Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The worst ,most horrible, yucky night EVER

Last night was the worst night ever. I ate dinner with Mom and Dad and I got 3 pieces of liverwurst. Little did I know that would be my downfall. I think Mom stuck something in the liverwurst cause parts of it tasted yucky. I played in the living room with Mom and Dad and then went to bed. But then around 11:30, I started feeling very bad. I cried for Mom and she woke up and put on her robe to take me out. It was too late. I threw up in my crate. Mom opened the door but I didn't want to move or come out. I just lay there sadly. Dad came up and took me out of my crate and brought me outside, but not fast enough. I was sick again. He brought me in the kitchen and sat on the floor with me while I was sick again and again. That's cause Dad loves me. Mom was running around cleaning up after me, but Dad sat there and petted me. I stayed downstairs with Dad for a while and then he brought me back up to my crate. Mom had cleaned it out which was nice of her. I lay down and tried to sleep.
     When I woke up in the morning I felt a little better. When Mom opened the door I came right out to say hi. She took me downstairs and we went for a small walk. Then she gave me  food which I ate some of, cause I was a little hungry. Then I saw a spider walking across MY kitchen floor! I ran over to paw at it, but it ran into the corner under the cabinets. I could see it, but I couldn't quite reach it. I sniffed at it and it bit my nose so I jumped back. Then I pawed at it and barked. Mom came running with a broom and got it out. I tried to help her by jumping on the broom and biting it but that spider kept moving! Finally it stopped and Mom brought the broom outside and knocked the spider off.
    I heard Mom talking to Dad and I heard the word vet so I don't know what might happen today.


  1. I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly and then to have a spider invade you're kitchen...well, it's just too much! Hope you're feeling bouncy again real soon. Your friend, Rigby

  2. I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly and then to have a spider invade your kitchen...well, it's just too much! Hope you're feeling bouncy again real soon. Your friend, Rigby
