a bit, but you can tell she is not giving it her all.  So I start snuffling around on the couch, pretending to be looking for crumbs around Grand Pere, and slowly move over towards Mom. She is busy crocheting and I  know she is not paying attention to me. That is when I get my revenge! I lunge and nip her in the side! Mom almost falls off the couch as she jumps in the air. The perfect revenge is mine! Mom looks at me and I give her my best "oh, that wasn't a crumb?" look. Mom says that I've been hanging around with Mecki too much. I lie down and smirk.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Dog Days For Me (and my BFF Rigby!)

So I was minding my own business and barking at Bastille when I noticed that Mom was approaching with my big boy leash! That's my really super long leash which usually means we are going somewhere with a lot of space to run! I starting barking and Mom hooked the leash to me. We started to leave but Bastille came and pushed his way in! Mom said, "no, not you" and he sadly backed away. Mom and I got in the car and took off. I started whining immediately then switched to full bark when we approached Old Westbury Gardens.  Plus, right in front of us was my bff Rigby! We got out of the car and I was so excited to see Rigby! We had an awesome plan even though  I did not let Mom get any good photos of me!
 Rigby is very good at posing-he likes to make his sister happy! I do not like when Mom takes photos so I turn away whenever she is about to click!

 Finally I get some well deserved attention from Rigby's sister Grace!

 I think Rigby wanted to go for a swim. It was a bit warm out there.
 I found a shady spot to rest. But Mom made me keep moving.

 Here Rigby and I are playing a game where we refuse to look at the camera at the same time!

And a good time was had by all!