Saturday, January 25, 2014

A most saucy antler

Today I was minding my own business when all of a sudden my antler acted in a very saucy and rude manner towards me! How rude I thought. How can I punish my antler? Should I a) bark at it, b) roll all over it and dominate it or c) all of the above? To find out the answer, you have to watch. Mom needs to stop videotaping with the ipad and go back to the flip so you don't have to click on a link!

I think it was sufficiently punished and will not be so naughty again!
     Later on Mom was also rude to me and laughed hysterically at me! Dad (who loves me the most!) bought me booties for the snow. I am not a huge fan of booties, but because it was Dad, I let him put them on me. Then Mom almost fell off the couch laughing at me trying to walk in them. Dad felt bad and yelled at Mom. If you click on the link, you can see it,

   I think Mom felt bad after, cause last night she let me sleep in the bed. I made sure to bounce all over her last night in revenge!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy Birthday Grace!

Today  Grace's birthday! She is my bff Rigby's sister and she is awesome. I had a great time on my last sleepover! This afternoon when we got in the car for a ride, first I thought we were stopping at the library. We didn't. Then I thought we were going to Rigby's to wish Grace a happy birthday. We didn't. Instead we went to Rath Park. We got out and walked around for 1/2 an hour-apparently waiting for someone. Then we left-which was good cause it was very cold out. As we drove past the library, Dad got a phone call. It was the person we were waiting for at Rath Park. We turned around and went back. After walking a bit we saw a woman carrying a smallish dog. It was a dachshund named Inky. She was a lot smaller than me. The lady didn't have a leash, so Dad commandeered the handball court. We went inside and the lady put Inky on the ground. I ran over to say hello. Inky ran away. I tried again and she growled and snapped at me. I'm not sure why she didn't want to play. The lady picked her up and we all left. Dad thought that perhaps we would try again in the spring, but Mom did not seem to think so. Apparently everyone was hoping that we would get along and she would come and live with us. I'd like a friend to play with , but Mom and Dad already don't have enough time to play with and pet me sufficiently! What would they do with two of us?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A bad day

This morning I saw Mom with her keys. That only means one thing! A ride in the car! I was very excited and I bounced around the living room as Mom tried to put my coat on. Then Dad decided to leave at the same time! Finally we were ready. We went outside and I dragged her (she dawdles sometimes) to the car. Today is going to be a great day I thought. Maybe we are going to visit Grace at the library! We got in the car and drove. When we got out (which took a while, I tried headbutting Mom in the back to make her move faster), we were at my Grandpa's! I ran to the front door and howled until he opened it. Then I ran inside and demanded many belly rubs. We stayed for a while and then got back in the car. Where will go next I thought as I stared out the window. This is where the day turns bad. We went to the VET! I don't like the table that Mom puts me on. And then the vet came and squeezed me all over! Then he picked me up and got on the scale. Apparently I now weigh 27.5 lbs! Then he blew something in my nose! And then stabbed me in the bottom! Finally he jabbed a needle in my leg and took blood-he's a vampire and Mom just let him suck my blood! I was not happy and refused to look at him at all! Mom got me back in my coat and we left.
   When we got home, Mom wanted to put my new rabies tag on my collar, so she made the mistake of taking my collar off without locking me in the kitchen first! "I am naked dog" , I howled and ran around so she couldn't catch me. Then I attacked her pants legs! Finally she caught me by offering me a treat. I am a slave to my belly!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I am a muse (not something that amuses mom!)

It is well known that I am quite an adorable example of a wire haired dachshund. In fact I am so agreeable to the eye, that I have been known to serve as a muse for artists. Mom tends to get this confused and tells me I am amusing. My bff Rigby's sister is one such artist. I thought she was just a genius with the camera, but no, she can draw too! So far she has created 3 wonderful drawings of me (although for some reason she tends to focus on my "angry" side).
(You can click on the image to make it larger)
Notice how in drawing 1 "Another angry Mecki" she expertly captures my nonstop wagging tail and my wiry coat!
In drawing 2 "A really bad drawing of Mecki" (notice the ironic use of bad), she expertly captures the bedhead that I have when exiting my condo in the morning and the slightly baleful look that I give Mom when she mocks me.
Drawing 3 " Mecki being led by a carrot on a stick. Why? Why not?" was just completed this morning. Notice how she captures how long I am plus the most excellent rendition of a carrot-you could almost reach out and eat it! Plus she absolutely captures the existentialist void that I am caught in. Truer words have never been spoken "Why? Why not". Precisely!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The dawning of a new awards ceremony/competition

Being that my naughty streak has continued unabated, Mom (who is so rude) has come up with a new award. The No No Bad Dog Naughty Mecki Awards-or the NNBDNM for short. Anyone is welcome to submit an episode of naughtiness to get into the running. My best episodes of naughtiness so far are: 1. the eating of Aunt Jeanette's shoelaces
and my latest entry from this morning
2. Mom went outside to put out the garbage before going to work. When she opened the door, I zipped out into the backyard and exercised my lone wolf freedom-that is when I am answerable to no one! It's just me and the polar vortex! Mom was not amused. First she yelled at me. I ignored her. Then she tried to tempt me with a carrot with peanut butter on it. I was not moved. Instead, I ran over to the raised beds and chomped on some dirt to show her how I could survive on my own without food from the inside. Then I grabbed Dad's sneaker and ran around growling. Mom was getting really mad cause she wanted to warm her car up and go to work. If she's not taking me for a ride, then she can wait I thought. I sauntered back over to the raised bed to eat some more plants and dirt.  Mom tried  using the "Schnell" word for when they want me to come. I pretended not to notice. Mom went back inside. Then she came out with something else. I let her get close so I could find out what she had. It was cheese! (My downfall). I sniffed at it longingly and she grabbed my collar before I had a chance to jump out of her way. She picked me up and tossed me inside. Before she closed the door, she told me that I should consider myself lucky as she had contemplated turning on the water and freezing me to the ground. I'm not sure that is allowed under the Geneva Convention!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Breaking the barriers of naughty

So, according to Mom, my naughty behavior is still continuing. I think she is just looking for things to complain about. It's been a long long week. We had tons of company and as the most social one in the house, it's up to me to keep everyone feeling happy, loved and comfortable (along with getting a sufficient amount of belly rubs!) First there was Grandpere and AT, then Uncle Robert and Aunt Shelly, after that, there was a brief 7 hours when I was all alone and able to catch up on some naps! Then Aunt Jeanette came! I showed my appreciation for her by chomping on her sneakers and eating the shoelaces. Then I fixated on her slippers. Mom and Aunt Jeanette were stuck inside due to the snow. I was anxiously waiting to go play in the snow.
    Mom took some videos of me in the snow, but you have to click on them to see, she couldn't post the actual video here:
 A Day in the snow
Fun in the snow
Dad came outside and played with me. He threw some snowballs and I chased them down and brought them back, albeit in pieces.
She also took some photos of me (which are great!)

This is what I look like after I stick my snout in all the snowbanks!
Mom actually wanted me to come inside! Is she crazy? This was my "NO WAY!" face!
Eventually my paws got really cold so I went inside. Mom and Dad were laughing at my snowball collection.
Later on my Grandpa came over. Mom had just taken me for a walk in what she calls "My Angry Bee" sweater. As soon as I came in and saw Grandpa, I jumped up on him to say hi, completing soaking him in belly snow. I felt kinda bad. Mom gave him a blanket and then I jumped back up and snuggled with him.
So overall a very nice holiday, although I am very tired and need to catch up on my sleep!