Friday, March 8, 2013

Secret to my naughtiness

Mom and Dad have finally figured out why I've been so naughty lately. How bad have I been you ask? Let me give you some examples:
1. My Grandpere came over and was very silly as he left things within my reach. I ran around chewing on his beret and then switched to his sneakers.
2. I grabbed Mom's scarf off the middle step (she was very silly to think I wouldn't climb the steps to get it)
3. I grabbed a paper bag out of the garbage and shredded it all over the living room floor.
Why have I been so naughty? Mom and Dad took my antler away! They thought it was too small. But they didn't even get me a new one! Now I have nothing to keep me busy!
     Today when Mom took me outside, there was snow!!!!!!!!!!! She was mean though, she brought me right back inside and then went outside by herself to play! So unfair! Later she brought me outside and I got to say hello to some friends and then run around like crazy in the backyard! I started a new racetrack!

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