Thursday, November 21, 2013

A howl a day...

Today was a great day! Mom came into the kitchen with her coat on and attached my leash. I noticed that she had her keys in her hand. I know what that means-A ride in the car! When Mom opened the door, I pulled her outside and around the corner to the garage. Then I had to wait for her to put me in the car. Finally we were off. I whimpered excitedly hoping we were going somewhere good. We parked and I jumped out. We are at the bank. We went into the bank which has really good acoustics, so I started to howl. I'm not sure that all the employees appreciated my singing but the echoes were impressive. Mom gave me a dog biscuit to shut me up. I do like a bank that cares about their 4 legged customers!
   We got back in the car and drove some more. This time we got out at the library! I love the library! I got to see all my friends: Gary, Vito, Elaine, Theresa, Mela, Angela (who has still not sucumbed to my extreme cuteness), Peggy (who pets me even though she is a cat person), Diane Z, Lori, and of course my bestest friend (the sister of my bff, Rigby!) GRACE! I got a lot of belly rubs (which are more ticklish now that they shaved my belly!). All in all, this is an excellent day!

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