Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mom is always laughing at me!

Mom found a picture on the internet and it made her laugh so hard she felt the need to post it here. She said it reminded her of me and Dad.
Mom said she saw this and immediately decided that Dad was the tan singing dachshund and I was the black and tan one, waiting stoically for the song to end. Even though Dad does NOT like dogs at all.
 In case you haven't figured out yet, Mom loves to laugh at me and make fun of me. This morning we went out for a walk. I have happily sniffing a very fragrant plot of grass while unbeknownst to me, two people were bicycling down the sidewalk. Now a nice Mom would have let me know about this but no, she kept mum (pun intended!). All of a sudden two bicycles flew right by me! I was so startled that I jumped straight up in the air! When I landed and my heart started beating again, I barked furiously! The response? Both Mom and the bicycle riders were laughing hysterically! How rude!
  She is still blaming me for the missing watch! All last night she kept telling me to go find the watch. This morning I was hanging out with her in the computer room. I was being very quiet as I had found a cork to chew on. But stupid me, I can't help but include her in the fun stuff, so I went and chewed in front of her. The response? She grabbed me and confiscated my cork! Bad Mom. She'll never find that watch!

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