Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Revenge is best nibbled in secret

Every morning when Mom comes over to let me out of my crate she laughs at me. All I am doing is sitting patiently, while Mecki runs around being naughty,  waiting to be let out. Mom says she laughs cause when I sit (with my bottom on the ground-which is rare), one of my back legs mysteriously levitates and floats in the air. So of course Mom has to make fun of that. This is why I rarely sit with my bottom on the floor. I prefer to perch on Mecki's head  or Mom's legs. As she laughed , I thought to myself, I shall have revenge.
 My green turtle from Grace-he makes a most excellent pillow!
 Let me out already!
 So later that afternoon, I'm sitting on the couch with Mom who is blatantly ignoring me. I keep head butting her and she pets me for a bit, but you can tell she is not giving it her all.  So I start snuffling around on the couch, pretending to be looking for crumbs around Grand Pere, and slowly move over towards Mom. She is busy crocheting and I  know she is not paying attention to me. That is when I get my revenge! I lunge and nip her in the side! Mom almost falls off the couch as she jumps in the air. The perfect revenge is mine! Mom looks at me and I give her my best "oh, that wasn't a crumb?" look. Mom says that I've been hanging around with Mecki too much. I lie down and smirk.

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