Thursday, December 19, 2013

Catching up!

Today, yet again, I had to have a stern talking to with Mom. She has forgotten to post photos of adorable me for quite a while! I made her stop wrapping presents (they weren't for me anyway) by sitting on the wrapping paper and dropping my soggy rope toy on her. As evidenced here!

Finally she agreed to blog. So here we go.
1. A while ago (before my exciting sleepover at my bff Rigby's), my grandma came to visit! Mom thinks that the visit was for her, but we all know how my cuteness draws people in. Anyway, she came to visit and of course I showered her with love and affection.

2. The night that I was going on my sleepover, Dad was very sad. And with good reason! He was really going to miss me! So I gave him one last snuggle! You can see the sadness in his eyes. He had a tough two days without me! Imagine being stuck alone with only Mom for company-no wet nose in your face, no doggie salmon flavored kisses!
3. A week later, my Auntie Joan came to visit! I was excited to see her! I jumped right up to say hello!
4.Sadly I don't have a picture of the next event. Mom and Dad went to the city to see a show. So my friend Andrew came over to walk me. Apparently their dog is super hard to get into a coat, so Andrew brought his Dad to hold me. I however love wearing my pea coat. So I sat very politely in front of them and waited for them to dress me. They were VERY surprised.
5. Mom and Dad and I went to go pick out a tree. Mom wouldn't let me show my appreciation for all the trees ( I just wanted to mark them all!) She kept me far away. Finally we picked one out and Dad tied it on top of the car. They brought it in and put on lights but no ornaments. I 'm not sure what we're waiting for, but Mom said I'll get a big surprise on Saturday! Here's a picture of me being VERY good in front of the tree (Just in case Santa is looking!)

As you can see, these are all super adorable photos of me. If I hadn't bugged Mom, my faithful readers would never have seen them!
    As for me, I have had a great couple of days in the snow! After our walk to day, Mom let me play in the backyard. I ran around, dug some of the snow up, rolled, grabbed Dad's sneaker and did laps. It was great.Mom tried to lure me in with a biscuit, but no go. Then she brought out the big guns! She came out with a carrot and a jar of peanut butter! I ran and beat her to the kitchen door!

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