Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Day of Awesomeness!

Yesterday was one of the best days ever! First I went outside with Mom. Normal as expected. But then after offering me kibble and water (which I refused on principle!), she put my leash on and we went outside again, but this time her car was outside! Yay, we're going for a ride I thought! It was a bit toasty in Mom's car, I think she should have thought about my poor bottom and belly and put a towel down for me, cause that seat was HOT! As we drove up to the library, I was very excited. I'll get to see Grace I thought. Then I noticed (cause Mom had the top down to further cook me) that Gary was right next to the car! That was exciting too. I tried to climb over Mom to get out of the car but she blocked me until she was ready. How rude. We ran into the library but sadly there was no loving crowd of admirer's waiting for me! I saw Angela but she is not fond of me! Gary gave me another belly rub and then I had to WAIT for Rita, Faye and Mary. It was nice to get all the attention but I did miss my friend Grace!
   Mom stuck me back in the hot hot car and we left. I thought we were going home but we went to my Grandpa's House! Yay, I get to see my Grandpa I thought. We went inside to a big surprise! Not only was Grandpa there but so were Alec and Julien-they came all the way from France to see me! Finally Mom and I went home where I drank some water and collapsed in the air conditioning. It is hard  being so social, it can really wear you out in the heat!
   Mom stuck me in the kitchen and then I heard a lot of people in the house. Mom wouldn't let me out so I could not meet and greet! And that is my number one job! I barked and barked until Dad told me to be quiet! I didn't even know Dad was home! How rude! I should be informed of all comings and goings of family members! Finally the people left and Dad let me out. I sniffed around and tried to go upstairs but they wouldn't let me. Then there was a knock at the door! More people! I tried to go see but Mom sneakily grabbed me so I couldn't say hi to the UPS man! Dad dragged in a long sausage like package and stuck it on the stairs. Before I could sniff it, Mom stuck me in the kitchen yet again! I heard a lot of yelling and noise upstairs! Finally Mom and Dad reappeared and let me out again. Then the door opened and AT and Andrew were there. I said my hellos but I was getting tired at this point. I flopped down in the living room. Mom brought out my food bowl with my untouched kibble but this time it had a frosty paws-Oh yummy peanut butter flavor how I love thee! I gulped it down but left the kibble (principle!). A little while later, Grandpa, Alec and Julien arrived! More hellos!
   I was very happy when Mom took me up to bed and I slept really well even though there was new stuff all over the room! At least they didn't touch my condo!

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