Monday, May 7, 2012


This was a very sleepy weekend. Saturday we all took a nap. First I napped on Dad's lap and then I went to nap with Mom, but she snores so I went back to Dad. Sunday, Grandpa came over and I got to snooze on the couch with my head on his lap. He likes me as long as I don't lick him-but it's so hard! This morning, Mom let me out of my crate and went to sit by the stairs. I ran over to sit with her and she brought me downstairs for a walk. I sniffed all the flowers and watched the sprinklers across the street. Then all of a sudden, I saw a small brown animal go bouncing across the lawn. Hmmm, that animal is as bouncy as me, I thought. But then I got mad, why was he allowed to bounce wherever he pleased! So I barked at him and tried to run across the road to get him. But Mom wouldn't let me. So I sat there and barked. We walked back to the house and I saw my friend Chief! I like to play with him, but Mom finds him a little nippy.Finally Mom made me go back inside.I'll get that rude little animal I thought to myself. Maybe he'll bounce into the backyard and I can chase him around! Mom gave me some carrots and a small piece of cheese. Mostly cause I sat on her feet and watched her make Dad's cheese sandwich. She said we might have to go to the vet cause I have a rash on my tummy. She's trying the spray but she's worried that it isn't working. My tummy is just itchy and I've been scratching it, but I feel ok.

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