Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today had such possibilities when I woke up. I bounced out of my crate, rolled on Dad's dirty socks and went downstairs with Mom. Then she opened the door and it was pouring! I ran outside and then ran back to the door-I don't like getting wet. Later we went outside and Mom let me get in the car. I was so excited! We went to the vet and I could smell all sorts of dogs but I couldn't find any of them. I ran around sniffing everything! Then we went in a room and there was a cat there. I tried to be friends but it snarled at me and left. I ran around sniffing the room, having a good time. Then people came in and petted me. But then bad things happened! First they stuck a needle in my leg and stole some blood! Then they stuck 3 needles in my bottom! That hurt! Then they came around to my face and I thought they would pet me, but no, they blew something up my nose! I was very sad. How can I get my revenge I pondered? The doctor left and the assistant put me down on the floor, but Mom hadn't attached my leash yet! So I ran into the offices in the back! Someone caught me and brought me back to Mom. We went home and Mom gave me a treat and let me play with my antler.

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