Friday, August 24, 2012


This morning I was feeling very sad, even though I got to say hello to my friend. Mom brought me back inside and put me in the kitchen. I wanted her to stay in the kitchen with me but she didn't. Then I saw her holding her keys which is not a good sign. That means she is going away. I lay in front of the kitchen gate like a sad lump of dogginess. She stopped at the gate and called my name. I didn't even raise my head, I just looked upward pitifully and sadly. She was holding something in her hand, it looked like a treat. Does she think she can make me less lonely by offering me food? I need more, I need love, and belly rubs and ear rubs and her to sit in the kitchen so I can lie there with my nose touching her foot! I need her to sit in the chair so that I can lie between the chair and the hutch with various parts of me stuck under the chair so that she can't move it or get up! Mere food does not make up for loneliness! She told me to sit and then asked me to shake. I did what she asked, but sadly. Then she handed me the treat. I opened my mouth slightly and she stuck the treat in it. I was too sad to chew or close my mouth, so I simply let it fall on the floor. I sat there and looked forlorn as she walked away-she didn't even look back!

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