Friday, August 10, 2012

What a day!

My friend Rita from the library gave Mom a present last night. A very handsome one. She found mini- me's that hold corn for people. I was a little insulted at first cause I have ALWAYS offered to hold the corn for people. But Mom said that people much prefer to use mini-me's as they are less drooly on the corn. Plus Mom said that corn is not good for pups. I can understand that! Mom and Dad were very amused by them and Mom said she is going to go buy corn tomorrow and take a picture!
My day was very hard. Mom ignored me in the morning and then forced me out into the disgusting humidness of the world. Then the day got better cause Dad came home!  He grabbed me and put me in the car which was fine cause I love going for rides. Unfortunately Dad took me to the vet. I guess it was because I was scratching so much. Anyway I was sniffing around on the floor cause there were so many new exciting smells! Dad grabbed me to put me on the table but I was squirming around so much (the table is very cold and shiny and I don't like it) that Dad clocked my head into the table ledge. He was horrified and felt really bad but the Doctor just laughed and said not to worry as that was the strongest bone in my body. I thought that she should have been more sympathetic. The Doctor poked me all over and decided that I had dry skin. I heard her use the word bath, which bothered me. Dad and I left with a bag full of stuff-special shampoo, special rinse, antibiotics, and a spray. Then we stopped at the store and Dad bought some stuff. I smelled liverwurst!!! We went home and ate dinner. I was lying outside the kitchen when I heard a noise-it was Mom! She snuck in through the kitchen door! I ran over to say hi. Then Dad came in and took out the liverwurst. I immediately sat down and was quiet. I watched him intently, ready to do whatever he wanted. Then he gave me a piece of liverwurst. Liverwurst is the BEST food in the world. After I ate it, he gave me a treat! And then he gave me a toy! I thought perhaps it was my birthday but there was no hat so I guess not. My toy was a squeaky duck! I threw it around the room for a while and then hid behind the couch with it. I was very quiet, too quiet. Dad looked over the couch and I had shredded my duck and taken out the squeaker. Dad chased me around to try to get the limp duck body but I ran into the kitchen and hid. All night I dreamt about that liverwurst. I hope there is more today.

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