Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The topic of conversation

Mom apparently talks about me at work! And why not, I am an awesome and adorable puppy! Today she was talking to my bff's sister Grace. Grace is amazed that I can eat as much as my bff Rigby. We both get 3/4 of a cup of food twice a day, and Rigby is a lot bigger than me! Mom says I have a good metabolism cause I don't know how to be still. She said even at night when I sleep I move around in the crate. I try to get a lot of exercise and I am full of energy! Grace said that I must burn the majority of calories just wagging my tail! I hope that Rigby is recovered from the dew claw thing. I keep asking Mom where mine went but she won't tell me!
   Tonight was not fun. I got yet another bath! I cried and whined the whole time but no one let me out. I was very angry when the bath was done. I attacked my antler and my soccer ball and threw myself all over the floor. Then Mom took me out for a walk and she was very bad which made me be very very bad. I pulled Mom out the door cause I smelled something good. I started tracking that smell and barking to let Mom know I was on the trail! That's a sign of a good hunting dog!  I pulled Mom down the block and tried to turn the corner. Cause that's where the smell was going. Mom made me go straight across the street. I got really mad!It is not nice to drag a hunting dog off it's trail! I went a little crazy-I barked and growled and jumped around to make Mom turn around. When she wouldn't I got super naughty-I jumped up and nipped her in the leg. That made her MAD. She tried to grab my mouth and I tried to nip her but she was much stronger and got my mouth closed and told me "NO BITE!". Then she turned around, and started for home. I smelled the smell again and tracked it back the other way, barking the whole time. When we got home she put me in the kitchen and told Dad that I was a naughty dog. I heard that! So I sat in the kitchen and barked and howled my innocence!

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